Astrology Dictionary

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Astrology Dictionary

This glossary of astrological terminologies is not exhaustive, as it will be updated with new words if we come across them in the near future. If you happen to find any words that are not included in this glossary, please don’t hesitate to send them to me via email! We will update this online Astrology Dictionary.

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  1. Air Signs: n. Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, the signs associated with intellectualism, communication, and relationships.

  2. Angles: n. Four cardinal points of an astrological chart: Ascendant, Midheaven, Descendant, and Imum Coeli.
  3. Antiscion: n. A point that is geometrically opposite another point based on the solstice points in an astrological chart.
  4. Apogee: n. The point in an orbit of a celestial body at which it is furthest from the earth.
  5. Apparent Motion: n. The perceived movement of celestial bodies from the perspective of the earth.
  6. Aquarius: n. The eleventh sign of the zodiac, ruled by Uranus, associated with innovation, independence, and humanitarianism.
  7. Arabian Points (also Arabic Parts or Lots): n. Derived points in the chart, computed mathematically by subtracting and adding planetary positions.
  8. Arc: n. Measurement of the separation between two points in a horoscope, in degrees, minutes, and seconds.
  9. Aries: n. The first sign of the zodiac, ruled by Mars, associated with leadership, courage, and assertiveness.
  10. Ascendant (Rising Sign): n. The astrological sign that was ascending on the eastern horizon at the specific time and location of an individual’s birth.
  11. Aspect: n. A significant geometric relationship between planets in an astrological chart, interpreted in specific ways.
  12. Aspect Pattern: n. A configuration of aspects, such as a Grand Trine or T-Square, that forms a distinct pattern in a natal chart.
  13. Astrogeography (Astrocartography): n. The study of geographical location’s influence on a person’s life, based on their astrological chart.
  14. Astrolabe: n. An ancient instrument once used by astrologers to observe and calculate the positions of celestial bodies.
  15. Astrologer: n. A person who practices astrology and interprets celestial patterns as a means for divining information about human affairs.
  16. Astrological Age: n. A period of time in history which astrologers claim parallels major changes in the development of Earth’s inhabitants, particularly relating to culture, society, and politics.
  17. Astrological Houses: n. Twelve divisions of an astrological chart, each representing a specific area of life.
  18. Astrological Sign: n. One of the twelve sections of the zodiac, each ruled by a planet and associated with a constellation.
  19. Astrology: n. A system of divination that involves interpreting the movement and relative positions of celestial bodies to gain insights into personality, human affairs, and terrestrial events.
  20. Astral Body: n. The supposed vehicle of the soul, capable of travelling outside the physical body during astral projection or out-of-body experiences.
  21. Astral Plane: n. A level of existence postulated by various religious, philosophical, and mythological doctrines, typically populated by beings of a spiritual or ghostly nature.
  22. Astral Projection: n. The phenomenon whereby the ‘astral body’ separates from the physical body and travels in the ‘astral plane’.
  23. Astral Travel: n. Another term for astral projection, the experience of the consciousness or soul leaving the physical body to travel in the astral plane.
  24. Asterism: n. A notable pattern of stars typically smaller than a constellation.
  25. Asteroid: n. A small, rocky celestial body that can be used in astrological interpretation.
  26. Asteroid Belt: n. The region of the solar system located between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter, which is populated by numerous minor planets.
  27. Asteroids in Astrology: n. The use of the four asteroid goddesses in natal chart interpretation – Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta.
  28. Astrognosy: n. The knowledge of fixed stars and constellations in the night sky, which forms the basis for astrological observations.
  29. Astromancy: n. An ancient form of divination that involves the observation of celestial bodies to predict the future, a precursor to modern astrology.
  30. Astronumerology: n. The combination of astrology and numerology, where astrological symbols and numerical significances are used together for divination or personality analysis.
  31. Astrology Chart: n. A map of where all the planets were in their journey around the Sun at the exact moment an individual was born, also known as a natal chart.
  32. Astro-meteorology: n. The study of the alleged relationship between celestial phenomena and weather patterns.
  33. Astrology Software: n. Computer software designed to calculate horoscopes and make astrological predictions.
  34. Augury: n. The practice from ancient Roman religion of interpreting omens from the observed behavior of birds, sometimes incorporated into astrological practices.
  35. Aura: n. A supposed energy field said to enclose a person’s body, visible only to those with special abilities and often linked with astrological concepts.
  36. Auspicious: adj. Referring to planetary positions or aspects thought to bring good luck or positive outcomes.
  37. Autumnal Equinox: n. The point in time when the sun crosses the celestial equator from north to south, around September 22 each year.
  38. Axis (in astrology): n. Refers to two opposing points in an astrological chart, like the Ascendant-Descendant or the Midheaven-Nadir.
  39. Ayanamsa: n. The degree of the zodiac from which the position of any planet is reckoned in the sidereal system.
  40. Azimuth: n. An angular measurement used in the spherical coordinate system, useful in astrology for locating celestial bodies.
  41. Aspectarian: n. A table or schedule showing the aspects that the planets will make to one another.
  42. Aphelion: n. The point in the orbit of a planet, asteroid, or comet at which it is furthest from the sun.
  43. Apex Planet: n. In astrology, the planet at the apex of a T-square aspect pattern.
  44. Appulse: n. The near approach of one celestial body to another on the celestial sphere.
  45. Arc Minutes: n. A unit of angular measurement equal to one-sixtieth of a degree.
  46. Arc of Vision: n. In Hellenistic astrology, the distance (in degrees) between a planet and the Sun, as viewed from Earth.
  47. Arcs: n. A method of directing or progressing the planets and angles of a horoscope by a certain number of degrees per year.
  48. Aries Point: n. The first degree of the Zodiac sign Aries, which has significant meaning in astrology.
  49. Ascendant Parallel: n. An aspect formed when two planets are at the same declination, or celestial latitude, one north and one south of the celestial equator.
  50. Astral Chart: n. Another term for an astrological chart or natal chart, a map of where all the planets were in their journey around the Sun at the exact moment of an individual’s birth. This chart is used by astrologers to gain insight into the individual’s personality traits, potential, and future.

  1. Benefic: n. In traditional astrology, a planet with a generally positive influence. Venus and Jupiter are traditionally considered benefics.

  2. Bi-Quintile: n. A minor positive aspect when two planets are approximately 144 degrees apart, often considered to show creative, artistic, or ‘genius’ talents.
  3. Birth Chart (also Natal Chart): n. A map of the sky, including all the celestial bodies, at the precise moment and location of an individual’s birth.
  4. Birth Time: n. The exact time of an individual’s birth, crucial for calculating the Ascendant and houses in the natal chart.
  5. Black Moon Lilith: n. A hypothetical moon used in astrology, representing the point of the Moon’s orbit farthest from Earth, associated with the ‘dark’ or hidden aspects of personality.
  6. Black Sun: n. A hypothetical point used in astrology, calculated by the midpoint between Saturn and the Moon’s north node, often associated with karmic lessons or tests.
  7. Body: n. Refers to a celestial body in the context of astrology – a planet, star, asteroid, etc.
  8. Boomerang: n. A configuration in a natal chart where a planet or point opposes one end of a yod, causing a redirection of energy.
  9. Bound (also Term): n. In Hellenistic astrology, one of the five divisions of each sign, each ruled by a different planet.
  10. Bowl Pattern: n. An astrological pattern formed when all planets in a chart are within a 180-degree arc, with wide empty space opposite.
  11. Bucket Pattern: n. An astrological pattern where all planets are bunched together with one ‘singleton’ planet opposing them.
  12. Bust: n. A prediction or interpretation that turns out to be incorrect or fails to manifest.
  13. By Progression: adv. Refers to the method of progressing the natal chart forward in time according to a variety of methods.
  14. Byzantine Astrology: n. An astrological tradition from the Byzantine era, blending Hellenistic, Egyptian, and early Islamic influences.
  15. Benefic Planets: n. Traditionally Venus and Jupiter, which are considered to bring benefits and positive influences.
  16. Birth Sign: n. Another term for the Sun Sign or Zodiac sign, based on the position of the Sun at the time of birth.
  17. Blue Moon: n. The second Full Moon occurring within a single calendar month, often used in timing of astrological events.
  18. Burn Rate: n. An interpretive concept used to gauge the level of tension, pressure, or stress represented by aspects or planetary configurations in a chart.
  19. Bode’s Law (Titius-Bode Law): n. An empirical rule giving the approximate distances of planets from the Sun, sometimes used in astrological calculations.

  1. Cadent House: n. The 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th houses in a natal chart, which are thought to be places of change and adaptation.

  2. Cardinal Cross: n. A planetary aspect pattern consisting of two opposition aspects and four squares, involving four planets in the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn).
  3. Cardinal Signs: n. The initiating signs of the zodiac: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.
  4. Cancer: n. The fourth sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the Crab and ruled by the Moon.
  5. Capricorn: n. The tenth sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the Goat and ruled by Saturn.
  6. Casting a Chart: v. The act of calculating and creating an astrological chart based on the specific time, date, and place.
  7. Cazimi: n. An astrological term describing a planet that is in very close conjunction (usually within 17 minutes of arc) with the Sun.
  8. Celestial Equator: n. An imaginary circle around the Earth, equidistant from the poles, and perpendicular to the Earth’s axis.
  9. Celestial Sphere: n. An imaginary sphere with the Earth at its center, on which the stars, Sun, Moon, and planets appear to be fixed.
  10. Ceres: n. The largest asteroid, named after the Roman goddess of agriculture and motherhood, used in astrology to symbolize nurturing, food, and motherhood issues.
  11. Chaldean Order: n. An order of the seven visible planets based on their orbital period, from the slowest (Saturn) to the fastest (the Moon).
  12. Challenging Aspects: n. Refers to the square, opposition, and sometimes the conjunction, aspects that present potential difficulties and require effort to integrate.
  13. Chiron: n. A minor planet named after a centaur in Greek mythology, used in astrology to represent healing and transformation.
  14. Cinderella Aspect: n. A term used in financial astrology, describing an aspect indicating a time of increase in value or positive attention.
  15. Circumambulation (also known as Primary Direction): n. A predictive technique that measures the symbolic movement of planets around the celestial sphere.
  16. Climacteric Year: n. A year in life when significant events tend to happen, identified using various astrological methods.
  17. Cofunction: n. A planet that shares the same house with the sign it rules, indicating a blending of the planet’s and house’s energies.
  18. Collection of Light: n. A configuration where a planet makes aspects to two other planets, which are not themselves in aspect, thus linking their energies.
  19. Combust: adj. A term describing a planet that is conjunct the Sun within a certain orb, and thus ‘hidden’ in the Sun’s rays.
  20. Commanding Signs: n. Signs that were traditionally thought to be more ‘forceful’ or assertive.
  21. Common Signs: n. Another term for mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces), associated with adaptability and change.
  22. Composite Chart: n. A chart that combines the natal charts of two people to create a ‘relationship’ chart.
  23. Conjunction: n. An aspect where two planets occupy the same degree of the zodiac, often amplifying or blending their energies.
  24. Contra-Parallel: n. An aspect where two planets are on opposite declinations, considered similar to an opposition.
  25. Converse Progression: n. A predictive technique where the natal chart is ‘progressed’ backwards in time.
  26. Coping Planet: n. The last planet in the order of an individual’s personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) and Ascendant, considered to show how a person copes with life’s challenges.
  27. Cosmic Cross: n. Another name for a Grand Cross, a configuration involving four planets in a combination of squares and oppositions.
  28. Cradle Configuration: n. A configuration involving four planets, where three are in a trine and one is sextile to two of the trine planets, forming a shape like a cradle.
  29. Critical Degrees: n. Certain degrees of the zodiac (usually 0, 13, and 26 of the cardinal signs, 9 and 21 of fixed signs, and 4 and 17 of mutable signs) considered to carry an intensified energy.
  30. Culmination: n. The moment when a celestial body reaches the highest point in its apparent path across the sky, considered significant in timing predictions.
  31. Cusp: n. The boundary between two astrological signs or houses.
  32. Cycle: n. The period between two identical astronomical events, such as New Moons or planetary returns, used for timing in astrology.
  33. Cyclone Pattern: n. A term used in Uranian astrology for a chart pattern involving many oppositions, indicating potential turbulence or volatility.
  34. Celestial Latitude: n. The distance of a celestial body north or south of the ecliptic.
  35. Celestial Longitude: n. The distance of a celestial body east of the vernal equinox, along the ecliptic.
  36. Ceres: n. The largest asteroid and first discovered, used in astrology much like a planet, associated with nurturing and motherhood.
  37. Caput Algol: n. A fixed star in the constellation Perseus, historically considered one of the most challenging stars in astrology.
  38. Casting Lots: n. A method used in Hellenistic astrology for predicting certain life areas based on the positions of the Ascendant, Moon, and the ruling planet of the hour.
  39. Cosmobiology: n. A school of astrology that combines astrological principles with modern science and statistics.
  40. Chiron Return: n. An astrological event that occurs around the age of 50, when Chiron returns to the same position it was at the time of birth, often associated with a major life transformation or healing.
  41. Celestial Houses: n. Twelve divisions of the celestial sphere used in astrology, analogous to the twelve houses in an astrological chart.
  42. Conjunct: adj. In close proximity within the same zodiac sign, often amplifying or blending their energies.
  43. Counter-Parallel: n. An aspect where two planets are on opposite declinations, considered similar to an opposition.
  44. Combust: adj. A term describing a planet that is conjunct the Sun within a certain orb, and thus ‘hidden’ in the Sun’s rays.
  45. Cusp: n. The boundary between two astrological signs or houses.
  46. Cardines: n. The four ‘angles’ of a chart – the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, and IC, derived from Latin for ‘hinge’. They are the most sensitive points in a horoscope.
  47. Cazimi: n. An Arabic term used in astrology to refer to planets that are so close to a conjunction with the Sun that they are “in the heart” of the Sun.
  48. Chaldean Order: n. An order of the seven traditional planets based on their orbital speed from slowest (Saturn) to quickest (Moon).

