

December 2022 Astrology Forecast

30 November 2022by Frederick0

First and foremost, Mars is still in retrograde until mid-January next year. So, do not commit fully or readily to any pursuit or business dealings unless there is conviction and confirmation from the other party. Just remember, talk is cheap.

Mars Trine Saturn; Opposes Venus and Mercury 2022
Mars Trine Saturn; Opposes Venus and Mercury 2022

Mars in Gemini forms an opposition to Venus in Sagittarius on 1 December 2022 , at 1:31pm (+8 GMT). Meanwhile, Mars and Mercury are also in opposition to each other. Mars and Saturn, however, are in easy aspect forming a Trine to each other. If you’re busy with your appointments, meeting clients and getting things done, keep doing it because this period will bring good results as things will run pretty smoothly.

Eventually, Mercury will form a square with Neptune the next day, on 2 December 2022, at 9am sharp (+8 GMT), indicating a time of new projects and creative pursuits. You may also proceed to other pleasurable pursuits if you need or have to. This is your time to be innovative.

Neptune Square Venus, Mars, and Mercury 2022
Neptune Square Venus, Mars, and Mercury 2022

On 4 December 2022 at 8:15am (+8 GMT), Neptune turns direct and forms a square with Mercury, Venus and Mars. This few days could be a little confusing for you as you might experience some distractions in your goals. Though it may be harder to concentrate on your daily pursuit, you need to ensure that you stay focused at the task on hand and re-examine your to-do list. In addition, the Sun in Sagittarius will Trine with Chiron in Aries at 3pm sharp (+8 GMT), indicating a tough start to your week during this period. But, be assured that it’s only temporal.

Mercury makes its ingress into Capricorn on 7 December 2022, at 6:08am (+8 GMT). It will form a square with Jupiter in Pisces for another last couple of degrees. Spend this time to re-evaluate your visions and dreams, taking stock of things you have done and accomplished for the year thus far, as well as eradicating all that no longer serve you materially and realistically.

Full Moon in Gemini 2022
Full Moon in Gemini 2022

On 8 December 2022, at 12:06pm (+8 GMT), there will be a full moon in the sign of Gemini. The Moon will be in conjunction with Mars. As such, you are advised to take things with a pinch of salt and avoid impulsive decisions and temperamental reactions when you’re triggered by your life circumstances. Verify all facts before making decisions and do not readily buy-in to dream talks.

Venus Square Jupiter 2022
Venus Square Jupiter 2022

The following day, 9 December 2022, at 8:36pm (+8 GMT), Venus forms a square to Jupiter. There is no better timing to implement your plan on this day under such favourable conditions, but moderation is key. Do not overdo or try too hard to get the results you are looking for. Avoid overindulging in food and other pleasurable activities.

Venus enters the sign of Capricorn on 10 December 2022, at 11:54am (+8 GMT). During this period, you might sense the grounded and serious energy associated with Capricorn as you proceed with caution when it comes to relationships and partnerships. It is tough to trust another person but in order to mature and grow, you need to be vulnerable too. Vulnerability creates trust. This trust will help you build better rapport with others moving forward.

On 15 December 2022, at 12:46am (+8 GMT), the Sun will form a square to Neptune, indicating a time to avoid making silly decisions or taking non-calculated risks in your pursuits. Exercise discretion, move with caution, learn to build the momentum and train your patience to accomplish tasks for the month ahead. 

The Grand Earth Trine
The Grand Earth Trine

On the same day, Venus forms a square to Chiron at 6:05am (+8 GMT) and Mercury forms a square to Chiron at 1:03pm (+8 GMT). Mercury also Trines with Uranus and the Moon during this period forming a Grand Earth Trine. Therefore, this brings a shift in your relationships which might bring you closer to your loved ones, or certain things that were previously unspoken becomes known in the open and this could ultimately transform your relationship or friendship. It could either be a healing process or a time to move on, at least, smoothly.

There is also another Grand Earth Trine among Venus, Moon, and the North Node. If you ever meet someone new during this period, it could feel as though it is a fated past life relationship. But make no mistake, regardless of how the relationship goes for you, be sure to take the chance to deepen this friendship because this relationship could be a healing one.

The Grand Earth Trines will eventually weaken and vanish by 16 December 2022 at 11:40am (+8 GMT). So, take the opportunity to renew or rebuild your relationships during this period if you can.

On 20 December 2022, at 10:32pm (+8 GMT), Jupiter enters Aries for good. A start of a new horoscopic cycle for Jupiter! And this marks the start of a busy end of the year for many as we look forward to a more eventful year in 2023.

Sun Square Jupiter 2022
Sun Square Jupiter 2022

Then, the Sun in Capricorn will form a square to Jupiter in Aries on 22 December 2022, at 8:24pm (+8 GMT). This indicates a time of making bold decisions and taking massive action regardless of where your life is at this stage. Your energy is likely to be higher during this time of the year so use it wisely. Before this, Venus will form a Trine to Uranus at 5:29pm (+8 GMT), indicating a period of relaxation, enjoyment, indulgence and fun. Take this opportunity to get some rest or recharge your mind and body. You might also be open to new experiences during this transit.

New Moon in the sign of Capricorn 2022
New Moon in the sign of Capricorn 2022

On 23 December 2022, there will be a New Moon at 6:15pm (+8 GMT), which forms a square to Jupiter. Here, we come face-to-face with the not-so-pleasant truth regarding the next couple of months in the year 2023. Christmas mood should not be dampened because of the economic outlook at this moment. Jupiter’s influence, however, gives us courage and confidence as well as the optimism to look ahead and plan for the new year. Truth hurts, but there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

And then on 29 December 2022, at 5:31pm (+8 GMT), Mercury goes retrograde again. This time, Mercury is in tight conjunction with Venus and Pluto.

The Second Pair of Grand Earth Trine
The Second Pair of Grand Earth Trine

There will be another pair of Grand Earth Trines around this period too. The Sun, Uranus and Part of Fortune will form a trine with one another, as well as the Sun, North Node and Part of Fortune. This is an indication to define your new goals and introduce newer features into your life. You will experience a boost in your energy level, and so, this is a chance for you to add some sparkles to your life. Someone may enter your life around this period. Make the best of this moment while you can. 

There is another chance on 30 December, at 4:31pm (+8 GMT) when this same pair of Grand Earth Trines re-emerge and will last for one more hour. Because Mercury is still in retrograde, proceed with caution in your daily routines.

As Mercury conjoins Pluto and Venus around the tail-end of the year, it would help if you could use this period to self-reflect and renew your mindset while you enjoy the year-end party.



So, this is the forecast for the month of December 2022 and how the planetary transits affect you and your life circumstances as the year comes to an end. Astrology adds tremendous value and validation on the ongoing matters in your life, but much of your desired outcome is determined by your conscious choice and decision.

Regardless of how positively your birth chart paints about your life, if you do not know what or how to equip yourself to leverage on your innate good fortune, you will not be able to experience breakthroughs or the desired results as indicated on your birth chart.

If you’re stuck or experiencing a life situation that requires pro and immediate assistance, get yourself a good astrologer to help coach you through your goals in your love life or career.

Book your time with me so that I can help you to the best of my ability. Drop me an email or a WhatsApp message for a face-to-face conversation so that you get the best nuggets out of your precious time.

Do stay tune for the Astrology Forecast 2023 coming up on 31 December 2022, at 8pm (+8 GMT). It would be held LIVE on Facebook on the House of Divination. The pre-recorded video will be embedded on this website after the LIVE show.

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