

June 2023 Astrology Forecast

The month of June seems to have lesser transits than previous months such as March or April. However, as quiet as it may seem in June, this coming month’s transits will encourage all of us to go way deeper and re-examine our lives to gain further insights from it. In summary, June will be a month of introspection, re-evaluation, and total renewal of what’s old yet embracing the new.

On 4 June 2023 at 11:40am (+8 GMT), there will be a Full Moon in the sign of Sagittarius. The Full Moon phase in astrology signifies completion, realisation or culmination. It is a time when things are brought to light and when emotions can run high, and revelations often occur.

Full Moon in Sagittarius
Full Moon in Sagittarius

When a Full Moon is in Sagittarius, you may find a strong desire for exploration and adventure. There is perhaps a sudden urge to travel or make that move which you have thought of for the longest time. You might also venture out in search of a new area of study or interest. Sagittarius is a mutable sign, and its ruler is Jupiter, a planet of wisdom, luck, abundance, ethics and morality. So, this Full Moon will turn on that optimistic button within you as you navigate the challenges in stall for you this month, which will test your wisdom, authenticity, adaptability and persistence.

Concurrently, Venus forms a 4° applied square with the Lunar Nodes (North and South Nodes), indicating a time of tension regarding your relationships, personal values or financial matters. You may experience conflicts or challenges that force you to reassess whether your relationships and values are serving your future growth or holding you back in the comfort of past patterns. This is a time for you to make crucial decisions regarding love, friendships, or financial matters. The tension may manifest in various ways. For example, you might face a dilemma in a romantic relationship that makes you question if it is conducive to your personal growth. Or you may encounter a financial decision that has implications for your future life direction.

Mars also forms a 4° separating square with the Lunar Nodes indicating some ‘burning’ concerns regarding the balance between your past habits and future growth. This is the time that requires you to develop some clarity to make important decisions in your life. You may be compelled to act or make decisions that either help or hinder your progress towards your goals. And a lot of these issues are the result of your external circumstances and internal struggles you have been facing in life. You need to find ways to either tackle your problems head on or just let it be and do nothing about it. But remember, if you do nothing, something is going to happen. And that is nothing.

Pluto is also forming a 3° applied square with the Lunar Nodes as well! This is an intense period that calls for deep transformation on your part. During this time, you may suddenly feel that your fears, ingrained patterns of thinking and subconscious tendencies or feelings are brought out in the open. Moreover, this sort of suggests the need for a significant change and rebirth of whatever old habits or routines you may be holding on to. If you find that something is no longer serving you well, it is best to part with it as soon as possible.

Venus, Mars and Pluto Square Lunar Nodes
Venus, Mars and Pluto Square Lunar Nodes

In conjunction to the above transits, at 1:12pm (+8 GMT), there is a mutable Grand Cross between the Sun (Gemini), Moon (Sagittarius), Ascendant (Virgo) and Descendant (Pisces), which is also where the Lot of Fortune is situated in conjunction to the Descendant. This Grand Cross formation suggests a tense and challenging period that signifies a struggle in your self-identity, emotions, how you want others to perceive you, and the way you interact with others, especially in business or career. If you have a difficult client typically on this date, be mindful of your attitude and exercise patience and discernment in your approach because one slight impulsive move will jeopardize your reputation for life.

Mutable Grand Cross among the Asc, Dsc, Sun and Moon
Mutable Grand Cross among the Asc, Dsc, Sun and Moon

Later, on that same day, at 8:12pm (+8 GMT), Mercury will form a conjunction with Uranus in the sign of Taurus at 20°. You may develop sudden insights and ideas, which could be more inventive and creative than usual. Stay vigilant and prepared for any unexpected news or unconventional ideas that may be communicated to you in unexpected ways. You may also encounter some changes to your daily routines that could create a change or shift in your personal values or ways of thinking.

Mercury conjunct Uranus
Mercury conjunct Uranus

On 5 June 2023, at 9:47pm (+8 GMT), Venus enters the sign of Leo signifying a time when the strong desire for grand gestures in love becomes apparent. This is also a time of heightened appreciation for luxurious goods and lifestyle. You may find that people around you or including yourself, have a strong desire for recognition and attention in relationships. Your longing for appreciation is heightened during this period. If you are doing something creative and artistic such as dancing, singing, or performing, this could be a wonderful time for you to inspire your audience. Be bold and expressive and rock the stage!

Venus ingresses into Leo
Venus ingresses into Leo

In addition, Venus will turn retrograde on 23 July 2023, at 9:33am (+8 GMT) and last until 4 September 2023, at 9:20am (+8 GMT). Therefore, we will be entering the pre-shadow period some time on 19 June 2023, at 3:19pm (+8 GMT). During the pre-shadow phase, Venus will begin to, what we call ‘slow down’, and it will stay in the sign of Leo until 9 October 2023, at 9:11am (+8 GMT), when Venus enters the sign of Virgo.

From the pre-shadow period till the time when Venus retrograde occurs, themes such as love, relationships, beauty matters, personal values and use of finances become topics of reconsideration and re-evaluation. Issues or circumstances that will be important during the actual Venus retrograde may start to surface. For instance, past lovers may reappear, or you might start to notice problems in your current relationship.