  1. Dane Rudhyar: n. An influential modern astrologer known for his development of transpersonal astrology and his holistic interpretation of astrological symbols.
  2. Dark Moon Lilith: n. A hypothetical second moon of Earth used in some systems of astrology, representing the darker aspects of the subconscious.
  3. Day Chart: n. A natal chart where the Sun is located in the 7th to 12th houses, often affecting the strength of the benefic and malefic planets.
  4. Day House: n. A term for a planet’s ‘domicile’ or home sign, where it expresses its energies most purely.
  5. Decan (or Decanate): n. Each astrological sign of the zodiac is divided into three sections, each section is a decan. It can change the sign characteristics slightly.
  6. Decile: n. An aspect of 36 degrees, considered a minor aspect and often interpreted as offering creative or expressive opportunities.
  7. Declination: n. The celestial equivalent of latitude, measuring how far north or south of the celestial equator a celestial body is.
  8. Decumbiture: n. The moment a person falls ill, or a question about illness is asked, used in medical astrology.
  9. Degree: n. Each sign of the zodiac is divided into 30 degrees, making a total of 360 degrees in the whole zodiac.
  10. Descendant (DC): n. The cusp of the 7th house, opposite the Ascendant, representing relationships and how we interact with others.
  11. Detriment: n. A term for a planet located in the sign opposite its domicile, where it is thought to be weak or challenged.
  12. Deferent: n. In the Ptolemaic system, the large circular orbit a planet follows around the Earth.
  13. Direct Motion: n. The normal west-to-east movement of a planet through the zodiac.
  14. Diurnal: adj. Relating to the daytime, or a planet that performs better in a day chart.
  15. Dodekatemorion (or Dwadashamsha or Dwad): n. Each sign is divided into 2.5° segments, each of which takes on the characteristics of one of the twelve signs, starting with the sign itself.
  16. Domicile: n. The home sign of a planet, where it can express its energy most purely.
  17. Double Bodied Signs (also Mutable Signs): n. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. They are called so because they each represent the dual nature of their respective seasons.
  18. Dragon’s Head: n. Another term for the North Node of the Moon, associated with intake or increase.
  19. Dragon’s Tail: n. Another term for the South Node of the Moon, associated with release or decrease.
  20. Draconic Zodiac: n. A zodiac which takes the Moon’s nodes as its starting point, used to examine the soul’s purpose, separate from the personality.
  21. Dread Degree: n. The 29th degree of a sign, considered significant because it is the ending of one sign and the cusp of the next, often indicating a strong sense of urgency or tension.
  22. Dwadasamsa (also known as a Dwad): n. Each sign is divided into 2.5° segments, each of which takes on the characteristics of one of the twelve signs, starting with the sign itself.
  23. Dynamic Aspect: n. Another term for a hard aspect, such as a square or opposition, which typically signals a need for action or change.
  24. Direct Motion: n. The apparent forward movement of a planet through the zodiac, from the perspective of the Earth.
  25. Dignity: n. The strength or comfort of a planet in a particular sign or house, based on traditional rules.
  26. Dispositor: n. The ruling planet of a sign occupied by another planet, influencing the expression of the planet in that sign.
  27. Dissociate Aspect: n. An aspect between planets in signs that do not traditionally form that aspect, such as a square between a planet in a fire sign and a planet in an air sign.
  28. Draconic Month: n. The time it takes for the Moon to return to the same node, about 27.2122 days, used in some types of predictive astrology.
  29. Draconic Return: n. A return of the Moon to the same node in a person’s natal chart, occurring approximately every 18.6 years.
  30. Draconic Year: n. The time it takes for the North Node to return to its natal position, about 18.6 years.
  31. Dual Signs: n. Another term for mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces), indicating adaptability and change.
  32. Duad: n. Similar to the concept of decans, each sign is divided into 12 sections, with each section taking on the traits of each sign in order.
  33. Dusthana Houses: n. In Vedic astrology, the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses are known as Dusthana houses and are considered to be the most challenging houses.
  34. Degree Meanings: n. In Sabian astrology, each of the 360 degrees of the zodiac has its own individual symbol and interpretation.
  35. Decile Aspect: n. A minor positive aspect in which planets are 36 degrees apart.
  36. Detrimental Sign: n. The sign opposite to the one a planet rules, where its power is said to be lessened.
  37. Dexter Aspect: n. An aspect formed by planets to the left of the Sun in a horoscope, considered to be more favorable.
  38. Diurnal Arc: n. The path of a planet through the sky during the day, from rising to setting.
  39. Diurnal Motion: n. The daily apparent motion of stars and other celestial bodies from east to west in the sky.
  40. Dominant Planet: n. The most powerful planet in the horoscope, determined by its aspects, position, and other factors.
  41. Draconic Astrology: n. A branch of astrology that works with the Moon’s nodes to gain insight into the soul’s purpose and karma.
  42. Draconic Chart: n. A natal chart recalculated from the Moon’s North Node, used in draconic astrology to explore the soul’s purpose.
  43. Draconic Day: n. A day that is part of the draconic month, which is the period it takes for the Moon to return to a node.
  44. Draconic Eclipse: n. An eclipse that occurs when the Sun is close to one of the Moon’s nodes at a New Moon (solar eclipse) or Full Moon (lunar eclipse).
  45. Draconic Time: n. A method of timing based on the draconic month or year, used in some types of predictive astrology.
  46. Draconitic Period: n. Another term for the draconic year, the time it takes for the North Node to return to its natal position (about 18.6 years).
  47. Dream Astrology: n. The study of dreams to gain insight into a person’s astrological influences and potential future events.
  48. Duplicated Signs: n. In an unequal house system, the signs that rule two house cusps.
  49. Dwarf Planet: n. A celestial body similar to a planet but not meeting all the criteria for planet status, such as Pluto, Eris, and Ceres.
  50. Dynamical Time: n. A uniform timescale used by astronomers, independent of the variable rotation of the Earth.
  1. Earth Signs: n. The zodiac signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, associated with practicality, material world and stability.
  2. Ecliptic: n. The apparent path of the Sun through the sky over the course of a year, used as the primary reference in astrology.
  3. Eclipse: n. A celestial event where the Sun or the Moon is obscured, either fully or partially. In astrology, eclipses often signify major transformations or events.
  4. Eclipse Point: n. The degree of the zodiac where an eclipse occurs, which remains sensitive to transits for some time after the eclipse.
  5. Eclipse Season: n. A period of around 36 days twice a year when eclipses can occur, typically involving a solar eclipse at a New Moon and a lunar eclipse at a Full Moon.
  6. Electional Astrology: n. The branch of astrology used to select the best time for an event or undertaking.
  7. Elevated Planet: n. The highest planet in the chart above the horizon, often indicating a prominent role in the native’s life.
  8. Elongation: n. The angular distance of a planet from the Sun as seen from Earth.
  9. Emplacement: n. The position of a planet in a house, sign or aspect.
  10. Ephemeris (plural Ephemerides): n. A table listing the positions of celestial bodies at regular intervals, used by astrologers to construct charts.
  11. Equal House System: n. A house system in which each of the 12 houses is the same size, or 30 degrees.
  12. Equinox: n. One of two points in the year when the Sun crosses the celestial equator and day and night are of equal length. The vernal equinox is the start of Aries and the autumnal equinox is the start of Libra.
  13. Essential Dignity: n. The strength of a planet in a sign based on traditional rules, including domicile, exaltation, triplicity, term, and face.
  14. Event Chart: n. An astrological chart cast for the time of a specific event to interpret its significance or outcome.
  15. Exaltation: n. The sign in which a planet is considered to be particularly well-placed and functioning positively.
  16. Exoteric Astrology: n. The most common form of astrology focusing on the personality and predictive events.
  17. Extra-Solar Planet: n. A planet that orbits a star other than the Sun.
  18. Extraterrestrial Zodiac: n. The zodiac as it would appear from a different planet or moon in our solar system.
  19. Eclipse Path: n. The track of the Moon’s shadow on the Earth during a solar eclipse, or the Earth’s shadow on the Moon during a lunar eclipse.
  20. Ephemeris Time: n. A timescale used in ephemerides based on the Earth’s orbital motion.
  21. Epoch: n. A specific point in time used as a reference point for celestial coordinates.
  22. Equatorial Ascendant: n. An alternative ascendant calculated from the intersection of the plane of the celestial equator with the ecliptic.
  23. Equatorial System: n. The coordinate system based on the Earth’s equator rather than the ecliptic, often used in scientific astronomy.
  24. Eris: n. A dwarf planet discovered in 2005, further from the Sun than Pluto, named after the Greek goddess of strife and discord. Its astrological significance is still being explored.
  25. Esoteric Astrology: n. A branch of astrology that examines the spiritual and karmic lessons of a person’s life.
  26. Essential Dignities: n. A set of traditional rules for assessing the strength of a planet based on its sign, degree, and other factors.
  27. Evolutionary Astrology: n. A modern branch of astrology that emphasizes personal growth, free will, and the evolution of the soul.
  28. Exoteric Planets: n. The traditional seven celestial bodies visible to the naked eye: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn.
  29. Extra-Solar Planets: n. Planets that orbit stars other than our Sun, also known as exoplanets.
  30. Eastern Hemisphere: n. The half of an astrological chart that contains houses 7 through 12, associated with personal identity and self-expression.
  31. Eighth House: n. The astrological house related to transformation, sexuality, death, and shared resources.
  32. Eleventh House: n. The astrological house related to friendship, group activities, and personal goals or aspirations.
  33. Epicycle: n. In the Ptolemaic system of astrology, a small circle whose center moves around the circumference of a larger one, used to explain the irregular motion of the planets.
  34. Equatorial Ascendant (also known as the Right Ascension of the Midheaven or RAMC): n. A point on the ecliptic that rises at the same time as the Midheaven.
  35. Equatorial Diameter: n. The diameter of a planet at its equator, sometimes used in calculating planetary phenomena.
  36. Eclipsing Binary: n. A binary star system in which one star periodically blocks the light from the other, causing a change in brightness.
  37. Elongation East or West: n. The angular distance of a planet from the Sun, either east or west, from the perspective of an observer on Earth.
  38. Ephemeris Day: n. A day as defined in an ephemeris, starting at noon GMT.
  39. Extraversion (or Extroversion): n. A personality trait associated with being outgoing and social. Astrologically, the Fire and Air signs are considered to be extraverted.
  40. Earth: n. One of the four astrological elements, associated with practicality, stability, and materiality.
  41. Election, or Elector: n. The choice of an auspicious moment for beginning an endeavor, based on the positions of the planets and other celestial bodies.
  42. Emotional Sign: n. Another term for Water signs in astrology (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), which are typically associated with emotions, intuition, and depth of feeling.
  43. Equatorial Coordinate System: n. A celestial coordinate system that uses the celestial equator as the primary great circle.
  44. Ecliptic Coordinate System: n. A celestial coordinate system that uses the ecliptic as the primary great circle.
  45. Elevation: n. The angular distance above the horizon of a celestial body.
  46. Evening Star: n. A planet visible in the western sky after sunset, often applied to Venus.
  47. Exaltation Degree: n. A specific degree in a sign where a planet is exalted.
  48. Essential Significance: n. The basic, core meaning of a planet, sign, or house, as distinct from its accidental significance, which depends on its specific situation in a chart.
  49. Etheric Body: n. In esoteric thought, an energy body or field that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body, associated with the Moon and Neptune in astrology.
  50. Event-Oriented Astrology: n. An approach to astrology focused on predicting specific events, as opposed to character analysis or spiritual growth.
  1. Face: n. In traditional astrology, a subdivision of a zodiac sign into three sections, each of 10 degrees.

  2. Fall: n. The sign opposite a planet’s exaltation where it is considered to be weakened or detrimented.
  3. Feminine Signs: n. The even-numbered zodiac signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces. Traditionally associated with receptivity, passivity, and introversion.
  4. Feral: adj. Describing a planet that is not making major aspects with other planets, indicating untamed or wild energy.
  5. Fifth House: n. The astrological house related to creativity, romance, children, and personal expression.
  6. Final Dispositor: n. A planet in its own domicile that is the ruler of all other dispositors in the natal chart, indicating a central theme in the person’s life.
  7. Fire Signs: n. The zodiac signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, associated with enthusiasm, vitality, and spirit.
  8. Fixed Signs: n. The zodiac signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. These signs are associated with stability, determination, and persistence.
  9. Fixed Stars: n. Stars that appear to maintain a constant position relative to each other, used in some forms of astrology.
  10. Fomalhaut: n. One of the four Royal Stars of Persia, located in the constellation Piscis Austrinus, often associated with magic, fame, and protection.
  11. Fortuna: n. Also known as Part of Fortune, a significant point in the horoscope calculated from the positions of the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant.
  12. Fourth House: n. The astrological house related to home, family, roots, and the end of matters.
  13. Firdar: n. In Persian astrology, a period of time ruled by a specific planet, used for predictive purposes.
  14. First House: n. The astrological house related to self, appearance, personality, and initial impressions.
  15. First Quarter Moon: n. The lunar phase when the Moon is at a 90-degree angle with the Sun, symbolizing a time of action and crisis.
  16. Fixed Star Astrology: n. The branch of astrology that interprets the influences of fixed stars on a person’s life and character.
  17. Fire Triplicity: n. The group of three fire signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
  18. Fire Houses: n. The 1st, 5th, and 9th houses in the horoscope, associated with self-expression, creativity, and philosophy.
  19. Finger of God (Yod): n. A configuration of three planets forming two quincunxes and a sextile, indicating a special task or karmic lesson.
  20. Fixed Cross: n. Another term for the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) when considered as a group.
  21. Fixed Energy: n. The focused, determined, and resistant quality associated with the fixed signs and houses.
  22. Fortified Planet: n. A planet that is strengthened through aspects, sign placement, or other factors in a natal chart.
  23. Frustration Aspect: n. A hard aspect between two planets (usually a square or opposition) indicating a challenge or obstacle.
  24. Full Moon: n. The lunar phase when the Moon is opposite the Sun in the sky and fully illuminated, often associated with culmination or fruition of events.
  25. Fundamental Plane: n. The plane relative to which celestial coordinates are measured.
  26. Future Prediction: n. The use of astrological techniques to forecast future trends and events.
  27. Finger of Fate: n. Another term for the Yod aspect pattern, which is considered to point to a significant life purpose or challenge.
  28. Fixed Star Report: n. An astrological analysis that focuses on the influence of fixed stars in a person’s natal chart.
  29. Focal Planet: n. In an aspect pattern (such as a T-square or Grand Cross), the planet that is most emphasized, and thus particularly important in the chart interpretation.
  30. Fortune, Part of: n. An Arabic Part, calculated from the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant, used to represent the native’s potential for luck or prosperity.
  31. Frictional Aspect: n. A challenging aspect such as a square or opposition that can cause tension or conflict, but also growth through resolution of that conflict.
  32. First Quarter Phase: n. A phase of the Moon when it is half illuminated and at a 90-degree angle with the Sun, often associated with a time of action.
  33. First-Magnitude Star: n. A star of the greatest apparent brightness, used in certain systems of astrology.
  34. Falling Planet: n. A planet near the end of a house, considered less powerful than a planet earlier in the house.
  35. Financial Astrology: n. A branch of astrology used to predict stock market trends and economic cycles.
  36. Fate Line: n. In horary astrology, an indicator of the outcome of the question, based on the condition and position of the ruler of the quesited house.
  37. Fire Element: n. The element associated with the signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, representing action, inspiration, and passion.
  38. Fifth Harmonic: n. In harmonic astrology, an aspect division of the 360-degree circle by 5, creating a quintile (72-degree aspect).
  39. Focal Point: n. In an aspect pattern, a planet or point that receives the focus of the pattern’s energy.
  40. Formative Cycle: n. The first 30 years of life, considered in certain systems of astrology to be a time of personality formation.
  41. Frontal Aspect: n. A planetary aspect based on the forward motion of the planets.
  42. Fundamental House: n. In harmonic astrology, the house that contains the degree of the Ascendant in the harmonic chart.
  43. Fixed Lunar Nodes: n. In Vedic astrology, the nodes of the Moon (Rahu and Ketu) are considered to always be opposite each other, even though their actual positions can vary slightly.
  44. Fire Yin: n. In Chinese astrology, the yin (passive, receptive) aspect of the Fire element.
  45. Fire Yang: n. In Chinese astrology, the yang (active, aggressive) aspect of the Fire element.
  46. Favorable Aspect: n. A trine or sextile aspect, considered to bring opportunities or easy integration of energies.
  47. Feminine Water: n. Another term for the Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) which are considered feminine in polarity and related to emotion, intuition, and sensitivity.
  48. Feminine House: n. The even-numbered houses in the horoscope, associated with internal processes, introspection, and subjective experiences.
  49. Fixed Water: n. Another term for the Water signs (Scorpio, Aquarius, Pisces) which are considered fixed in quality, indicating stability, determination, and depth.
  50. Forecasting: n. The practice of predicting future events and trends in astrology based on the analysis of planetary transits, progressions, and other techniques.

  1. Galactic Center: n. The rotational center of the Milky Way galaxy, used in astrology for its symbolic and transformative significance.

  2. Galactic Zodiac: n. An imaginary band of the sky, centered on the Galactic Equator, dividing the sky into 12 sections, similar to the zodiac.
  3. Gemini: n. The third sign of the zodiac, characterized by its symbol, the Twins, and associated with communication, intellect, and versatility.
  4. Geocentric: adj. Referring to a perspective or measurement system based on the Earth as the center, commonly used in traditional astrology.
  5. Geodetic System: n. A system of dividing the Earth into astrological houses based on latitude and longitude.
  6. Grand Cross: n. A challenging configuration in astrology formed by four planets or points, forming two oppositions and four squares.
  7. Grand Trine: n. A harmonious configuration in astrology formed by three planets or points, creating an equilateral triangle in the chart.
  8. Gonggong: n. A hypothetical planet in Chinese astrology associated with chaos, disruption, and societal change.
  9. Good Fortune: n. A term used in astrology to describe favorable aspects, placements, or transits that bring luck, abundance, or positive outcomes.
  10. Governor: n. The ruling planet of a sign or house, considered to exert influence and control over its associated areas of life.
  11. Great Conjunction: n. The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, occurring approximately every 20 years and often associated with societal and cultural shifts.
  12. Great Year: n. A concept in astrology referring to the approximately 25,920-year cycle caused by the precession of the equinoxes.
  13. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT): n. The mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London, used as a standard time reference in astrology.
  14. Guna: n. In Vedic astrology, one of the three qualities (sattva, rajas, tamas) that determine the nature of a planet or a person.

  1. Hard Aspect: n. An angular relationship between planets in a natal chart or by transit, such as a square or opposition, signifying tension and challenges.

  2. Harmonic Chart: n. A chart derived from the natal chart by multiplying all the angles and planets by a specific harmonic number.
  3. Heliacal Rising: n. The first appearance of a celestial body, such as a planet or star, in the morning sky before sunrise.
  4. Heliacal Setting: n. The last appearance of a celestial body in the evening sky after sunset before it becomes invisible due to proximity to the Sun.
  5. Heliocentric: adj. Referring to a perspective or measurement system based on the Sun as the center, often used in modern astrology.
  6. Hellenistic Astrology: n. The astrology practiced during the Hellenistic period, influenced by ancient Greek and Egyptian traditions.
  7. Hemisphere: n. Half of the celestial sphere divided by the horizon or the meridian, used in astrology to analyze the emphasis on different areas of life.
  8. Horary Astrology: n. A branch of astrology focused on answering specific questions by casting a chart for the time the question is asked.
  9. Horizon: n. The line that separates the visible portion of the celestial sphere from the Earth, forming the Ascendant-Descendant axis in a horoscope.
  10. Horoscope: n. A map of the heavens at a specific time and location, showing the positions of celestial bodies and used for astrological interpretation.
  11. House: n. One of the twelve divisions of the horoscope that represents different areas of life and experiences.
  12. House Cusp: n. The point where one house ends and another begins in the horoscope, marking the beginning of a new life area.
  13. House System: n. A method used to divide the horoscope into twelve houses, such as Placidus, Equal, or Whole Sign.
  14. Hyleg: n. In traditional astrology, the planet or point in the chart that symbolizes the native’s life force or vitality.
  15. Hyperbolic Orbit: n. An orbit of a celestial body, such as a comet, that extends beyond the Solar System and does not follow a closed elliptical path.
  16. Hypothetical Planet: n. A planet that is not yet discovered or whose existence is debated but is used in astrological analysis or theory.
  17. Hypsochromatic: adj. Referring to a color or light frequency that appears bluer or higher in vibration, associated with higher spiritual or vibrational energies.
  18. Hora: n. In Vedic astrology, a planetary hour ruled by a specific planet, used for timing auspicious activities.
  19. Huber School: n. A modern approach to astrology developed by Bruno and Louise Huber, emphasizing psychological and spiritual growth.
  20. Harmonic Astrology: n. A branch of astrology that focuses on the relationship between planets and musical harmonics, seeking patterns and resonance.
  21. Hubris: n. An ancient Greek concept relating to excessive pride or arrogance, often associated with negative outcomes in astrology.
  22. Healing Astrology: n. The use of astrology as a tool for understanding and facilitating healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.
  23. Hermetic Astrology: n. Astrology based on the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, combining astrological principles with esoteric and philosophical concepts.
  24. Hesperus: n. The ancient Greek name for the planet Venus when it appears as the Evening Star in the western sky after sunset.
  25. Horary Chart: n. A chart cast for the moment a specific question is asked in horary astrology, used to provide answers and insights.
  26. Humanistic Astrology: n. A modern approach to astrology that focuses on self-awareness, personal growth, and the development of human potential.
  27. House Ruler: n. The planet that rules a particular house in the horoscope, indicating its themes and significations.
  28. Hyperuranion: n. In ancient astrology, the realm beyond Saturn associated with spiritual and transcendental experiences.
  29. Hypothetical Aspect: n. An aspect between two hypothetical or theoretical planets used in astrological analysis.
  30. Hora Mundi: n. The “Hour of the World,” a hypothetical chart representing the birth of the world or the universe, used in mundane astrology.
  31. Harmonics: n. The study of the relationship between the different frequencies and vibrations represented by planetary positions in a chart.
  32. Hexagon: n. A six-sided aspect formed when two planets are approximately 120 degrees apart, creating a harmonious and creative energy.
  33. Hidden House: n. In horary astrology, the house that follows the Ascendant and represents matters that are hidden or not yet known.
  34. House Rulership: n. The assignment of specific zodiac signs to rule each of the twelve houses in astrology.
  35. Hidden Strength: n. A planet that is strong in a particular house but does not have rulership or essential dignity over that house.
  36. Hypothetical Position: n. The hypothetical placement of a planet in a specific sign or house for interpretive purposes.
  37. Harmonic Mean: n. A mathematical calculation used in astrological calculations, representing the average of two values.
  38. Heavenly Branches: n. In Chinese astrology, a system of twelve animal signs associated with each year in a repeating cycle.
  39. Helio Astrology: n. A branch of astrology that focuses on the Sun and its effects on individual and collective consciousness.
  40. Heliometer: n. An instrument used to measure the apparent diameter of the Sun or a star, providing data for astrological calculations.
  41. Horary Time: n. The time at which a horary question is asked, considered significant in horary astrology.
  42. Hyle: n. In ancient Greek philosophy, the primeval matter or substance from which all things are formed, corresponding to the astrological element of Earth.
  43. Horoscopic Astrology: n. The branch of astrology that focuses on casting and interpreting horoscopes based on birth data.
  44. Heavenly Stems: n. In Chinese astrology, a system of ten celestial stems associated with each year in a repeating cycle.
  45. House Division: n. The method used to divide the zodiac into twelve houses, providing a framework for interpreting the horoscope.
  46. Hierarchy of Needs: n. A psychological concept that describes a hierarchical order of human needs, which can be analyzed in astrology.
  47. Helios: n. The Greek personification of the Sun, often referenced in astrology as a symbol of vitality and life force.
  48. House Placement: n. The zodiac sign occupying a particular house in an individual’s birth chart, influencing the experiences and areas of life associated with that house.
  49. Highly Sensitive Person (HSP): n. A term used in astrology and psychology to describe individuals who have heightened sensitivity and awareness to external stimuli.
  50. Huber Age Point: n. A point calculated in Huber astrology that represents the current stage of an individual’s life and the corresponding astrological influences.
  51. Harmonic Convergence: n. A term used to describe a specific alignment of planets and celestial bodies, believed to have spiritual and transformative significance.
  52. Horary Number: n. In horary astrology, a numerical value associated with specific planetary positions or degrees, used for interpretation and timing.
  53. Hora Chart: n. A specialized chart used in Indian astrology that divides the day into 24 hours, each ruled by a different planet, indicating specific influences and energies.
  54. Horoscopic Point: n. A sensitive point or factor in a horoscope, such as the Ascendant, Midheaven, or Moon’s Nodes, used for analysis and interpretation.
  55. Hierarchy of Planetary Influences: n. A concept in astrology that assigns different levels of influence and significance to the planets based on their positions and aspects.
  56. Hylegical Place: n. In traditional astrology, a specific house associated with the determination of a person’s life span and vitality.
  57. Horoscopic Astrology: n. The study and practice of astrology based on the interpretation of an individual’s birth chart, also known as natal astrology.
  58. Hidden Talents: n. Abilities, skills, or qualities that are not immediately apparent but can be discovered through astrological analysis and self-exploration.
  59. Horary Election: n. The selection of an auspicious time for initiating an action or event based on horary astrology principles.
  60. Hermetica: n. Ancient texts attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, exploring the intersection of astrology, philosophy, and spiritual teachings.
  61. Hylegic Degree: n. The specific degree of the zodiac associated with the Hyleg, considered significant in predictive astrology.
  62. Harmony: n. The state of balance, agreement, and cohesion between different planetary energies in an astrological chart, contributing to overall well-being.
  63. Helical Rising: n. The first appearance of a celestial body above the eastern horizon at dawn, indicating a new cycle or phase.
  64. Horoscope Compatibility: n. The assessment of compatibility and potential harmonious interaction between two individuals based on their astrological charts.
  65. Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: n. A mystical and occult organization influential in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, incorporating astrology into its teachings.
  66. House Rulership System: n. A system in astrology where each house is associated with a ruling planet, providing additional insights into the house’s themes.
  67. Harmonious Aspect: n. An aspect between planets that promotes ease, cooperation, and positive interactions, such as a trine or sextile.
  68. Hylegical Apheta: n. In traditional astrology, a planet responsible for sustaining and maintaining life, often associated with the Sun or Moon.
  69. Heliacal Phenomenon: n. The appearance or disappearance of a celestial body in the sky due to its proximity to the Sun, significant in astrological timing.
  70. Hermetic Principles: n. Universal principles or laws that govern the workings of the universe, applied in various esoteric and astrological traditions.

  1. Imum Coeli: n. The point at the bottom of the horoscope chart, representing the nadir or the cusp of the fourth house.

  2. Inconjunct: n. An aspect of 150 degrees between two planets, also known as a quincunx, indicating tension and adjustment.
  3. Indigenous Astrology: n. Astrological practices specific to a particular culture or indigenous community, incorporating their unique cosmology and symbolism.
  4. Ingress: n. The movement of a planet into a new zodiac sign or house, marking a shift in energy and themes.
  5. Inner Planets: n. The planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars, which orbit closer to the Sun and have shorter orbital periods.
  6. Intuitive Astrology: n. An approach to astrology that emphasizes intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual insight in interpreting charts and guiding clients.
  7. Inworld Astrology: n. A form of astrology that explores the connections between astrology and virtual reality or digital environments.
  8. Isolated Planet: n. A planet in a birth chart that forms no major aspects with other planets, indicating a unique and independent energy.
  9. Imprint: n. A term used in evolutionary astrology to describe the karmic imprints or patterns carried from past lives into the present incarnation.
  10. Ingress Chart: n. A horoscope chart cast for the moment a planet enters a new zodiac sign, providing insights into its influence over the coming period.
  11. Intercepted Sign: n. A zodiac sign entirely contained within a house, indicating a focus on the themes and lessons of that sign in a person’s life.
  12. Intentional Astrology: n. The practice of using astrology as a tool for setting intentions, manifesting desires, and aligning with cosmic energies.
  13. Inverted Chart: n. A horoscope chart where the Ascendant and Descendant are reversed, creating a unique perspective on the individual’s life experiences.
  14. Imagination: n. The faculty of the mind used in astrology to tap into symbolism, archetypes, and the intuitive understanding of planetary energies.
  15. Idealist: n. A term used in astrology to describe individuals strongly influenced by the ideals, beliefs, and aspirations represented by certain planets.
  16. Informed Astrology: n. An approach to astrology that integrates knowledge from various fields, such as psychology, history, and mythology, into chart interpretation.
  17. Influence: n. The impact or effect of planetary energies on an individual’s personality, experiences, and life circumstances.
  18. Informed Consent: n. The ethical principle in astrology that requires astrologers to inform clients about the nature and limitations of astrological practice.
  19. Intrinsic Dignity: n. The inherent strength or weakness of a planet based on its essential nature, house placement, and zodiac sign.
  20. Inferior Conjunction: n. The alignment of an inferior planet (Mercury or Venus) between the Sun and Earth, marking the midpoint of its retrograde cycle.
  21. Intentional Living: n. A philosophy that seeks to align one’s actions, choices, and values with conscious intention, incorporating astrology as a guide.
  22. Integral Astrology: n. An approach to astrology that emphasizes the integration of body, mind, and spirit, taking into account the holistic nature of the individual.
  23. Individuation: n. A psychological process, often associated with the planet Uranus, in which an individual seeks to develop their unique identity and express their authentic self.
  24. Influx: n. The flow or influx of planetary energies and influences into an individual’s life, shaping their experiences and personal growth.
  25. Intrinsic Aspect: n. An aspect formed by two planets within a birth chart, indicating an inherent connection or dynamic between their energies.
  26. Invocation: n. A practice in astrology that involves calling upon and aligning with the energies of specific celestial beings or archetypes for guidance and support.
  27. Inverted Houses: n. A house system that places the first house at the bottom of the chart, flipping the order of the houses in relation to the Ascendant.
  28. Ingress Date: n. The specific date when a planet enters a new zodiac sign, marking the beginning of its influence in that sign.
  29. Interpretation: n. The process of analyzing and making sense of astrological symbols, configurations, and planetary placements to understand their meanings and implications.
  30. Inner Self: n. The authentic and core essence of an individual, often represented by the Sun or Moon in the birth chart, guiding their true nature and desires.
  31. Intriguing Aspect: n. A unique or unusual aspect pattern in a birth chart that captures attention and curiosity, revealing a distinctive facet of an individual’s personality.
  32. Integral House System: n. A house system that emphasizes the equal division of the houses, assigning each house an equal portion of the zodiac.
  33. Influx Chart: n. A horoscope chart cast for a specific event or moment, such as the founding of an organization or the start of a relationship.
  34. Ingress Point: n. The degree of a zodiac sign where a planet enters, marking the transition from one sign to another and activating new energies.
  35. Intuitive Reading: n. An astrological reading or consultation that relies on the astrologer’s intuitive abilities to interpret the birth chart and provide guidance.
  36. Inborn Talents: n. Innate abilities, skills, or aptitudes that an individual possesses from birth, as indicated by the astrological placements and aspects in the chart.
  37. Invisible House: n. A house in the birth chart that contains no planets, often signifying an area of life that is less emphasized or less directly experienced.
  38. Irrational Signs: n. The zodiac signs that are associated with emotional and instinctual energy, including Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
  39. Influx of Energy: n. The arrival or infusion of planetary energies into a specific area of life, influencing events, experiences, and personal development.
  40. Inferior Planet: n. A planet whose orbit is closer to the Sun than Earth’s orbit, including Mercury and Venus.
  41. Ingress Astrology: n. The study and interpretation of planetary movements as they enter new zodiac signs or houses, providing insights into collective and personal shifts.
  42. Intention Setting: n. The practice of consciously setting intentions and goals aligned with astrological energies, harnessing cosmic influences for personal growth.
  43. Influence Chart: n. A chart calculated to analyze the astrological influences and energies at play during a specific period or event.
  44. Integral Signs: n. The zodiac signs associated with stability, reliability, and practicality, including Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
  45. Inharmonious Aspect: n. An aspect between planets that indicates tension, conflict, or challenges, such as squares, oppositions, or quincunxes.
  46. Initiation: n. A significant event or experience that marks the beginning of a new phase, often associated with planetary transits or progressions.
  47. Intercepted House: n. A house that is entirely contained within a sign, meaning it does not intersect with the Ascendant or Descendant, emphasizing its significance in the individual’s life.
  48. Ingress Time: n. The specific time when a planet enters a new zodiac sign, providing insights into the energy and themes of that period.
  49. Intrinsic Potential: n. The inherent possibilities and talents within an individual, as indicated by their birth chart, waiting to be developed and expressed.
  50. Interpretive Astrology: n. The art and practice of analyzing and explaining astrological symbols, placements, and patterns to provide insights and guidance.
  51. Intercepted Planets: n. Planets that fall within an intercepted house in a birth chart, suggesting that their energy may be less accessible or expressed indirectly.
  52. Integrated Self: n. The state of harmoniously integrating various aspects of one’s personality and experiences, as symbolized by the alignment of planets in the birth chart.
  53. Illumination: n. The process of gaining awareness, clarity, and understanding through astrological insights and self-reflection.
  54. Irrational Houses: n. The houses in a birth chart associated with subjective and personal areas of life, including the first, fourth, seventh, and tenth houses.
  55. Inferiority Complex: n. A psychological condition characterized by a persistent feeling of inadequacy or inferiority, sometimes reflected in the birth chart.
  56. Intercepted Signs: n. Zodiac signs that are contained within an intercepted house, indicating that the qualities and energies associated with those signs may be less prominent or expressed indirectly.
  57. Intricacy: n. The complexity and interconnectedness of astrological factors and influences within a birth chart, requiring detailed analysis and interpretation.
  58. Imagination Activation: n. The process of stimulating and harnessing the power of the imagination through astrological symbolism and visualization techniques.
  59. Intuitive Guidance: n. Insights, messages, or intuitive impressions received through the practice of astrology, assisting individuals in their decision-making and personal growth.
  60. Initiating Energy: n. The dynamic, forward-moving energy associated with cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), which initiate new beginnings and projects.
  61. Inner Voice: n. The inner wisdom, intuition, or guiding voice within an individual, often symbolized by the placement and aspects of the Moon in the birth chart.
  62. Intercalary Month: n. In ancient calendars, a month inserted periodically to align the lunar and solar cycles, influencing astrological calculations and predictions.
  63. Instinctual Response: n. An automatic or immediate reaction based on instinct and primal drives, often associated with the placement and aspects of Mars in the birth chart.
  64. Inspiration: n. A creative and spiritual force that fuels artistic expression, innovation, and the pursuit of higher ideals, often symbolized by the placement and aspects of Neptune in the birth chart.
  65. Interpretive Skills: n. The abilities and expertise required to analyze and interpret astrological symbols, aspects, and configurations for accurate and meaningful readings.
  66. Influx of Wisdom: n. The reception of profound insights, spiritual knowledge, and transformative wisdom through astrological exploration and study.
  67. Inward Reflection: n. The process of introspection, self-examination, and contemplation facilitated by astrology, allowing individuals to gain deeper understanding and insight into themselves.
  68. Illuminated Path: n. The journey of personal growth and self-discovery guided by astrological insights and understanding, leading to greater awareness and fulfillment.
  69. Inquiry Astrology: n. An approach to astrology that emphasizes asking questions and engaging in dialogue to explore the complexities and nuances of a birth chart.
  70. Intergenerational Patterns: n. Patterns and themes that repeat across generations within a family, as seen through astrological analysis of birth charts and family dynamics.
  71. Integration: n. The process of harmoniously blending and balancing the energies and qualities represented by different planets and placements in the birth chart.
  72. Initiatory Experience: n. A transformative and life-altering event or phase marked by powerful planetary transits or progressions, leading to significant personal growth.
  73. Inner Alchemy: n. The process of inner transformation, growth, and spiritual development symbolized by the alignment and interplay of planetary energies within the birth chart.
  74. Inflow of Inspiration: n. The reception of creative ideas, innovative solutions, and inspiration from the cosmos, channeled through astrological understanding.
  75. Invocation Ritual: n. A ceremonial practice that calls upon specific planetary or celestial energies, often performed to seek guidance or cultivate desired qualities.
  76. Inherent Tendencies: n. The natural inclinations, predispositions, and traits encoded within an individual’s birth chart, shaping their personality and behavior.
  77. Incarnational Purpose: n. The underlying spiritual intention and purpose behind an individual’s life journey, reflected in the birth chart and explored through astrological analysis.
  78. Integration Process: n. The ongoing journey of integrating and harmonizing various aspects of one’s self and life experiences, as symbolized by the interplay of planetary energies.
  79. Intuitive Insight: n. A deep understanding or realization that arises spontaneously, often beyond logical reasoning, accessed through the intuitive faculties heightened by astrology.
  80. Influential Factors: n. The key astrological elements and configurations within a birth chart that exert significant influence and impact on an individual’s life path.
  81. Illuminated Consciousness: n. An elevated state of awareness, clarity, and understanding attained through astrological exploration and the integration of cosmic wisdom.
  82. Interconnectedness: n. The recognition and understanding of the interconnected nature of all things, as revealed through the study of astrological relationships and dynamics.
  83. Intuitive Sensitivity: n. A heightened receptivity to subtle energies, intuitive impressions, and psychic phenomena, often reflected in the birth chart through sensitive planetary placements.
  84. Inquiry-based Astrology: n. An approach to astrology that encourages questioning, exploration, and a spirit of curiosity in the interpretation and understanding of the birth chart.
  85. Integration of Paradox: n. The ability to hold and reconcile seemingly contradictory or opposing qualities within oneself, as represented by planetary aspects and configurations.
  86. Illuminating Guidance: n. Astrological insights, interpretations, and advice that shed light on the individual’s life path, potentials, challenges, and opportunities.
  87. Interpersonal Dynamics: n. The dynamics, interactions, and relationship patterns between individuals, analyzed through the comparative study of their birth charts.
  88. Interpretive Depth: n. The richness, nuance, and profound insights gained through the exploration and interpretation of astrological symbols and placements.
  89. Incarnation: n. The process of the soul taking physical form in a human body, symbolized by the birth chart and explored through astrological analysis.
  90. Intuitive Astrologer: n. An astrologer who relies heavily on intuition, psychic abilities, and inner guidance to interpret birth charts and provide astrological insights.
  91. Introspection: n. The act of self-reflection and examination, often prompted by astrological insights, to gain deeper self-understanding and personal growth.
  92. Interdimensional Awareness: n. The recognition and exploration of multiple dimensions of reality beyond the physical, facilitated by astrological symbolism and metaphysics.
  93. Influx of Cosmic Energy: n. The reception and integration of cosmic energies and vibrations into an individual’s being, aligning with celestial rhythms and potentials.
  94. Intricate Pattern: n. A complex arrangement of astrological factors and configurations within a birth chart that holds significant meaning and symbolism.
  95. Iatromathematics: n. The ancient practice of using astrology for medical diagnosis and treatment, analyzing planetary influences on health and well-being.
  96. Integrative Healing: n. A holistic approach to healing that combines astrological insights, energy work, and other modalities to restore balance and promote well-being.
  97. Intercultural Astrology: n. The study and application of astrology across different cultures and traditions, recognizing the cultural diversity of astrological practices.
  98. Inspired Guidance: n. Astrological guidance and advice that arises from a deep connection to higher wisdom, intuition, and spiritual sources of knowledge.
  99. Intuitive Connection: n. A strong and direct connection to intuitive faculties, enabling the astrologer to access deeper insights and wisdom during chart interpretation.
  100. Intrinsic Authenticity: n. The inherent truth and authenticity of an individual’s being, represented by the birth chart and expressed through the alignment of planetary energies.
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  1. Jupiter: n. The fifth planet from the Sun in the solar system, associated with expansion, abundance, growth, wisdom, and spirituality in astrology.

  2. Jyotish: n. The ancient system of astrology practiced in India, also known as Vedic astrology, based on the sidereal zodiac and Hindu scriptures.
  3. Juncture: n. A specific point or moment in time when two or more planetary influences align or converge, creating a significant astrological configuration.
  4. Jupiter Return: n. The astrological event that occurs when Jupiter completes one orbit around the Sun, approximately every 12 years, indicating a period of growth and opportunities.
  5. Joie de Vivre: n. A French term meaning “joy of living,” often associated with the placement and aspects of the planet Jupiter in the birth chart.
  6. Jovial: adj. A term used in astrology to describe individuals who possess a cheerful, optimistic, and expansive nature, resonating with the qualities of Jupiter.
  7. Juxtaposition: n. The close placement or alignment of two or more celestial bodies or points in a birth chart, often influencing their interaction and symbolic meaning.
  8. Justice: n. A cardinal virtue represented by the zodiac sign Libra, associated with fairness, balance, harmony, and ethical considerations in astrology.
  9. Jyotishi: n. A practitioner or scholar of Jyotish, the traditional astrology of India, skilled in the interpretation of birth charts and the prediction of events.
  10. Jupiterian: adj. Pertaining to the energy, qualities, or influence of the planet Jupiter, such as expansiveness, abundance, optimism, and wisdom.
  11. Juncture Chart: n. A specific astrological chart calculated for a significant moment, such as a wedding, business launch, or historical event, providing insights into the energies at play.
  12. Journey of the Soul: n. The spiritual path and evolutionary process symbolized by the movement and aspects of the lunar nodes in the birth chart.
  13. Jittery: adj. A term used to describe individuals who experience restlessness, nervousness, or anxiety, often reflected in the placement and aspects of Mercury or Uranus in the birth chart.
  14. Jyotish Shastra: n. The sacred scripture and body of knowledge related to Jyotish or Vedic astrology, containing astrological principles, techniques, and teachings.
  15. Judicial Astrology: n. An ancient term for astrology that emphasizes its practical applications, including weather prediction, medical diagnosis, and legal matters.
  16. Joint Ventures: n. Collaborative projects, partnerships, or associations between individuals, analyzed through the study of the seventh house and its ruler in the birth chart.
  17. Juxtaposed Planets: n. Two or more planets placed closely together in a birth chart, indicating a strong connection or interaction between their energies and symbolism.
  18. Joviality: n. The quality of being cheerful, optimistic, and jovial, often associated with the influence of Jupiter in astrology.
  19. Juncture Point: n. A specific degree or moment within a zodiac sign where an astrological configuration or transition occurs, marked by planetary alignments or transits.
  20. Jyotish Guru: n. A respected teacher or mentor of Jyotish, imparting wisdom, guidance, and knowledge of Vedic astrology to aspiring practitioners.
  21. Jupiterian Energy: n. The expansive, optimistic, and benevolent energy associated with the planet Jupiter, representing growth, abundance, and philosophical understanding.
  22. Jovian Influence: n. The impact or effect of the planet Jupiter on a person’s life, symbolizing opportunities, blessings, and the potential for spiritual growth.
  23. Joyful Expression: n. A vibrant, enthusiastic, and joyful way of being, often reflected in the birth chart through the placement and aspects of the Sun or Jupiter.
  24. Jyotish Consultation: n. A session with a Jyotish astrologer, involving the analysis of a person’s birth chart and the provision of guidance and predictions based on Vedic astrological principles.
  25. Juxtaposition of Houses: n. The close proximity of two or more houses in a birth chart, indicating a blending or interconnection of the areas of life they represent.
  26. Jupiter’s Blessings: n. Fortunate and beneficial influences bestowed by the planet Jupiter in a person’s life, bringing growth, expansion, and positive outcomes.
  27. Journey of Self-Discovery: n. The process of exploring one’s true nature, purpose, and potential, often facilitated by astrology and symbolized by the placement and aspects of the Moon or Neptune.
  28. Jyotish Tradition: n. The lineage and historical practice of Vedic astrology in India, encompassing ancient texts, methodologies, and astrological wisdom.
  29. Juncture Timing: n. The consideration and assessment of astrological timings and alignments when determining opportune moments for important events or actions.
  30. Joyful Living: n. A state of happiness, contentment, and fulfillment in one’s life, often associated with the alignment and harmonious interplay of various planetary energies.