Use this pre-shadow period to prepare for the coming Venus Retrograde by being more reflective about your relationships and personal values. Re-assess what you want in your love life and what you would like to spend your money on. For instance, is the material possession in question worth purchasing? Are you trying to buy things you don’t need to impress people you don’t like?

On 11 June 2023, at 5:35pm (+8 GMT), Pluto Retrograde enters the sign of Capricorn once again, creating a shift of focus back to profound changes in established structures, systems, or authority figures in your life. This is also a time when you start to reconsider your ambitions, career goals or the structures you have built in your life. If there is any outmoded structures or goals, you probably need to make way for new ones that better serve your growth.

Pluto Retrograde ingresses into Capricorn
Pluto Retrograde ingresses into Capricorn

On the same day, at 6:27pm (+8 GMT), Mercury ingresses into the sign of Gemini, forming a sextile to Neptune and a trine to Pluto. This suggests that you might encounter a time when communication and thought become more imaginative, intuitive, and profound. You may find it easier to express complex or transformative ideas, and your words could have a powerful impact. The implication of this transit will depend on your personal natal chart and life circumstances.

Mercury ingresses into Gemini
Mercury ingresses into Gemini

On 18 June 2023, at 1:27am (+8 GMT), Saturn will retrograde at 7° 12’ in the sign of Pisces, signifying a period when you may be prompted to reassess or reconsider your aspirations. Are your goals realistic and achievable? Are you putting the necessary amount of work and discipline to realise your goals? Saturn forms a square with Mercury in the sign of Gemini during this time and so, another question to ask yourself would be: Do you have all the necessary information you need to make your aspiration happen? How and where are you going to attain them? And from whom?

This Saturn retrograde will last until 4 November 2023, at 3:03pm (+8 GMT). By the time you walk out of this retrograde, you might encounter a period of adjustments and emotional discomfort because everything will change by that time. This period of quiet introspection will make a significant impact on how your life will eventually turn out by the time Saturn retrograde ends in early November. Just so you know, it will not be easy for anyone with regards to personal growth and development. This Saturn retrograde will help you organize your thoughts, action plans, and spiritual life.

On the same day, 18 June 2023, at 11:13am (+8 GMT), there will be a New Moon in the sign of Gemini, bringing in fresh new ideas for discussion and a great time to publish your work sharing your ideas. It marks a start of a new learning journey, so you might be keen to explore other areas of interests during this time. In addition, you may find that situations are encouraging you to be more open to varying perspectives and adapt to new situations. Use this time to plan your learning activities, learn new skills and follow up on your social connections.

Saturn Retrograde in Pisces & Full Moon in Gemini
Saturn Retrograde in Pisces & Full Moon in Gemini

The Sun will ingress into the sign of Cancer on 21 June 2023, at 10:58pm (+8 GMT), and the Sun will form a quincunx to Capricorn Pluto in retrograde. The sign of Cancer focuses on themes like emotions, home, family, nurture and security. When the Sun in Cancer is in a quincunx aspect to Pluto retrograde in the opposing sign of Capricorn, it creates a resistance or tension between the themes of emotions, family, home, nurture and security, as well as the practical realities of life, structures and responsibilities.

As such, there could be deep profound changes within your home or family life which could be unsettling or uncomfortable. However, depending on your mindset and approach to handle routine matters, this tension ultimately leads to growth. There will be emotional intensity, deep-seated issues that require you to address early, and you may also have to find ways to re-evaluate your emotional wellbeing as you make the necessary adjustments to your home and family life.

Sun ingresses into Cancer, quincunx Pluto retrograde
Sun ingresses into Cancer, quincunx Pluto retrograde

Last but not least, Mercury will enter the sign of Cancer on 27 June 2023, at 8:24am (+8 GMT). As soon as Mercury ingresses into Cancer, it will form a square with Neptune and a quincunx to Pluto retrograde. Although it suggests a time where communication and thinking could become deeply emotional and intuitive, it could also be potentially challenging. Miscommunication could arise, as well as a tension between what you know and what you feel. The good news is that Mercury will, concurrently, form a trine with the South Node indicating a smooth flow of thinking relating to past patterns and behaviours. This could possibly aid you in your review or analysis of whatever issues you may be tackling during this time.

Mercury ingresses into Cancer
Mercury ingresses into Cancer



So, this is the forecast for the month of June 2023 and how the planetary transits affect you. Astrology adds tremendous value and insights into the mundane matters in your life, but much of your desired outcome is determined by your conscious choices and decision.

By now, you probably know that I am extremely passionate and enthusiastic in making astrological forecasts in business and career. My clients have also obtained their desired breakthroughs and outcome, not only because they believe in themselves but rather, they trust in the process of reforming their approaches and strategies after gaining insights into their birth charts.

And what better and quicker way to succeed is to hop on to my one-year Business Astrology Programme where I teach you how to leverage on your innate good fortune through the selections of major and minor peak periods, suitable dates for taking risks or launching initiatives, equipping yourself with effective strategies and mental frameworks to achieve your breakthroughs and outcomes you never thought possibleVisit this page for more information!

With that said, if you’re stuck or experiencing a life situation that requires professional and immediate assistance, get yourself a good astrologer, like yours truly, to help walk you through your goals in your love life or career. My one-year programme gives you unlimited full-year support via mobile, zoom, in-person contact, and whatever it takes for you to get the maximum benefit in your career or business with astrology.

Go to this link now and book your time with me and let’s get things started right away!

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