  1. Karma: n. The cosmic law of cause and effect, believed to govern the consequences of one’s actions in past, present, and future lives, often explored through astrology.

  2. Karmic Astrology: n. The branch of astrology that focuses on exploring past-life influences, karmic patterns, and lessons in the birth chart.
  3. Ketu: n. The lunar South Node, an important point in Vedic astrology that represents past-life karma, spiritual growth, and release of attachments.
  4. Kundalini: n. A latent spiritual energy represented by a coiled serpent at the base of the spine, associated with transformative experiences and spiritual awakening in esoteric astrology.
  5. Kabbalistic Astrology: n. Astrology infused with the teachings and symbolism of Kabbalah, a mystical Jewish tradition, exploring the interplay between cosmic forces and human consciousness.
  6. Kairos: n. A Greek term meaning “the opportune moment,” used in astrology to indicate favorable timing and alignment for certain actions or events.
  7. Karmic Debt: n. The unresolved lessons, challenges, or obligations carried from past lives into the present incarnation, reflected in the birth chart and explored through karmic astrology.
  8. Kite Aspect Configuration: n. An aspect pattern in astrology characterized by a grand trine with a fourth planet forming an opposition, creating a kite-like shape in the birth chart.
  9. Karmic Lessons: n. Life lessons and experiences that an individual must learn and overcome in order to evolve and fulfill their soul’s purpose, as indicated by karmic indicators in the birth chart.
  10. Kabbalistic Tree of Life: n. A mystical diagram used in Kabbalah and esoteric astrology to represent the interconnectedness of cosmic energies and spiritual states of consciousness.
  11. Karmic Nodes: n. The lunar North Node (Rahu) and South Node (Ketu) in Vedic astrology, representing karmic influences, life lessons, and evolutionary path.
  12. Karmic Patterns: n. Repetitive themes, situations, or behaviors that arise in a person’s life, often rooted in unresolved karma and reflected in the birth chart.
  13. Kaleidoscope Chart: n. A birth chart with multiple planets in different signs, houses, and aspects, creating a vibrant and varied combination of energies.
  14. Karmic Healing: n. The process of resolving and transforming karmic imprints and patterns through self-awareness, acceptance, forgiveness, and conscious choices.
  15. Karmic Astrologer: n. An astrologer who specializes in the analysis and interpretation of karmic influences, past-life themes, and spiritual growth indicated in the birth chart.
  16. Karmic Relationship: n. A relationship that involves significant karmic connections, lessons, and unresolved issues from past lives, providing opportunities for growth and healing.
  17. Karmic Retrograde: n. The apparent backward movement of a planet in the birth chart, indicating a need for introspection, reflection, and karmic reevaluation of its energies and themes.
  18. Kundalini Awakening: n. The activation and rising of the dormant spiritual energy within an individual, often associated with profound spiritual experiences and transformation.
  19. Karmic Indicators: n. Specific placements, aspects, or configurations in the birth chart that suggest karmic influences, challenges, or significant life lessons.
  20. Karmic Astrology: n. The study and interpretation of astrology focused on understanding the karmic influences, past-life connections, and soul growth indicated in the birth chart.
  21. Karmic Astrology Reading: n. A consultation with a karmic astrologer that delves into the karmic patterns, lessons, and potentialities revealed in a person’s birth chart.
  22. Kundalini Energy: n. The primal, spiritual energy believed to reside at the base of the spine, associated with awakening, transformation, and expanded consciousness.
  23. Karmic Imprints: n. Energetic imprints or residue from past lives carried forward into the present incarnation, influencing an individual’s thoughts, behaviors, and experiences.
  24. Karmic Astrology Report: n. A detailed written analysis of a person’s birth chart, focusing on karmic influences, past-life connections, and soul growth potential.
  25. Karmic Astrology Symbols: n. Specific symbols and markers in the birth chart that provide insights into karmic influences, lessons, and unresolved patterns.
  26. Karmic Evolution: n. The process of spiritual growth and evolution through the resolution of karmic imbalances and the fulfillment of soul lessons.
  27. Kundalini Rising: n. The awakening and upward movement of the kundalini energy within an individual, leading to higher states of consciousness and spiritual transformation.
  28. Karmic Astrology Reading: n. An in-depth analysis and interpretation of a person’s birth chart from a karmic perspective, uncovering the karmic influences, lessons, and potentialities.
  29. Karmic Astrology Software: n. Computer programs specifically designed to calculate and analyze karmic influences and past-life connections within a birth chart.
  30. Karmic Debts and Credits: n. The accumulation of unresolved karmic lessons and positive karmic contributions that impact an individual’s present circumstances and future experiences.
  31. Kundalini Activation: n. The initiation and awakening of the kundalini energy, leading to heightened spiritual awareness, energy flow, and expanded consciousness.
  32. Karmic Astrology Workshop: n. A learning event or course that focuses on exploring karmic influences, past-life connections, and soul growth through the lens of astrology.
  33. Karmic Retribution: n. The consequences, challenges, or rewards experienced as a result of past-life actions and choices, reflected in the present life circumstances.
  34. Karmic Healing Session: n. A therapeutic or energy-based session that aims to release and heal karmic imprints, patterns, and traumas through various modalities.
  35. Kundalini Yoga: n. A spiritual practice that combines physical postures, breathwork, and meditation to awaken and channel the kundalini energy for spiritual development.
  36. Karmic Astrology Consultation: n. A one-on-one session with a karmic astrologer to explore the karmic influences, past-life connections, and soul growth potential within a birth chart.
  37. Karmic Balance: n. A state of equilibrium and resolution of karmic imbalances, allowing for the fulfillment of soul lessons and the evolution of consciousness.
  38. Kundalini Awakening Symptoms: n. Physical, emotional, and energetic manifestations experienced during the process of kundalini awakening, including heightened sensitivity, energy surges, and spiritual visions.
  39. Karmic Astrology Course: n. An educational program or curriculum that covers the principles, techniques, and interpretations of astrology focused on karmic influences, past-life connections, and soul growth.
  40. Karmic Astrology Chart: n. A birth chart that highlights the karmic influences, indicators, and lessons through specific placements, aspects, and configurations.
  41. Karmic Release: n. The process of consciously releasing and resolving karmic imprints, patterns, and attachments to facilitate personal growth and spiritual evolution.
  42. Karmic Astrology Reading: n. An astrological consultation or analysis that specifically explores the karmic influences, dynamics, and potentialities within a person’s birth chart.
  43. Kundalini Meditation: n. A meditation practice that focuses on awakening and harnessing the kundalini energy for spiritual transformation, inner awakening, and expanded consciousness.
  44. Karmic Astrologer: n. An astrologer specializing in karmic astrology, utilizing past-life insights, karmic indicators, and soul growth themes to provide guidance and understanding.
  45. Karmic Lessons: n. Experiences, challenges, and opportunities encountered in one’s life that are linked to past-life actions, choices, and unresolved issues.
  46. Kundalini Energy Activation: n. The intentional activation and awakening of the dormant kundalini energy through spiritual practices, leading to personal transformation and spiritual evolution.
  47. Karmic Significator: n. A planet, point, or placement in the birth chart that represents significant karmic influences, lessons, or themes within an individual’s life.
  48. Karmic Astrology Prediction: n. The use of astrological techniques and interpretations to forecast future events and circumstances based on karmic influences and patterns.
  49. Kundalini Yoga Teacher: n. A qualified instructor who teaches and guides students in the practice of Kundalini Yoga, facilitating the awakening and channeling of the kundalini energy.
  50. Karmic Realization: n. A profound understanding or awareness of one’s karmic patterns, lessons, and purpose, leading to personal growth, self-acceptance, and spiritual evolution.

  1. Lunar: adj. Pertaining to the Moon or moon-related phenomena in astrology.

  2. Lagna: n. The Ascendant or rising sign in Vedic astrology, representing the sign that was on the eastern horizon at the time of birth.
  3. Leo: n. The fifth sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the Lion and associated with qualities such as creativity, leadership, confidence, and generosity.
  4. Luminaries: n. A term used to collectively refer to the Sun and the Moon in astrology, representing the two primary celestial bodies that illuminate the sky.
  5. Lunar Eclipse: n. An astronomical event in which the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, causing a temporary obscuration of the Moon, and carrying symbolic significance in astrology.
  6. Libra: n. The seventh sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the Scales and associated with qualities such as balance, harmony, diplomacy, and partnership.
  7. Lilith: n. In astrology, a hypothetical point representing the lunar apogee or the Black Moon, often associated with themes of rebellion, primal instincts, and the shadow self.
  8. Longitude: n. The measurement of a celestial object’s position along the zodiac, expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds, used for precise chart calculations.
  9. Lunar Node: n. Either of the two points where the Moon’s orbit intersects the ecliptic, known as the North Node (Rahu) and the South Node (Ketu) in Vedic astrology.
  10. Lunar Return: n. A type of predictive astrology that focuses on the analysis of the Moon’s return to its natal position, providing insights into monthly cycles and emotional patterns.
  11. Leo Rising: n. The sign of Leo on the Ascendant, indicating a chart where the individual projects a charismatic, confident, and dynamic personality.
  12. Lunar Phase: n. The varying appearance of the Moon as seen from Earth, representing the different stages of the Moon’s cycle and influencing astrological interpretations.
  13. Lunar Mansions: n. In traditional astrology, the 28 divisions of the zodiac that the Moon passes through during its monthly cycle, used for timing and predictions.
  14. Lunar Calendar: n. A calendar system that tracks the months based on the lunar cycle, aligning with the phases of the Moon, often used in astrological and religious contexts.
  15. Lunar Cycle: n. The approximately 29.5-day cycle of the Moon’s phases, from New Moon to Full Moon and back to New Moon again, influencing emotional rhythms and astrological interpretations.
  16. Lunar Influence: n. The impact of the Moon’s position and phases on an individual’s emotions, moods, and subconscious tendencies, analyzed in astrology.
  17. Lunar Nodes Axis: n. The line formed by the North Node and the South Node in a birth chart, representing the karmic path and evolutionary journey of the soul.
  18. Lunar Mansion Calendar: n. A calendar that maps the lunar mansions or Nakshatras, used in Vedic astrology for auspicious timings and predictions.
  19. Lunar Transit: n. The movement of the Moon as it travels through the zodiac signs, influencing the emotional climate and offering insights into daily fluctuations.
  20. Lunar Phases: n. The eight primary phases of the Moon’s cycle, including New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter, and Waning Crescent, each carrying symbolic significance in astrology.
  21. Lunar Mansion: n. One of the 28 divisions of the zodiac that the Moon passes through during its monthly cycle, each associated with specific qualities, influences, and purposes.
  22. Lunar Nodes Transit: n. The movement of the lunar nodes through the zodiac signs, indicating shifts in karmic energies, collective themes, and evolutionary paths.
  23. Lunar Phases Chart: n. A diagram or graphical representation of the eight primary phases of the Moon’s cycle, highlighting their positions in the zodiac and their astrological significance.
  24. Lunar Progression: n. A technique in astrology that involves advancing the Moon’s position in the birth chart to reveal the unfolding of emotional and psychological experiences over time.
  25. Lunar Mansion Talisman: n. An object or symbol created or chosen to harness the energies and influences associated with a specific lunar mansion, used for protection or manifestation.
  26. Lunar Return Chart: n. A chart calculated for the exact time when the transiting Moon returns to its natal position, providing insights into emotional themes and cycles for the year ahead.
  27. Leo Moon: n. The placement of the Moon in the sign of Leo in a birth chart, suggesting emotional warmth, self-expression, and a desire for recognition and creativity.
  28. Lunar Nodes Axis Shift: n. The gradual movement of the lunar nodes through the zodiac signs over an extended period, influencing collective themes and societal evolution.
  29. Lunar Eclipse Astrology: n. The study and interpretation of the astrological effects and symbolism associated with lunar eclipses, emphasizing their transformative and emotional impact.
  30. Libra Rising: n. The sign of Libra on the Ascendant, indicating a birth chart where the individual projects a diplomatic, harmonious, and relationship-oriented persona.
  31. Lunar Influence on Tides: n. The gravitational pull of the Moon on Earth’s oceans, creating tidal patterns that vary with the Moon’s phases and positions in astrology.
  32. Lunar Mansion Ritual: n. A ceremonial practice conducted during a specific lunar mansion, incorporating rituals, intentions, and symbolic actions aligned with the mansion’s influences.
  33. Lunar Synodic Cycle: n. The approximately 29.5-day cycle that represents the complete journey of the Moon from one New Moon to the next, influencing emotional patterns and growth.
  34. Lunar Nodes Activation: n. The activation and expression of the karmic energies and evolutionary potential associated with the lunar nodes in a person’s birth chart.
  35. Lunar Nodes Aspects: n. The angular relationships formed between the lunar nodes and other planets or points in a birth chart, indicating karmic connections and influences.
  36. Lunar Mansions Astrology: n. The practice of using the lunar mansions or Nakshatras in astrology for timing, predictions, and understanding of specific influences and energies.
  37. Lunar Nodes Cycle: n. The approximately 18.6-year cycle of the lunar nodes’ movement through the zodiac signs, marking significant periods of collective and personal evolution.
  38. Lunar Phases Meditation: n. A contemplative practice that aligns with the changing phases of the Moon, utilizing their symbolism and energies for inner reflection and transformation.
  39. Lunar Significance: n. The importance and influence of the Moon in astrology, representing emotions, intuition, instincts, and the cyclical nature of life.
  40. Lunar Nodes Activation: n. The process by which the energies of the lunar nodes become more prominent and influential in a person’s life, often triggered by significant life events or transits.
  41. Lunar Mansions Chart: n. A specialized astrological chart that focuses on the positioning of the Moon within the lunar mansions or Nakshatras at the time of birth.
  42. Lunar Return Ritual: n. A personal ritual or practice conducted during the time of the Moon’s return to its natal position, aimed at setting intentions and aligning with emotional growth.
  43. Lunar Nodes Transits: n. The movement of the lunar nodes through the zodiac signs over time, indicating shifts in collective energies, karmic themes, and evolutionary directions.
  44. Lunar Nodes Analysis: n. The examination and interpretation of the lunar nodes’ placement, aspects, and relationship to other chart factors, revealing karmic influences and life lessons.
  45. Lunar Nodes Karma: n. The karmic influences and lessons associated with the lunar nodes in a birth chart, reflecting past-life dynamics, soul growth, and evolutionary paths.
  46. Lunar Phases Symbolism: n. The symbolic significance and meaning attributed to the different phases of the Moon’s cycle, revealing themes of beginnings, growth, culmination, and release.
  47. Lunar Nodes Progression: n. The gradual movement of the lunar nodes through the zodiac signs in an individual’s progressed chart, indicating shifts in karmic influences and life direction.
  48. Lunar Nodes Transit Chart: n. A specialized chart calculated to show the current positions of the lunar nodes and their interactions with the natal chart, offering insights into karmic dynamics.
  49. Lunar Nodes Synchronization: n. The alignment and harmonization of the energies and lessons represented by the lunar nodes, indicating a balanced and integrated approach to karmic growth.
  50. Lunar Phases Observation: n. The practice of observing and noting the changing phases of the Moon, enhancing awareness of emotional patterns, cycles, and personal rhythms.

  1. Mars: n. The fourth planet from the Sun in the solar system, associated with assertiveness, passion, energy, and the drive for action in astrology.

  2. Mercury: n. The closest planet to the Sun in the solar system, symbolizing communication, intellect, adaptability, and mental processes in astrology.
  3. Moon: n. The Earth’s natural satellite, representing emotions, instincts, intuition, and the feminine principle in astrology.
  4. Midheaven: n. The point in a birth chart where the ecliptic intersects with the meridian, indicating the highest point of the celestial sphere and associated with one’s career, public image, and aspirations.
  5. Mutable Signs: n. The zodiac signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, known for their adaptable, flexible, and changeable nature in astrology.
  6. Mundane Astrology: n. The branch of astrology that focuses on predicting and analyzing world events, social trends, and political matters.
  7. Major Aspects: n. The primary angular relationships between planets in a birth chart, including the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition.
  8. Magnetic Energy: n. The energetic field generated by celestial bodies in astrology, influencing attraction, resonance, and energetic connections between individuals.
  9. Meditation: n. A practice of quieting the mind, centering oneself, and accessing higher states of consciousness, often utilized in astrology for inner guidance and spiritual connection.
  10. Mars Retrograde: n. The apparent backward movement of Mars in the sky, as observed from Earth, associated with a period of intensified energy, reflection, and reevaluation.
  11. Mercury Retrograde: n. The phenomenon when Mercury appears to move backward in its orbit, believed to affect communication, travel, technology, and decision-making, prompting caution and introspection.
  12. Moon Sign: n. The zodiac sign in which the Moon is located at the time of an individual’s birth, representing their emotional nature, instincts, and innermost needs.
  13. Mars Transit: n. The movement of Mars through the zodiac signs, influencing assertiveness, motivation, energy levels, and the pursuit of desires for individuals and collective dynamics.
  14. Mundane Chart: n. A specialized astrological chart calculated for a specific location and time to analyze global or national events, providing insights into collective energies and trends.
  15. Midpoint: n. The point precisely halfway between two planets or celestial objects in astrology, often used to determine sensitive degrees and areas of influence.
  16. Mutable Grand Cross: n. A challenging aspect configuration formed by four planets in the mutable signs, creating a cross shape in the birth chart, indicating dynamic tension and change.
  17. Mars-Saturn Conjunction: n. The alignment of Mars and Saturn in the birth chart, representing the coming together of assertiveness, drive, discipline, and perseverance.
  18. Moon Phases: n. The eight primary phases of the Moon’s cycle, including New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter, and Waning Crescent.
  19. Meditation Practice: n. A regular and intentional engagement in meditation, aiming to cultivate mindfulness, inner peace, self-awareness, and spiritual connection.
  20. Natal Promise: n. The potentials, talents, challenges, and life experiences indicated by the configuration of planets and points in an individual’s birth chart.
  21. Mutable Signs: n. The zodiac signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, known for their adaptability, flexibility, and openness to change in astrology.
  22. Moon Node: n. The lunar node, either the North Node (Rahu) or South Node (Ketu), indicating karmic influences, soul growth, and evolutionary paths in Vedic astrology.
  23. Moon Square: n. An aspect formed when the Moon is approximately 90 degrees apart from another planet or point in a birth chart, indicating tension and inner conflict.
  24. Midheaven Sign: n. The zodiac sign that is present on the Midheaven or MC, representing career aspirations, public image, and the direction of one’s life path.
  25. Mundane Astrologer: n. An astrologer who specializes in mundane astrology, analyzing global events, political dynamics, and social trends.
  26. Mercury Retrograde Effects: n. The challenges and disruptions associated with Mercury retrograde, such as miscommunications, technological glitches, travel delays, and contract issues.
  27. Moon Opposition: n. An aspect formed when the Moon is approximately 180 degrees apart from another planet or point in a birth chart, indicating polarity and balancing energies.
  28. Midheaven Placement: n. The zodiac sign and degree on the Midheaven or MC in a birth chart, revealing vocational aptitudes, public image, and career potential.
  29. Moon Conjunct: n. An aspect formed when the Moon is in close proximity to another planet or point in a birth chart, signifying a blending and amplification of energies.
  30. Moon Trine: n. An aspect formed when the Moon is approximately 120 degrees apart from another planet or point in a birth chart, indicating harmony, flow, and ease of expression between the energies involved.
  31. Mercury Square: n. An aspect formed when Mercury is approximately 90 degrees apart from another planet or point in a birth chart, indicating tension, challenges, and conflicts in communication and mental processes.
  32. Moon Sextile: n. An aspect formed when the Moon is approximately 60 degrees apart from another planet or point in a birth chart, indicating opportunities, cooperation, and harmonious connections.
  33. Mundane Astrology Prediction: n. The use of astrological techniques and analysis to predict and forecast global or societal events, trends, and influences.
  34. Moon Opposition Transit: n. The movement of a transiting planet to a position opposite the natal Moon, highlighting a time of culmination, completion, or heightened emotional awareness.
  35. Mercury Trine: n. An aspect formed when Mercury is approximately 120 degrees apart from another planet or point in a birth chart, indicating ease, flow, and harmonious expression of intellect and communication.
  36. Moon-Sun Square: n. An aspect formed when the Moon and the Sun are approximately 90 degrees apart in a birth chart, signifying tension and potential conflict between emotional needs and conscious expression.
  37. Moon-Sun Conjunction: n. The alignment of the Moon and the Sun in the birth chart, symbolizing the New Moon phase and the merging of conscious and unconscious energies.
  38. Mercury Sextile: n. An aspect formed when Mercury is approximately 60 degrees apart from another planet or point in a birth chart, indicating opportunities for communication, learning, and mental stimulation.
  39. Moon-Sun Opposition: n. An aspect formed when the Moon and the Sun are approximately 180 degrees apart in a birth chart, signifying a Full Moon phase and the need to balance emotions and conscious awareness.
  40. Moon-Sun Conjunction Transit: n. The transit of the Sun to the same degree as the natal Moon, highlighting a period of self-reflection, emotional clarity, and personal growth.
  41. Mundane Astrology Research: n. The study and analysis of historical and current events using astrological techniques to gain insights into societal, cultural, and political dynamics.

  1. Nadir: n. The point in a birth chart opposite the Midheaven, representing the lowest point in the celestial sphere and symbolizing one’s roots, home, and innermost self.

  2. Natal Chart: n. A unique astrological map or snapshot of the celestial positions at the time of an individual’s birth, used for personality analysis and forecasting.
  3. Natal Promise: n. The potentials, talents, challenges, and life experiences indicated by the configuration of planets and points in an individual’s birth chart.
  4. Natal Sun: n. The placement of the Sun in an individual’s birth chart, revealing core identity, ego expression, and the essence of one’s being.
  5. Natal Moon: n. The placement of the Moon in an individual’s birth chart, representing emotions, instincts, and the innermost needs of the soul.
  6. Natal Ascendant: n. The zodiac sign that is rising on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual’s birth, influencing the personality and outward expression.
  7. Natal House: n. One of the twelve divisions in a birth chart, each associated with specific areas of life and representing different aspects of an individual’s experience.
  8. Navamsa Chart: n. A divisional chart in Vedic astrology that focuses on the precise positioning of planets within each sign, providing additional insights into one’s character and destiny.
  9. North Node: n. The lunar node representing the point where the Moon’s path crosses the ecliptic from south to north, indicating karmic lessons, growth, and the path to be pursued in this lifetime.
  10. Natural Houses: n. The zodiac signs naturally associated with each house in astrology, providing general characteristics and themes for each house placement.
  11. Node Return: n. The astrological event that occurs when the transiting lunar North Node returns to its natal position in a person’s birth chart, indicating a time of spiritual growth and significant connections.
  12. Node Significance: n. The karmic significance and lessons associated with the lunar nodes in a birth chart, revealing soul growth, evolutionary paths, and life purpose.
  13. Natal Venus: n. The placement of Venus in an individual’s birth chart, representing love, beauty, relationships, and aesthetic sensibilities.
  14. New Moon: n. The phase of the Moon when it aligns with the Sun, appearing as a darkened Moon and signifying new beginnings, fresh starts, and planting seeds of intention.
  15. Natal Mercury: n. The placement of Mercury in an individual’s birth chart, indicating communication style, intellectual capacity, and the way one processes information.
  16. Natal Mars: n. The placement of Mars in an individual’s birth chart, representing energy, motivation, assertiveness, and the drive for action.
  17. Natal Jupiter: n. The placement of Jupiter in an individual’s birth chart, symbolizing expansion, growth, abundance, wisdom, and opportunities for personal development.
  18. Natal Saturn: n. The placement of Saturn in an individual’s birth chart, indicating responsibility, discipline, structure, lessons, and areas of potential challenge and growth.
  19. Natal Uranus: n. The placement of Uranus in an individual’s birth chart, representing innovation, uniqueness, rebellion, and the urge for personal freedom and independence.
  20. Natal Neptune: n. The placement of Neptune in an individual’s birth chart, symbolizing spirituality, dreams, illusions, creativity, and the potential for transcendent experiences.
  21. Natal Pluto: n. The placement of Pluto in an individual’s birth chart, representing transformation, power, regeneration, and the exploration of deeper psychological layers.
  22. Natal Chiron: n. The placement of Chiron in an individual’s birth chart, symbolizing wounds, healing, and the potential for profound personal growth and spiritual evolution.
  23. Natal Lilith: n. The placement of Lilith in an individual’s birth chart, representing the primal, wild, and untamed aspects of femininity, often associated with themes of rebellion and empowerment.
  24. Natal Retrograde: n. The condition when a planet is retrograde in an individual’s birth chart, suggesting an inward, introspective energy associated with that planet’s characteristics.
  25. Natal Aspect: n. The angular relationship formed between two planets or celestial points in an individual’s birth chart, influencing their interaction and shaping the individual’s experiences.
  26. Natal Stellium: n. A concentrated grouping of three or more planets in a particular zodiac sign or house in an individual’s birth chart, indicating a significant emphasis on the energies and themes represented by those planets.
  27. Natal Progression: n. A technique in astrology that involves advancing the positions of planets and points in an individual’s birth chart to reveal insights into their developmental and transformative life stages.
  28. Natal Interception: n. The condition in an individual’s birth chart when a zodiac sign is intercepted within a house, suggesting hidden or less accessible energies and potentials associated with that sign.
  29. Natal Imbalance: n. The presence of an excess or lack of elemental qualities or planetary energies in an individual’s birth chart, indicating areas of strength or challenge in their personality and life experiences.
  30. Natal Chart Analysis: n. The process of interpreting an individual’s birth chart to gain insights into their personality traits, potentials, life themes, and future trends.
  31. Natal Aspects Interpretation: n. The examination and interpretation of the angular relationships formed between planets or points in an individual’s birth chart, providing valuable insights into their psychological makeup and life experiences.
  32. Natal House Cusp: n. The point where a zodiac sign begins within a house in an individual’s birth chart, indicating the area of life most strongly influenced by the qualities and energies of that sign.
  33. Node Axis Transit: n. The movement of the lunar nodes through the zodiac signs over time, signifying shifts in collective energies, karmic lessons, and evolutionary paths.
  34. North Node Transit: n. The passage of the lunar North Node through the zodiac signs over a significant period, indicating collective and personal growth, destiny, and spiritual development.
  35. Natal Moon Phase: n. The specific phase of the Moon at the time of an individual’s birth, providing insights into their emotional nature, instincts, and personality traits.
  36. Natal Vertex: n. A sensitive point in an individual’s birth chart that represents fated encounters, significant connections, and events that carry profound meaning and impact.
  37. Natal Midpoint: n. The point exactly halfway between two planets or celestial objects in an individual’s birth chart, indicating a blending and integration of their energies.
  38. Nodal Return: n. The astrological event that occurs when the transiting lunar nodes return to their natal positions in an individual’s birth chart, marking significant periods of personal growth, transformation, and karmic activation.
  39. Nodal Axis: n. The line formed by the lunar North Node and South Node in a birth chart, representing the karmic path, evolutionary journey, and life lessons of an individual.
  40. Natal Venus Retrograde: n. The condition when Venus is retrograde in an individual’s birth chart, indicating a unique expression of love, relationships, values, and aesthetic preferences.
  41. Nodal Axis Activation: n. The activation and manifestation of the karmic energies and evolutionary potentials associated with the lunar nodes in an individual’s life.
  42. Nodal Axis Shift: n. The gradual movement of the lunar nodes through the zodiac signs over time, indicating shifts in collective karmic energies and societal dynamics.
  43. Nodal Aspects: n. The angular relationships formed between the lunar nodes and other planets or points in a birth chart, revealing significant connections and influences in one’s life.
  44. Natal Vertex Activation: n. The activation and manifestation of the fated encounters, significant connections, and events represented by the Vertex point in an individual’s birth chart.
  45. Nodal Opposition: n. An aspect formed when the lunar North Node and South Node are approximately 180 degrees apart in a birth chart, indicating a tension between karmic growth and release.
  46. Natal Uranus Retrograde: n. The condition when Uranus is retrograde in an individual’s birth chart, suggesting a unique expression of independence, rebellion, innovation, and personal freedom.
  47. Nodal Axis Synastry: n. The examination and interpretation of the interplay between the lunar nodes of two individuals in a relationship, indicating significant karmic connections and lessons.
  48. Natal Vertex Synastry: n. The analysis of the interplay between the Vertex points of two individuals in a relationship, indicating fated encounters and deep connections.
  49. Nodal Cycle: n. The approximately 18.6-year cycle of the lunar nodes’ movement through the zodiac signs, marking significant periods of collective and personal evolution.
  50. Natal Pluto Retrograde: n. The condition when Pluto is retrograde in an individual’s birth chart, suggesting a transformative and intense inward journey of personal empowerment, regeneration, and soul growth.

  1. Oblique Ascendant: n. An alternative term for the Ascendant or Rising Sign, referring to the zodiac sign that is ascending on the eastern horizon at the time of birth.

  2. Occultation: n. The phenomenon when one celestial body passes in front of and temporarily obscures another celestial body, often used in reference to lunar or planetary occultations.
  3. Opposition: n. An aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 180 degrees apart in the zodiac, indicating a polarity or tension between their energies.
  4. Orb: n. The allowance or range of degrees within which an aspect between celestial bodies is considered to be in effect, typically determined by astrological tradition or personal interpretation.
  5. Out of Bounds: adj. Referring to a planet that exceeds the normal range of declination, moving beyond the limits of the Sun’s apparent path in the sky.
  6. Outer Planets: n. A collective term for the planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, which are located beyond the orbit of Saturn in the solar system.
  7. Ophiuchus: n. A constellation located near the ecliptic, traditionally associated with the figure of a serpent bearer and sometimes considered as the 13th zodiac sign.
  8. Orbital Period: n. The time it takes for a planet or celestial body to complete one orbit around the Sun, influencing the pace and rhythm of its astrological effects.
  9. Occult Astrology: n. A branch of astrology that explores esoteric, spiritual, and mystical dimensions, incorporating symbolism, intuition, and hidden influences.
  10. Oriental Planet: n. The planet that rises just before the Sun in the birth chart, indicating a prominent and influential force in an individual’s life.
  11. Oracular Astrology: n. The practice of divination and prediction using astrological symbols, charts, and techniques to provide insights and guidance.
  12. Oriented Chart: n. A birth chart in which the Ascendant or Rising Sign is placed at the left side of the chart, reflecting the eastern horizon and the individual’s perspective.
  13. Orbit: n. The path followed by a celestial body as it revolves around another body, such as the Earth’s orbit around the Sun or the Moon’s orbit around the Earth.
  14. Oracular Techniques: n. Various methods used in astrological divination, such as tarot cards, crystal gazing, pendulum dowsing, or rune casting, to gain insights into future events.
  15. Occult Symbolism: n. The use of esoteric and hidden symbols in astrology, reflecting deeper meanings, spiritual truths, and cosmic connections.
  16. Orbital Inclination: n. The angle between the plane of a planet’s orbit and the plane of the ecliptic, influencing its relationship to other celestial bodies and its astrological effects.
  17. Olympic Ascendant: n. An alternative term for the Ascendant or Rising Sign, referencing the zodiac sign that is ascending on the eastern horizon at the time of birth.
  18. Occult House: n. A hypothetical house system that divides the birth chart into equal segments of 30 degrees each, reflecting a different area of life and experience.
  19. Oriental Rising: adj. Describing the condition when a planet is rising just before the Sun in the birth chart, signifying its prominence and influence in an individual’s life.
  20. Omniscience: n. A term used in astrology to describe the ideal of complete knowledge and understanding of the cosmos and its influences on human life.
  21. Occult Practitioner: n. An individual who engages in the study and practice of esoteric arts, including astrology, tarot, divination, and other metaphysical disciplines.
  22. Occidental Planet: n. The planet that sets just after the Sun in the birth chart, indicating its significant influence on an individual’s personality and life experiences.
  23. Ophiuchus Significance: n. The symbolic significance and interpretation associated with the constellation of Ophiuchus in astrology, often considered as a transformative and healing archetype.
  24. Oracular Guidance: n. Insight and advice obtained through astrological divination or intuitive methods, offering clarity, direction, and support in decision-making and life choices.
  25. Orbital Speed: n. The rate at which a celestial body moves along its orbit, affecting the timing and intensity of its astrological influences.
  26. Occult Numerology: n. The application of numerological principles and symbolism to esoteric practices, including astrology, tarot, and divination.
  27. Occidental Rising: adj. Describing the condition when a planet sets just after the Sun in the birth chart, highlighting its influence on an individual’s self-expression and identity.
  28. Oracular Insight: n. Deep understanding and perception gained through the interpretation of astrological symbols, signs, and patterns, offering profound revelations and guidance.
  29. Oscillation: n. The repetitive and cyclical movement of celestial bodies, reflecting patterns and rhythms that astrologers observe and analyze.
  30. Opposition Aspect: n. An angular relationship between two celestial bodies that are approximately 180 degrees apart in the zodiac, signifying a tension or polarity between their energies.
  31. Orbital Eccentricity: n. The measure of the elliptical deviation of a planet’s orbit from a perfect circle, influencing its proximity to the Sun and the variation in its astrological effects.
  32. Omniscient Astrology: n. A concept in astrology that suggests the possibility of attaining complete knowledge and understanding of the universe and its influence on human life.
  33. Occult Knowledge: n. Esoteric and hidden wisdom acquired through the study and practice of astrology, magic, alchemy, and other mystical traditions.
  34. Occult Tarot: n. The use of tarot cards as a divination tool to access hidden or spiritual insights, often incorporating astrological symbolism and interpretations.
  35. Orbital Alignment: n. The harmonious or aligned positioning of celestial bodies along their orbits, indicating periods of energetic resonance and astrological significance.
  36. Omen: n. An astrological event, symbol, or sign believed to have prophetic significance, providing insight into future events or outcomes.
  37. Occult Doctrine: n. The philosophical teachings and principles that underpin esoteric arts, including astrology, divination, and magical practices.
  38. Opposition Transit: n. The movement of a transiting planet to a position approximately 180 degrees opposite a planet in the birth chart, marking a significant point of tension, conflict, or culmination.
  39. Oracular Divination: n. The act of seeking guidance or insight through the use of divinatory tools, such as astrology, tarot, runes, or scrying, to access hidden knowledge and guidance.
  40. Occultist: n. An individual who studies and practices esoteric and mystical traditions, including astrology, alchemy, magic, and ceremonial rituals.
  41. Orbital Resonance: n. The harmonic relationship between two or more celestial bodies whose orbits exhibit a mathematical relationship, creating a pattern of gravitational influence and synchronicity.
  42. Oracular Prediction: n. The act of making predictions or forecasts about future events through the use of oracular methods, such as divination tools, intuitive insights, or astrological techniques. It involves tapping into higher wisdom, symbolism, and intuitive guidance to provide foresight and understanding of potential outcomes or developments in various aspects of life. Oracular prediction aims to provide guidance, insight, and a deeper understanding of the forces and energies at play in one’s personal or collective journey.
  43. Oracular Reading: n. The process of interpreting astrological symbols, cards, or other divinatory tools to provide insights, guidance, and predictions about the past, present, or future.
  44. Occult Symbol: n. A mystical or esoteric symbol used in astrology, magic, or other occult practices, representing hidden knowledge, spiritual concepts, or cosmic forces.
  45. Orbiting Satellite: n. A celestial body, natural or artificial, that revolves around a larger object, such as a planet or star, influencing astrological energies and dynamics.
  46. Orientational Astrology: n. A branch of astrology that focuses on the geographical and cultural influences on an individual’s birth chart, considering location-specific factors and local traditions.
  47. Orphic Astrology: n. An esoteric approach to astrology that integrates mythological, mystical, and spiritual concepts into the interpretation of birth charts and astrological symbolism.
  48. Occult Moon: n. The Moon’s influence and symbolism in astrology, representing intuition, emotions, the subconscious mind, and the connection to the hidden realms.
  49. Occult Doctrine: n. The body of knowledge and teachings within esoteric traditions, encompassing cosmology, metaphysics, spirituality, and the study of hidden or secret principles.
  50. Oracular Seer: n. A practitioner skilled in divination and oracular arts, capable of receiving and interpreting astrological or intuitive messages and providing guidance to others.
  1. Pallas Athena: n. An asteroid in astrology representing wisdom, strategy, and creative intelligence, named after the Greek goddess of wisdom.

  2. Part of Fortune: n. A sensitive point in a birth chart calculated using the positions of the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant, indicating areas of potential abundance, well-being, and success.
  3. Penumbral Eclipse: n. A type of lunar eclipse where the Moon passes through the outer part of Earth’s shadow, resulting in a subtle darkening of the lunar surface.
  4. Perihelion: n. The point in a planet’s orbit closest to the Sun, influencing the intensity and energy of its astrological effects.
  5. Personal Planets: n. The planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, which have shorter orbital periods and are considered to have a more direct impact on an individual’s personality and daily life.
  6. Pisces: n. The 12th sign of the zodiac, symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions, associated with compassion, intuition, spirituality, and empathy.
  7. Placidus House System: n. The most widely used house system in Western astrology, dividing the birth chart into unequal segments based on the degree of the Ascendant.
  8. Pluto: n. The planet Pluto, representing transformation, power, regeneration, and deep psychological processes, associated with collective and personal evolution.
  9. Progressed Chart: n. A secondary chart in astrology that tracks the movement of planets and points from the time of birth to a specific age or event, providing insights into personal growth and development.
  10. Progressions: n. A technique in astrology that involves advancing the positions of planets and points in a birth chart to reveal future trends, developments, and psychological shifts.
  11. Prograde Motion: n. The normal forward motion of a planet along its orbit, as observed from Earth, influencing the flow and direction of its astrological energies.
  12. Ptolemaic Aspects: n. The five major aspects in astrology, including the conjunction, opposition, square, trine, and sextile, based on the teachings of the ancient Greek astronomer Ptolemy.
  13. Psychological Astrology: n. An approach to astrology that emphasizes the psychological and inner dimensions of an individual, exploring patterns, motivations, and unconscious influences.
  14. Precession: n. The slow and gradual shift of Earth’s rotational axis over time, causing a change in the orientation of the zodiac signs in relation to the celestial equator.
  15. Primary Directions: n. A predictive technique in astrology that uses the movement of the Ascendant and Midheaven in the birth chart to calculate significant life events and timing.
  16. Planetary Retrograde: n. The apparent backward motion of a planet as observed from Earth, influencing the introspective, reflective, and internalized expression of its energies.
  17. Planetary Nodes: n. The points where the orbits of a planet and the Earth intersect, indicating points of karmic significance and evolutionary growth in astrology.
  18. Planetary Hours: n. The division of each day and night into 12 equal parts, with each part associated with a particular planet and believed to have its own unique influence.
  19. Primary Directions Chart: n. A specialized chart in astrology that displays the calculated primary directions and their corresponding life events and influences.
  20. Progressed Moon: n. The movement of the progressed Moon through the zodiac signs and houses in the secondary or progressed chart, indicating emotional and personal growth, cycles, and significant life changes.
  21. Progressed Ascendant: n. The progressed position of the Ascendant in the secondary or progressed chart, revealing shifts in an individual’s self-expression, appearance, and how they interact with the world.
  22. Planetary Dignity: n. The strength or potency of a planet in a particular zodiac sign, reflecting its ability to express its energies and fulfill its potential.
  23. Placidus House System: n. A widely used house system in Western astrology that divides the birth chart into twelve unequal segments based on the degree of the Ascendant.
  24. Partile Aspect: n. An aspect formed when two celestial bodies are at the exact same degree and minute of a zodiac sign, indicating a potent and intense alignment of energies.
  25. Primary Triad: n. In horary astrology, the three essential significators—Ascendant ruler, Moon, and quesited ruler—used to answer specific questions and provide insights.
  26. Progressed Sun: n. The movement of the progressed Sun through the zodiac signs in the secondary or progressed chart, reflecting personal growth, self-expression, and life purpose.
  27. Progressed Chart Analysis: n. The interpretation and analysis of the secondary or progressed chart, which shows the evolving energies and potential shifts in an individual’s life.
  28. Planetary Exaltation: n. The zodiac sign in which a planet is believed to be highly honored and empowered, allowing it to express its energies at their fullest potential.
  29. Progressed Midheaven: n. The progressed position of the Midheaven in the secondary or progressed chart, indicating shifts in career, public image, and life direction.
  30. Pre-Natal Eclipse: n. An eclipse that occurs shortly before an individual’s birth, believed to carry significant karmic and developmental themes throughout their life.
  31. Partile Conjunction: n. A conjunction aspect formed when two celestial bodies are at the exact same degree and minute of a zodiac sign, indicating a potent merging of energies.
  32. Planetary Hours Calculation: n. The process of determining the planetary hours of the day and night based on the local time and location, used for auspicious timing in various activities.
  33. Primary Directions Analysis: n. The interpretation and analysis of the significant life events and timing indicated by the calculations of primary directions in an individual’s birth chart.
  34. Progressed Mercury: n. The movement of the progressed Mercury through the zodiac signs in the secondary or progressed chart, influencing communication, thinking patterns, and learning.
  35. Progressed Venus: n. The movement of the progressed Venus through the zodiac signs in the secondary or progressed chart, reflecting relationships, love, beauty, and aesthetic preferences.
  36. Progressed Mars: n. The movement of the progressed Mars through the zodiac signs in the secondary or progressed chart, indicating energy, assertiveness, and the drive for action.
  37. Progressed Jupiter: n. The movement of the progressed Jupiter through the zodiac signs in the secondary or progressed chart, symbolizing expansion, growth, opportunities, and wisdom.
  38. Progressed Saturn: n. The movement of the progressed Saturn through the zodiac signs in the secondary or progressed chart, representing discipline, responsibility, structure, and life lessons.
  39. Progressed Uranus: n. The movement of the progressed Uranus through the zodiac signs in the secondary or progressed chart, reflecting innovation, rebellion, and personal freedom.
  40. Progressed Neptune: n. The movement of the progressed Neptune through the zodiac signs in the secondary or progressed chart, symbolizing spirituality, dreams, illusions, and creativity.
  41. Progressed Pluto: n. The movement of the progressed Pluto through the zodiac signs in the secondary or progressed chart, representing transformation, power, and profound personal growth.
  42. Progressed Chiron: n. The movement of the progressed Chiron through the zodiac signs in the secondary or progressed chart, indicating healing, self-discovery, and the integration of wounds.
  43. Planetary Stations: n. The periods when a planet appears to stop its normal direct or retrograde motion before changing direction, marking a shift in its astrological influence.
  44. Progressed Lunar Phase: n. The phase of the progressed Moon in the secondary or progressed chart, reflecting the evolving emotional and intuitive cycles in an individual’s life.
  45. Progressed Lunar Return: n. The astrological event that occurs when the progressed Moon returns to its natal position in the secondary or progressed chart, marking a significant milestone in personal growth.
  46. Planetary Ingress: n. The moment when a planet enters a new zodiac sign, influencing the collective and personal energies associated with that sign.
  47. Polarity: n. The relationship between zodiac signs that are opposite each other on the astrological wheel, representing complementary and balancing forces.
  48. Primary Directions System: n. A system of calculating and interpreting the movement of the Ascendant and Midheaven in the birth chart to determine significant life events and timing.

  1. Quadrate Aspect: n. An angular relationship between two celestial bodies that are approximately 90 degrees apart in the zodiac, indicating a dynamic and challenging interaction between their energies.

  2. Quadruplicity: n. One of the four groups of zodiac signs categorized by their shared elemental qualities—Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable—representing different modes of expression and approaches to life.
  3. Quaoar: n. A trans-Neptunian object in astrology associated with spiritual awakening, transformation, and the quest for meaning and purpose.
  4. Quincunx Aspect: n. An aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 150 degrees apart in the zodiac, signifying a subtle and complex relationship that requires adjustment and integration.
  5. Quadrant: n. One of the four sections created by dividing the horoscope wheel into equal parts, representing different areas of life and experience—first quadrant (houses 1-3), second quadrant (houses 4-6), third quadrant (houses 7-9), and fourth quadrant (houses 10-12).
  6. Querent: n. In horary astrology, the person who poses a specific question and seeks astrological guidance or answers.
  7. Quintile Aspect: n. An aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 72 degrees apart in the zodiac, representing a harmonious and creative connection that inspires unique talents and insights.
  8. Quinary Aspect: n. A rare aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 144 degrees apart in the zodiac, indicating a complex and unusual relationship that combines qualities of the quintile and square aspects.
  9. Querent’s Ascendant: n. The zodiac sign rising on the eastern horizon at the time a question is asked in horary astrology, providing insights into the querent’s current state and perspective.
  10. Querent’s Moon: n. The placement of the Moon at the time a question is asked in horary astrology, reflecting the querent’s emotional state and concerns related to the question.
  11. Quincunx Transit: n. The movement of a transiting planet to a position approximately 150 degrees from a planet in the birth chart, indicating a need for adjustment, integration, and adaptation.
  12. Quintile Transit: n. The movement of a transiting planet to a position approximately 72 degrees from a planet in the birth chart, activating creative, innovative, and specialized energies.
  13. Quinary Transit: n. The movement of a transiting planet to a position approximately 144 degrees from a planet in the birth chart, indicating a complex and unusual interplay of energies and potentials.
  14. Quincunx Synastry: n. The examination and interpretation of the quincunx aspect between celestial bodies in the birth charts of two individuals, highlighting the need for adjustment and understanding in their relationship.
  15. Quintile Synastry: n. The analysis of the quintile aspect between celestial bodies in the birth charts of two individuals, indicating a harmonious and inspiring connection that enhances their creative potentials.
  16. Quinary Synastry: n. The examination and interpretation of the quinary aspect between celestial bodies in the birth charts of two individuals, revealing a complex and unique relationship that combines the qualities of the quintile and square aspects.
  17. Quadrant House System: n. A system of dividing the birth chart into twelve equal parts of 30 degrees each, emphasizing the angular relationships and energetic dynamics between the planets and houses.
  18. Quadrature Aspect: n. An angular relationship between two celestial bodies that are approximately 90 degrees apart in the zodiac, signifying a dynamic and challenging interaction between their energies.
  19. Quiescent Signs: n. A term used in horary astrology to describe zodiac signs that are empty or unoccupied by any planets, indicating a lack of significant influences or events related to the question at hand.
  20. Quintessence: n. A concept in ancient astrology representing the fifth element, beyond the four classical elements (earth, air, fire, and water), symbolizing the divine and spiritual essence.
  21. Quindecile Aspect: n. An aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 165 degrees apart in the zodiac, indicating a strong and compulsive connection that can lead to intense experiences and transformations.
  22. Quintessence House System: n. A house system that divides the birth chart into twenty-four equal segments of 15 degrees each, providing a more detailed and nuanced interpretation of the houses and their significations.
  23. Quincunx Transit: n. The movement of a transiting planet to a position approximately 150 degrees from a planet in the birth chart, indicating a need for adjustment, integration, and adaptation.
  24. Quintile Transit: n. The movement of a transiting planet to a position approximately 72 degrees from a planet in the birth chart, activating creative, innovative, and specialized energies.
  25. Quinary Transit: n. The movement of a transiting planet to a position approximately 144 degrees from a planet in the birth chart, indicating a complex and unusual interplay of energies and potentials.
  26. Quincunx Synastry: n. The examination and interpretation of the quincunx aspect between celestial bodies in the birth charts of two individuals, highlighting the need for adjustment and understanding in their relationship.
  27. Quintile Synastry: n. The analysis of the quintile aspect between celestial bodies in the birth charts of two individuals, indicating a harmonious and inspiring connection that enhances their creative potentials.
  28. Quinary Synastry: n. The examination and interpretation of the quinary aspect between celestial bodies in the birth charts of two individuals, revealing a complex and unique relationship that combines the qualities of the quintile and square aspects.
  29. Quadrant House System: n. A system of dividing the birth chart into twelve equal parts of 30 degrees each, emphasizing the angular relationships and energetic dynamics between the planets and houses.
  30. Quadruplicity: n. One of the four groups of zodiac signs categorized by their shared elemental qualities—Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable—representing different modes of expression and approaches to life.

  1. Rahu: n. An imaginary point in Vedic astrology representing the ascending lunar node, associated with desires, obsessions, and worldly attachments.

  2. Rapid Motion: n. The relatively fast movement of a planet through the zodiac, indicating increased activity, energy, and intensity in its astrological influences.
  3. Rectification: n. The process of adjusting a birth chart or determining the accurate birth time through various methods, such as events in a person’s life or rectification techniques.
  4. Retrograde Motion: n. The apparent backward motion of a planet as observed from Earth, signifying a period of introspection, review, and reconsideration of the planet’s energies.
  5. Rising Sign: n. The zodiac sign that is rising on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual’s birth, also known as the Ascendant, influencing the individual’s outward personality and self-presentation.
  6. Ruler: n. The planet that governs or rules a zodiac sign, influencing its qualities, characteristics, and overall expression.
  7. Ruling Planet: n. The planet that has a dominant influence or rulership over a specific zodiac sign, reflecting its energy, themes, and significations.
  8. Retrograde Period: n. The duration of time when a planet appears to move in a backward or retrograde motion from the perspective of Earth, influencing its astrological effects.
  9. Rising Sign Compatibility: n. The assessment of compatibility between two individuals based on the compatibility of their Ascendant or Rising Signs, reflecting their overall compatibility and energy dynamics.
  10. Rising Sign Calculator: n. A tool or software that calculates and determines an individual’s Rising Sign or Ascendant based on their birth details, providing accurate astrological information.
  11. Revolution: n. A term used in astrological forecasting to describe the return of a planet or celestial body to its original position in the birth chart, marking significant cycles and opportunities.
  12. Retrograde Transit: n. The movement of a transiting planet in a retrograde motion, influencing a period of review, introspection, and potential delays or reversals in the areas governed by that planet.
  13. Retromingent: adj. Describing a planet that is stationary or moving slowly before transitioning from retrograde to direct motion, intensifying its astrological influences.
  14. Rulership: n. The astrological concept that assigns a specific zodiac sign or signs to each planet, reflecting their affinity and influence over those signs.
  15. Return Chart: n. A specialized chart cast for the time when a planet returns to its original position in the birth chart, such as the Solar Return or Saturn Return chart.
  16. Retrograde Shadow: n. The period before and after the retrograde motion of a planet, during which the planet appears to be moving slowly and its astrological effects may be felt.
  17. Radix: n. Another term for the birth chart or natal chart, representing the planetary positions and aspects at the time of an individual’s birth.
  18. Ruling House: n. The house in a birth chart where the ruling planet of the Ascendant is located, signifying a specific area of life that holds significance and influence.
  19. Retrograde Station: n. The point in time when a planet appears to pause and change direction from direct to retrograde motion, or vice versa.
  20. Revolutionary Astrology: n. A branch of astrology that focuses on social, political, and cultural dynamics, analyzing the influence of astrological patterns and cycles on larger societal transformations.
  21. Rapid Motion Planet: n. A planet that moves quickly through the zodiac due to its short orbital period, such as Mercury or the Moon, exerting swift and changeable influences.
  22. Rising Sign Compatibility: n. The assessment of compatibility between two individuals based on the compatibility of their Ascendant or Rising Signs, reflecting their overall compatibility and energy dynamics.
  23. Rising Sign Calculator: n. A tool or software that calculates and determines an individual’s Rising Sign or Ascendant based on their birth details, providing accurate astrological information.
  24. Revolution: n. A term used in astrological forecasting to describe the return of a planet or celestial body to its original position in the birth chart, marking significant cycles and opportunities.
  25. Retrograde Transit: n. The movement of a transiting planet in a retrograde motion, influencing a period of review, introspection, and potential delays or reversals in the areas governed by that planet.
  26. Retromingent: adj. Describing a planet that is stationary or moving slowly before transitioning from retrograde to direct motion, intensifying its astrological influences.
  27. Revolutionary Astrology: n. A branch of astrology that focuses on social, political, and cultural dynamics, analyzing the influence of astrological patterns and cycles on larger societal transformations.
  28. Revolutionary Uranian Astrology: n. A specialized form of astrology that focuses on the study of hypothetical planets and the use of dynamic dial techniques for precise timing and forecasting.
  29. Rulership: n. The astrological concept that assigns a specific zodiac sign or signs to each planet, reflecting their affinity and influence over those signs.
  30. Ruling House: n. The house in a birth chart where the ruling planet of the Ascendant is located, signifying a specific area of life that holds significance and influence.
  31. Rulership Planet: n. The planet that rules or governs a particular zodiac sign, exerting its influence and energies over the themes and characteristics associated with that sign.
  32. Ruling Planet: n. The planet that has a dominant influence or rulership over a specific zodiac sign, reflecting its energy, themes, and significations.
  33. Ruling Sign: n. The zodiac sign that is ruled by a particular planet, signifying the primary area of life and expression influenced by that planet’s energy.
  34. Radical Chart: n. An alternate term for the natal or birth chart, representing the unique configuration of planets, signs, and houses at the time of an individual’s birth.
  35. Rahu: n. An imaginary point in Vedic astrology representing the ascending lunar node, associated with desires, obsessions, and worldly attachments.
  36. Rectification: n. The process of adjusting a birth chart or determining the accurate birth time through various methods, such as events in a person’s life or rectification techniques.
  37. Return Chart: n. A specialized chart cast for the time when a planet returns to its original position in the birth chart, such as the Solar Return or Saturn Return chart.
  38. Retrograde Motion: n. The apparent backward motion of a planet as observed from Earth, signifying a period of introspection, review, and reconsideration of the planet’s energies.
  39. Retrograde Shadow: n. The period before and after the retrograde motion of a planet, during which the planet appears to be moving slowly and its astrological effects may be felt.
  40. Retrograde Period: n. The duration of time when a planet appears to move in a backward or retrograde motion from the perspective of Earth, influencing its astrological effects.
  41. Retrograde Station: n. The point in time when a planet appears to pause and change direction from direct to retrograde motion, or vice versa.
  42. Revolutionary Astrology: n. A branch of astrology that focuses on social, political, and cultural dynamics, analyzing the influence of astrological patterns and cycles on larger societal transformations.
  43. Revolutionary Uranian Astrology: n. A specialized form of astrology that focuses on the study of hypothetical planets and the use of dynamic dial techniques for precise timing and forecasting.
  44. Rising Sign: n. The zodiac sign that is rising on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual’s birth, also known as the Ascendant, influencing the individual’s outward personality and self-presentation.
  45. Rising Sign Compatibility: n. The assessment of compatibility between two individuals based on the compatibility of their Ascendant or Rising Signs, reflecting their overall compatibility and energy dynamics.
  46. Rising Sign Calculator: n. A tool or software that calculates and determines an individual’s Rising Sign or Ascendant based on their birth details, providing accurate astrological information.
  47. Rising Sign Degree: n. The specific degree of the zodiac sign that is rising on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual’s birth, contributing to the individual’s unique characteristics.
  48. Rising Sign Symbol: n. The symbol associated with an individual’s Rising Sign or Ascendant, representing their outward persona and initial impression on others.
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  1. Sabian Symbols: n. A set of 360 symbolic images associated with each degree of the zodiac, used in astrological interpretation to provide deeper insights into planetary placements and aspects.

  2. Sagittarius: n. The ninth sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the Archer, associated with adventure, exploration, optimism, and philosophical pursuits.
  3. Saturn: n. The planet Saturn, representing discipline, responsibility, structure, and life lessons, associated with ambition, perseverance, and the constriction of time.
  4. Scorpio: n. The eighth sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the Scorpion, associated with intensity, passion, transformation, and depth of emotions.
  5. Secondary Progressions: n. A predictive technique in astrology that involves advancing the positions of planets and points in the birth chart to reveal future trends, developments, and psychological shifts.
  6. Sextile Aspect: n. An aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 60 degrees apart in the zodiac, indicating harmonious and supportive energies between them.
  7. Sidereal Zodiac: n. A system of measuring the zodiac based on the actual positions of stars and constellations, rather than the tropical zodiac’s reference to the vernal equinox.
  8. Solar Eclipse: n. An eclipse that occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, temporarily blocking the Sun’s light and casting a shadow on Earth, signifying new beginnings and transformations.
  9. Solar Return: n. The astrological chart cast for the exact moment when the Sun returns to its natal position each year, providing insights into the themes and influences for the upcoming year.
  10. South Node: n. An imaginary point in astrology representing the descending lunar node, associated with past life influences, karmic patterns, and release of energies.
  11. Sagittarius Rising: n. A term used when the zodiac sign Sagittarius is the rising sign or Ascendant in an individual’s birth chart, influencing their outward personality, approach to life, and self-expression.
  12. Saturn Return: n. The astrological phenomenon that occurs when the planet Saturn completes its first full orbit around the Sun after an individual’s birth, marking a period of maturity, self-reflection, and life transitions.
  13. Solar Houses: n. The twelve divisions of a birth chart that represent different areas of life, determined by the location of the Sun at the time of birth.
  14. Solar Fire: n. A popular astrology software program used by astrologers for calculations, charting, and interpretation.
  15. Solar Arcs: n. A predictive technique in astrology that involves advancing the birth chart by a certain number of degrees per year, providing insights into major life events and timing.
  16. Solar Plexus Chakra: n. The third energy center in the body’s chakra system, associated with personal power, self-esteem, and identity, often considered in astrological healing and energy work.
  17. Square Aspect: n. An aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 90 degrees apart in the zodiac, indicating tension, challenges, and opportunities for growth and transformation.
  18. Scorpio Moon: n. A term used when the Moon is placed in the zodiac sign Scorpio in an individual’s birth chart, influencing their emotional nature, intensity, and transformative potential.
  19. Sidereal Time: n. The measure of the Earth’s rotation with respect to the stars, used in astrology to determine the position of celestial bodies and calculate precise chart placements.
  20. Significance: n. The importance or meaning attributed to a specific planetary placement, aspect, or astrological event in an individual’s birth chart or in predictive astrology.
  21. Solar Houses: n. The twelve divisions of a birth chart that represent different areas of life, determined by the location of the Sun at the time of birth.
  22. Solar Return: n. The astrological chart cast for the exact moment when the Sun returns to its natal position each year, providing insights into the themes and influences for the upcoming year.
  23. Solar Arcs: n. A predictive technique in astrology that involves advancing the birth chart by a certain number of degrees per year, providing insights into major life events and timing.
  24. Solar Plexus Chakra: n. The third energy center in the body’s chakra system, associated with personal power, self-esteem, and identity, often considered in astrological healing and energy work.
  25. Square Aspect: n. An aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 90 degrees apart in the zodiac, indicating tension, challenges, and opportunities for growth and transformation.
  26. Scorpio Moon: n. A term used when the Moon is placed in the zodiac sign Scorpio in an individual’s birth chart, influencing their emotional nature, intensity, and transformative potential.
  27. Saturnian: adj. Describing qualities, characteristics, or energies associated with the planet Saturn, such as discipline, maturity, responsibility, and a focus on long-term goals.
  28. Synastry: n. The comparison and analysis of two or more birth charts to determine compatibility, relationship dynamics, and the potential for harmony or conflict.
  29. Synchronicity: n. The concept, popularized by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, that events in the external world can coincide with significant inner experiences or psychological states, often observed in astrology.
  30. Satellite: n. A term used in astrology to refer to celestial bodies that orbit larger planets, such as moons or natural satellites, exerting their influences within the planetary system.
  31. Solar System: n. The system consisting of the Sun, planets, asteroids, comets, and other celestial bodies that are bound by the Sun’s gravitational pull, forming the basis of astrological analysis.
  32. Solar Houses: n. The twelve divisions of a birth chart that represent different areas of life, determined by the location of the Sun at the time of birth.
  33. Sun Sign: n. The zodiac sign in which the Sun is placed at the time of an individual’s birth, often considered the most significant sign in astrology and influencing the core identity and ego expression.
  34. Sagittarius Ascendant: n. A term used when the zodiac sign Sagittarius is the rising sign or Ascendant in an individual’s birth chart, influencing their outward personality, approach to life, and self-expression.
  35. Synodic Cycle: n. The period between two successive conjunctions or oppositions of celestial bodies, such as the cycle between the Sun and Moon or between two planets, influencing their dynamic relationship.
  36. Sidereal Zodiac: n. A system of measuring the zodiac based on the actual positions of stars and constellations, rather than the tropical zodiac’s reference to the vernal equinox.
  37. Solar Eclipse: n. An eclipse that occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, temporarily blocking the Sun’s light and casting a shadow on Earth, signifying new beginnings and transformations.
  38. Solar Return: n. The astrological chart cast for the exact moment when the Sun returns to its natal position each year, providing insights into the themes and influences for the upcoming year.
  39. South Node: n. An imaginary point in astrology representing the descending lunar node, associated with past life influences, karmic patterns, and release of energies.
  40. Saturn Return: n. The astrological phenomenon that occurs when the planet Saturn completes its first full orbit around the Sun after an individual’s birth, marking a period of maturity, self-reflection, and life transitions.
  41. Solar Houses: n. The twelve divisions of a birth chart that represent different areas of life, determined by the location of the Sun at the time of birth.
  42. Saturnine: adj. Describing qualities, characteristics, or energies associated with the planet Saturn, such as discipline, responsibility, and a serious demeanor.
  43. Sextile Aspect: n. An aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 60 degrees apart in the zodiac, indicating harmonious and supportive energies between them.
  44. Sidereal Time: n. The measure of the Earth’s rotation with respect to the stars, used in astrology to determine the position of celestial bodies and calculate precise chart placements.
  45. Scorpio Rising: n. A term used when the zodiac sign Scorpio is the rising sign or Ascendant in an individual’s birth chart, influencing their outward demeanor, intensity, and transformative potential.
  46. Synastry: n. The comparison and analysis of two or more birth charts to determine compatibility, relationship dynamics, and the potential for harmony or conflict.
  47. Satellite: n. A term used in astrology to refer to celestial bodies that orbit larger planets, such as moons or natural satellites, exerting their influences within the planetary system.
  48. Significance: n. The importance or meaning attributed to a specific planetary placement, aspect, or astrological event in an individual’s birth chart or in predictive astrology.
  49. Solar Fire: n. A popular astrology software program used by astrologers for calculations, charting, and interpretation.

  1. Taurus: n. The second sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the Bull, associated with stability, practicality, determination, and sensual pleasures.

  2. Transit: n. The movement of a planet through the zodiac, influencing the energies and experiences of the present moment and their interaction with an individual’s birth chart.
  3. Tarot Astrology: n. The combination of astrology and tarot, where astrological principles are applied to tarot card readings to provide deeper insights and connections.
  4. Transpersonal Planets: n. Planets beyond Saturn, including Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, associated with collective energies, transformation, and the exploration of higher consciousness.
  5. Transcendental Meditation: n. A technique developed by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi that involves the repetition of a mantra to achieve deep relaxation and expanded awareness, sometimes used in conjunction with astrology.
  6. Trine Aspect: n. An aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 120 degrees apart in the zodiac, indicating harmonious and flowing energies between them.
  7. Tropical Zodiac: n. The division of the zodiac into twelve equal 30-degree segments, beginning at the vernal equinox and used in Western astrology.
  8. T-square Aspect: n. An aspect formed when two planets are in opposition and both form a square aspect with a third planet, creating a dynamic and challenging configuration.
  9. Tarot: n. A deck of cards used for divination and spiritual introspection, often combined with astrology to provide insights into personal and collective energies.
  10. Transits and Progressions: n. The combined study of transiting planets and progressed positions in an individual’s birth chart to determine current influences and future trends.
  11. Trine Synastry: n. The analysis of trine aspects between celestial bodies in the birth charts of two individuals, indicating harmonious and supportive connections in their relationship.
  12. Tarot Reading: n. The practice of using tarot cards to gain insight into a person’s past, present, and future, often combined with astrology to provide a more comprehensive understanding.
  13. Twelfth House: n. The house in a birth chart that represents the realm of the subconscious, hidden influences, spirituality, and self-transcendence.
  14. Triple Conjunction: n. The alignment of three celestial bodies in close proximity in the zodiac, signifying a potent concentration of energy and potential influence.
  15. Trinity: n. In astrology, the concept of three-fold energies or combinations, such as the Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign, representing different facets of an individual’s identity.
  16. Transpersonal Astrology: n. A branch of astrology that explores the spiritual and transpersonal dimensions of the birth chart, focusing on growth, transformation, and the integration of higher consciousness.
  17. Tropical Astrology: n. Another term for Western astrology, which utilizes the tropical zodiac and focuses on the interaction of planets with the Earth’s seasons.
  18. T-square Transit: n. The movement of a transiting planet to form a T-square configuration with two other planets in an individual’s birth chart, indicating a period of tension, challenges, and potential growth.
  19. Transiting Nodes: n. The current positions of the lunar nodes in the zodiac, indicating significant lessons, karmic influences, and opportunities for growth and evolution.
  20. Twelfth House Stellium: n. A concentration of three or more planets in the twelfth house of a birth chart, emphasizing the individual’s introspection, spiritual exploration, and connection to the collective unconscious.
  21. Tarot Spread: n. A specific arrangement of tarot cards used for a particular purpose, such as gaining insight into a specific question or exploring different aspects of life.
  22. Tarot Archetypes: n. The symbolic representations and characters depicted in tarot cards, embodying universal themes and archetypal energies that can be related to astrological concepts.
  23. Transcendent Function: n. A term coined by Carl Jung, referring to the process of integrating conscious and unconscious aspects of the psyche, often explored in relation to astrological dynamics.
  24. Time Lords: n. A predictive technique in Hellenistic astrology that assigns ruling periods to planets based on their chronological order, offering insights into key life themes and timing.
  25. Topocentric House System: n. A house system that takes into account the latitude and longitude of the birthplace, providing a more accurate representation of the houses in relation to the individual’s location.
  26. Transcendental Houses: n. The angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th) in a birth chart, associated with personal identity, home and family, partnerships, and career, respectively.
  27. Transcendental Astrology: n. An approach to astrology that seeks to explore the connection between celestial energies and the human psyche, aiming for spiritual growth, self-realization, and transcendence.
  28. Transitional Phase: n. The period of time between major astrological cycles or events, signifying a shift in energy and life circumstances as one cycle concludes and another begins.
  29. Tertiary Directions: n. A predictive technique that involves advancing the birth chart by a third of a degree per day, providing insights into daily influences and shorter-term events.
  30. Transpluto: n. A hypothetical planet sometimes used in astrology, representing the process of individuation and the integration of the shadow self.
  31. Transmutation: n. The process of transformation and change, often associated with alchemical principles and applied to personal growth and development in astrological contexts.
  32. Transcendence: n. The state of surpassing or going beyond ordinary limits, often explored in astrology as a means of spiritual growth, transcendental experiences, and connection to higher realms.
  33. Traditional Astrology: n. The practice of astrology based on ancient and classical principles, often drawing from historical texts and techniques.
  34. Triple Water Sign: n. A configuration in which three planets are located in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), indicating heightened emotional sensitivity, intuition, and depth of feeling.
  35. Temporal Strength: n. A concept in traditional astrology that assesses the strength of a planet based on its position, house placement, and aspects, influencing its significance and effectiveness.
  36. Taurus Moon: n. A term used when the Moon is placed in the zodiac sign Taurus in an individual’s birth chart, influencing their emotional nature, stability, and connection to the material world.
  37. Transcendental Meditation: n. A technique developed by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi that involves the repetition of a mantra to achieve deep relaxation and expanded awareness, sometimes used in conjunction with astrology.
  38. Trines and Sextiles: n. The aspects formed by planets that are approximately 120 degrees (trine) and 60 degrees (sextile) apart, indicating harmony, ease, and opportunities for growth.
  39. Time of Birth: n. The exact moment at which an individual is born, often recorded in hours, minutes, and seconds, used to determine the positions of celestial bodies in the birth chart.
  40. Transpersonal Planets: n. Planets beyond Saturn, including Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, associated with collective energies, transformation, and the exploration of higher consciousness.
  41. Transcendent: adj. Referring to experiences or states of being that go beyond ordinary perception or understanding, often associated with spiritual or mystical realms in astrology.
  42. Trine Aspect: n. An aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 120 degrees apart in the zodiac, indicating harmonious and flowing energies between them.
  43. Transit: n. The movement of a planet through the zodiac, influencing the energies and experiences of the present moment and their interaction with an individual’s birth chart.
  44. Tarot Astrology: n. The combination of astrology and tarot, where astrological principles are applied to tarot card readings to provide deeper insights and connections.
  45. Transpersonal Astrology: n. A branch of astrology that explores the spiritual and transpersonal dimensions of the birth chart, focusing on growth, transformation, and the integration of higher consciousness.
  46. Trine Synastry: n. The analysis of trine aspects between celestial bodies in the birth charts of two individuals, indicating harmonious and supportive connections in their relationship.
  47. Tropical Zodiac: n. The division of the zodiac into twelve equal 30-degree segments, beginning at the vernal equinox and used in Western astrology.
  48. Triple Conjunction: n. The alignment of three celestial bodies in close proximity in the zodiac, signifying a potent concentration of energy and potential influence.

  1. Uranus: n. The planet Uranus, associated with innovation, independence, originality, and sudden change, often associated with technological advancements and unconventional thinking.

  2. Underworld: n. A term in astrology that refers to the houses below the horizon in a birth chart, representing the individual’s private life, subconscious, and hidden aspects.
  3. Unaspected: adj. Describing a planet that does not form any major aspects with other celestial bodies in the birth chart, indicating its unique and independent influence.
  4. Universal Astrology: n. An approach to astrology that emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things and the universal principles and energies that govern the cosmos.
  5. Unconscious: n. In astrology, the realm of the mind and psyche that operates outside of conscious awareness, often revealed through the interpretation of dreams, symbols, and astrological indicators.
  6. Uranian Astrology: n. A system of astrology developed by Alfred Witte, focusing on the use of hypothetical planets and dynamic midpoints for precise and predictive techniques.
  7. Uranus Return: n. The astrological phenomenon that occurs when the planet Uranus completes its first full orbit around the Sun after an individual’s birth, marking a period of individuality, rebellion, and personal growth.
  8. Upachaya Houses: n. The 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 11th houses in a birth chart, associated with growth, accomplishments, success, and fulfillment of desires.
  9. Ultimate Dispositor: n. The planet that has the most essential dignity in a birth chart, exerting a significant influence and acting as a focal point for the individual’s energies.
  10. Unaspected Planet: n. A planet that does not form any major aspects with other planets in the birth chart, standing alone and having a distinct influence on the individual’s life.
  11. Universal Time: n. The time standard based on the mean solar time at the Prime Meridian (0 degrees longitude), used in astrology for accurate calculations and chart interpretations.
  12. Uranian Planets: n. The hypothetical planets used in Uranian astrology, including Cupido, Hades, Zeus, and Kronos, representing specific psychological and energetic dynamics.
  13. Universal House System: n. A house system in astrology that divides the birth chart into twelve equal segments, beginning at the Ascendant and equally distributing the houses around the wheel.
  14. Universe: n. The totality of all matter, energy, time, and space, including celestial bodies and cosmic forces, studied and analyzed in astrology to understand the interplay of energies.
  15. Unification: n. The concept in astrology that seeks to integrate and harmonize different aspects of an individual’s birth chart, creating a cohesive understanding of their personality and life experiences.
  16. Universe Consciousness: n. The awareness of the interconnectedness and interdependence of all beings and phenomena in the universe, explored in spiritual and esoteric astrology.
  17. Unpredictability: n. The quality of being unpredictable or unexpected, often associated with certain planetary influences or aspects that introduce uncertainty or sudden changes.
  18. Universal Time Zone: n. The standard time used globally, divided into multiple time zones based on longitudinal divisions, providing a consistent reference for astrological calculations and events.
  19. Uranian Astrology: n. A system of astrology developed by Alfred Witte, focusing on the use of hypothetical planets and dynamic midpoints for precise and predictive techniques.
  20. Unmanifest: adj. Referring to a state or aspect of existence that is not yet apparent or visible, often associated with potential and latent energies in astrology.
  21. Universe: n. The totality of all matter, energy, time, and space, including celestial bodies and cosmic forces, studied and analyzed in astrology to understand the interplay of energies.
  22. Uranian Planets: n. The hypothetical planets used in Uranian astrology, including Cupido, Hades, Zeus, and Kronos, representing specific psychological and energetic dynamics.
  23. Universal House System: n. A house system in astrology that divides the birth chart into twelve equal segments, beginning at the Ascendant and equally distributing the houses around the wheel.
  24. Universal Time: n. The time standard based on the mean solar time at the Prime Meridian (0 degrees longitude), used in astrology for accurate calculations and chart interpretations.
  25. Uranus Return: n. The astrological phenomenon that occurs when the planet Uranus completes its first full orbit around the Sun after an individual’s birth, marking a period of individuality, rebellion, and personal growth.
  26. Uranian Astrology: n. A system of astrology developed by Alfred Witte, focusing on the use of hypothetical planets and dynamic midpoints for precise and predictive techniques.
  27. Ultimate Dispositor: n. The planet that has the most essential dignity in a birth chart, exerting a significant influence and acting as a focal point for the individual’s energies.
  28. Upachaya Houses: n. The 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 11th houses in a birth chart, associated with growth, accomplishments, success, and fulfillment of desires.
  29. Unaspected Planet: n. A planet that does not form any major aspects with other planets in the birth chart, standing alone and having a distinct influence on the individual’s life.
  30. Unconscious: n. In astrology, the realm of the mind and psyche that operates outside of conscious awareness, often revealed through the interpretation of dreams, symbols, and astrological indicators.

  1. Venus: n. The planet Venus, associated with love, beauty, harmony, relationships, and artistic expression.
  2. Vedic Astrology: n. An ancient system of astrology originating in India, also known as Jyotish, that utilizes a sidereal zodiac and emphasizes karmic influences and spiritual growth.
  3. Void of Course: adj. Referring to a planet that does not form any major aspects with other planets before leaving its current sign, signifying a period of inactivity or uncertainty.
  4. Vertex: n. A sensitive point in the birth chart, representing significant fated encounters, karmic connections, and spiritual lessons.
  5. Virgo: n. The sixth sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the Virgin, associated with practicality, organization, attention to detail, and analytical thinking.
  6. Vernal Equinox: n. The point in time when the Sun crosses the celestial equator, marking the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and the start of the astrological year.
  7. Vibration: n. The energetic frequency or resonance associated with celestial bodies and their influence on individuals and events, studied and interpreted in astrology.
  8. Vedic Houses: n. The twelve divisions of a birth chart in Vedic astrology, representing different aspects of life and areas of experience.
  9. Vocational Astrology: n. The branch of astrology that focuses on career paths, professional talents, and vocational guidance based on the birth chart.
  10. Venus Return: n. The astrological phenomenon that occurs when the planet Venus completes its first full orbit around the Sun after an individual’s birth, marking a period of personal values, relationships, and creativity.
  11. Void of Course Moon: n. A period when the Moon forms no major aspects with other planets before leaving its current sign, suggesting a time of introspection, rest, and reflection.
  12. Vedic Horoscope: n. The birth chart or horoscope created using Vedic astrology techniques, providing insights into an individual’s personality, destiny, and life events.
  13. Vulcan: n. A hypothetical planet proposed by astronomer and astrologer Alfred Witte, representing transformation, regeneration, and healing energies.
  14. Venusian: adj. Describing qualities, characteristics, or energies associated with the planet Venus, such as beauty, charm, diplomacy, and affection.
  15. Vedic Nakshatras: n. The lunar mansions or lunar asterisms used in Vedic astrology, dividing the zodiac into twenty-seven segments for more detailed analysis and predictions.
  16. Vertex Axis: n. The axis formed by the Vertex and Anti-Vertex points in the birth chart, representing significant fated encounters and relationships.
  17. Void of Course Moon: n. A period when the Moon forms no major aspects with other planets before leaving its current sign, suggesting a time of introspection, rest, and reflection.
  18. Vedic Astrologer: n. An astrologer who specializes in Vedic astrology, using the principles and techniques of the ancient Indian astrological system.
  19. Vibrational Astrology: n. An approach to astrology that emphasizes the energetic qualities and vibrations of celestial bodies, focusing on their influence on individual and collective consciousness.
  20. Vocational Houses: n. The houses in a birth chart that provide insights into one’s career, profession, and vocational pursuits, often analyzed in vocational astrology.
  21. Venus Retrograde: n. The apparent backward movement of the planet Venus in its orbit, as observed from Earth, believed to influence romantic relationships, values, and financial matters during the retrograde period.
  22. Vedic Astrology: n. An ancient system of astrology originating in India, also known as Jyotish, that utilizes a sidereal zodiac and emphasizes karmic influences and spiritual growth.
  23. Vocational Astrology: n. The branch of astrology that focuses on career paths, professional talents, and vocational guidance based on the birth chart.
  24. Vesta: n. One of the four major asteroids in astrology, representing devotion, focus, dedication, and the sacred flame within.
  25. Volatile: adj. Describing energies or planetary configurations in astrology that are unpredictable, changeable, and prone to sudden shifts or disruptions.
  26. Virgo Rising: n. A term used when the zodiac sign Virgo is the rising sign or Ascendant in an individual’s birth chart, influencing their outward demeanor, analytical nature, and attention to detail.
  27. Void of Course: adj. Referring to a planet that does not form any major aspects with other planets before leaving its current sign, signifying a period of inactivity or uncertainty.
  28. Vertex: n. A sensitive point in the birth chart, representing significant fated encounters, karmic connections, and spiritual lessons.
  29. Vernal Equinox: n. The point in time when the Sun crosses the celestial equator, marking the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and the start of the astrological year.
  30. Vibration: n. The energetic frequency or resonance associated with celestial bodies and their influence on individuals and events, studied and interpreted in astrology.
  1. Water Signs: n. The astrological signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, characterized by emotional sensitivity, intuition, and a deep connection to the subconscious.
  2. Waning Moon: n. The phase of the Moon when it appears to decrease in size after the Full Moon, associated with release, letting go, and introspection.
  3. Waxing Moon: n. The phase of the Moon when it appears to increase in size from New Moon to Full Moon, associated with growth, manifestation, and intention-setting.
  4. Western Astrology: n. The astrological tradition originating in the Western world, utilizing the tropical zodiac and focusing on psychological, personality-based interpretations.
  5. Wobble: n. The slight oscillation or variation in the Earth’s rotational axis, known as precession, which affects the alignment of the zodiac signs over time.
  6. Whole Sign Houses: n. A house system in astrology where each sign occupies an entire house, providing a straightforward and intuitive approach to house interpretation.
  7. Wheel of Houses: n. The circular diagram of the birth chart, divided into twelve houses, representing different areas of life and their relationship to the Ascendant and Midheaven.
  8. Winter Solstice: n. The point in time when the Sun reaches its southernmost position in the sky, marking the shortest day and longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.
  9. Waning Crescent: n. The Moon phase just before the New Moon, characterized by a small sliver of the illuminated side visible, symbolizing completion and surrender.
  10. Waxing Crescent: n. The Moon phase just after the New Moon, characterized by a small sliver of the illuminated side visible, symbolizing new beginnings and growth.
  11. Waning Gibbous: n. The Moon phase just after the Full Moon, characterized by a decreasing illuminated side, symbolizing completion, release, and integration.
  12. Waxing Gibbous: n. The Moon phase just before the Full Moon, characterized by an increasing illuminated side, symbolizing growth, expansion, and culmination.
  13. Waning Square: n. The aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 270 degrees apart, indicating a challenging and transformative phase of the lunar cycle.
  14. Waxing Square: n. The aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 90 degrees apart, indicating a dynamic and action-oriented phase of the lunar cycle.
  15. Warrior Energy: n. An astrological concept associated with the planet Mars, symbolizing assertiveness, courage, passion, and the pursuit of personal desires.
  16. Wheel of the Zodiac: n. A circular representation of the zodiac signs, depicting their sequential order and relationship to each other in the astrological wheel.
  17. Waning Trine: n. The aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 240 degrees apart, indicating a harmonious and reflective phase of the lunar cycle.
  18. Waxing Trine: n. The aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 120 degrees apart, indicating a harmonious and expansive phase of the lunar cycle.
  19. White Moon: n. A point in astrology representing the Moon’s orbit around the Earth, used in some astrological systems to calculate lunar cycles and patterns.
  20. Water Houses: n. The houses in a birth chart associated with emotions, intuition, relationships, creativity, and the subconscious mind.
  21. Winter Signs: n. The zodiac signs of Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, spanning the winter season and characterized by introspection, innovation, and spiritual depth.
  22. Waning Sextile: n. The aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 300 degrees apart, indicating a supportive and transformative phase of the lunar cycle.
  23. Waxing Sextile: n. The aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 60 degrees apart, indicating a harmonious and cooperative phase of the lunar cycle.
  24. Wandering Stars: n. A term used to refer to the planets in astrology, as they appear to move across the celestial sphere against the backdrop of fixed stars.
  25. Waning Quadrant: n. The phase of the Moon when it is past the Third Quarter and moving towards the New Moon, symbolizing release, reflection, and preparation for new beginnings.
  26. Waxing Quadrant: n. The phase of the Moon when it is past the First Quarter and moving towards the Full Moon, symbolizing growth, action, and the pursuit of goals.
  27. Widely Conjunct: adj. Describing planets or celestial bodies that are close in degrees but not exact in their conjunction aspect, indicating a significant influence despite a slight separation.
  28. Widely Opposition: adj. Referring to planets or celestial bodies that are close in degrees but not exact in their opposition aspect, signifying a notable tension or polarity despite a slight separation.
  29. Widely Square: adj. Describing planets or celestial bodies that are close in degrees but not exact in their square aspect, indicating a significant challenge or conflict despite a slight separation.
  30. Waxing Opposition: n. The aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 180 degrees apart, indicating a phase of heightened awareness, relationship dynamics, and integration.
  1. X-Factor: n. A term used in astrology to refer to an elusive or mysterious quality that adds a unique and captivating element to a person’s personality or chart.

  2. Xenophobia: n. In astrology, the fear or aversion towards foreign or unfamiliar energies, often seen as an aspect of the personality influenced by certain planetary placements.
  3. Xenogeny: n. A term used in astrological forecasting to describe the influence of external or environmental factors on an individual’s life path and development.
  4. X-Ray Vision: n. A metaphorical expression used in astrology to describe a person’s heightened intuition or ability to perceive hidden aspects of situations or individuals.
  5. X-Axis: n. In astrology, the horizontal line that divides the birth chart into upper and lower hemispheres, representing the conscious and unconscious aspects of an individual’s life.
  6. Xenodochial: adj. Describing an astrological placement or configuration that indicates a welcoming, open, and hospitable nature towards others.
  7. Xenocracy: n. A term used in astrological discourse to describe a form of governance or leadership influenced by foreign or external forces.
  8. Xiphoid: adj. Referring to an astrological point or placement that represents the sternum or breastbone, often associated with themes of protection, vulnerability, and self-defense.
  9. Xenotropic: adj. Describing an astrological placement or aspect that denotes an attraction to or affinity for foreign cultures, ideas, or influences.
  10. Xenophilic: adj. Referring to an astrological trait or characteristic that denotes a strong affinity for foreign or different cultures, people, or experiences.
  11. Xenium: n. An astrological concept referring to an individual’s innate capacity to adapt and embrace different cultural, religious, or philosophical perspectives.
  12. Xenodrachms: n. A term used in ancient astrological texts to refer to specific coins or tokens associated with rituals or talismans used in astrological practices.
  13. Xanadu: n. A metaphorical term used in astrology to describe a place or state of idealized happiness, harmony, and fulfillment.
  14. Xeric: adj. Describing an astrological environment or placement that is arid, dry, or lacking in emotional expression or nurturing qualities.
  15. Xenoglossy: n. An astrological concept that refers to the ability to speak or understand a foreign or unknown language, symbolizing the capacity to tap into higher realms of knowledge.
  16. Xenobathmism: n. An astrological term used to describe the exploration of other dimensions or realms of consciousness through dreamwork, meditation, or altered states of awareness.
  17. X-Ray Astrology: n. An alternative term for Uranian astrology, a system of astrology that focuses on the use of hypothetical planets and dynamic midpoints for precise and predictive techniques.
  18. Xenoastrology: n. An emerging field that explores the possibility of astrological systems or interpretations on planets or celestial bodies beyond our solar system.
  19. Xenomancy: n. An ancient form of divination that utilizes the observation of foreign or unusual phenomena as a means of interpreting future events, sometimes incorporating astrological principles.
  20. Xylograph: n. An astrological term used to refer to a specific type of talisman or charm made from engraved wood, often inscribed with astrological symbols or sigils for specific purposes.

  1. Yin: n. A concept in astrology representing the receptive, feminine, and introspective energies, often associated with the Moon and the water signs.

  2. Yod: n. An astrological configuration formed by two planets in sextile aspect, both forming inconjunct aspects to a third planet, indicating a complex and transformative energy pattern.
  3. Yearly Forecast: n. A type of astrological reading or consultation that focuses on predicting and analyzing the major themes and influences for the upcoming year based on the individual’s birth chart.
  4. Yearly Profections: n. A predictive technique in astrology that involves advancing the Ascendant of the birth chart by one sign each year, providing insights into the significant themes and experiences for that year.
  5. Yantra: n. A geometric diagram or symbol used in Vedic astrology as a visual representation of specific planetary energies and their auspicious influences.
  6. Yogi Point: n. A term used in astrology to refer to the degree of a planet or sensitive point where it gains strength and prominence in the birth chart.
  7. Yellow Sapphire: n. A gemstone associated with the planet Jupiter in astrology, believed to enhance wisdom, abundance, and spiritual growth.
  8. Year Ruler: n. The planet ruling over a specific year in astrology, often determined by the annual profections technique or other predictive methods.
  9. Yin and Yang: n. A fundamental concept in astrology, representing the duality and interplay of masculine (yang) and feminine (yin) energies, symbolizing balance and harmony.
  10. Yoni: n. In Vedic astrology, the term refers to the classification of the twelve zodiac signs into different animal symbols representing their energetic qualities.
  11. Yajna Yoga: n. An astrological combination or configuration that indicates a person’s inclination towards religious or spiritual pursuits and involvement in ceremonial activities.
  12. Yin Houses: n. The houses in a birth chart associated with receptive and internal energies, representing areas of life where introspection, nurturing, and emotional expression are prominent.
  13. Yearly Transits: n. The movement of planets through the zodiac signs and their interaction with an individual’s birth chart over the course of a year, providing insights into significant events and experiences.
  14. Yantra Meditation: n. A meditation practice that involves focusing on a specific yantra symbol to connect with the energetic qualities associated with a particular planet or deity.

  1. Zodiac: n. The band of the celestial sphere divided into twelve equal parts, each representing a specific zodiac sign, through which the Sun, Moon, and planets appear to travel.

  2. Zenith: n. The point on the celestial sphere directly above an observer’s location, representing the highest point in the sky.
  3. Zodiacal Signs: n. The twelve signs of the zodiac, each representing a specific portion of the ecliptic and associated with distinct qualities, characteristics, and elements.
  4. Zenith Passage: n. The moment when a celestial body, such as the Sun or a planet, reaches its highest point in the sky, indicating a time of heightened influence.
  5. Zen Astrology: n. A modern approach to astrology that incorporates Zen philosophy and mindfulness practices into the interpretation and application of astrological principles.
  6. Zenith Astrology: n. An astrological technique that focuses on the angles between planets and the zenith point at the moment of birth, emphasizing their significance in the birth chart.
  7. Zodiacal Releasing: n. A predictive technique in Hellenistic astrology that divides an individual’s life into chapters based on the movement of the Lot of Fortune through the zodiac signs.
  8. Zenith Distance: n. The angular distance between a celestial body and the zenith, measured along the observer’s meridian.
  9. Zodiacal Aspect: n. An aspect formed between two celestial bodies within the zodiac, indicating a specific geometric relationship and energetic interaction between them.
  10. Zen Chart: n. A simplified form of the birth chart that focuses on essential astrological elements, such as the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, and major planetary aspects.
  11. Zodiacal Hours: n. A system in Hellenistic astrology that assigns specific planetary rulerships to different hours of the day and night for divination and timing purposes.
  12. Zodiacal Mansions: n. The division of the ecliptic into twenty-eight segments, each associated with a specific star or asterism, used in ancient astrological and magical traditions.
  13. Zenith Astrology: n. An astrological technique that focuses on the angles between planets and the zenith point at the moment of birth, emphasizing their significance in the birth chart.
  14. Zenith Passage: n. The moment when a celestial body, such as the Sun or a planet, reaches its highest point in the sky, indicating a time of heightened influence.

This glossary of astrological terminologies is not exhaustive, as it will be updated with new words if we come across them in the near future. If you happen to find any words that are not included in this glossary, please don’t hesitate to send them to me via email! We will update this online Astrology Dictionary.

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  1. Air Signs: n. Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, the signs associated with intellectualism, communication, and relationships.

  2. Angles: n. Four cardinal points of an astrological chart: Ascendant, Midheaven, Descendant, and Imum Coeli.
  3. Antiscion: n. A point that is geometrically opposite another point based on the solstice points in an astrological chart.
  4. Apogee: n. The point in an orbit of a celestial body at which it is furthest from the earth.
  5. Apparent Motion: n. The perceived movement of celestial bodies from the perspective of the earth.
  6. Aquarius: n. The eleventh sign of the zodiac, ruled by Uranus, associated with innovation, independence, and humanitarianism.
  7. Arabian Points (also Arabic Parts or Lots): n. Derived points in the chart, computed mathematically by subtracting and adding planetary positions.
  8. Arc: n. Measurement of the separation between two points in a horoscope, in degrees, minutes, and seconds.
  9. Aries: n. The first sign of the zodiac, ruled by Mars, associated with leadership, courage, and assertiveness.
  10. Ascendant (Rising Sign): n. The astrological sign that was ascending on the eastern horizon at the specific time and location of an individual’s birth.
  11. Aspect: n. A significant geometric relationship between planets in an astrological chart, interpreted in specific ways.
  12. Aspect Pattern: n. A configuration of aspects, such as a Grand Trine or T-Square, that forms a distinct pattern in a natal chart.
  13. Astrogeography (Astrocartography): n. The study of geographical location’s influence on a person’s life, based on their astrological chart.
  14. Astrolabe: n. An ancient instrument once used by astrologers to observe and calculate the positions of celestial bodies.
  15. Astrologer: n. A person who practices astrology and interprets celestial patterns as a means for divining information about human affairs.
  16. Astrological Age: n. A period of time in history which astrologers claim parallels major changes in the development of Earth’s inhabitants, particularly relating to culture, society, and politics.
  17. Astrological Houses: n. Twelve divisions of an astrological chart, each representing a specific area of life.
  18. Astrological Sign: n. One of the twelve sections of the zodiac, each ruled by a planet and associated with a constellation.
  19. Astrology: n. A system of divination that involves interpreting the movement and relative positions of celestial bodies to gain insights into personality, human affairs, and terrestrial events.
  20. Astral Body: n. The supposed vehicle of the soul, capable of travelling outside the physical body during astral projection or out-of-body experiences.
  21. Astral Plane: n. A level of existence postulated by various religious, philosophical, and mythological doctrines, typically populated by beings of a spiritual or ghostly nature.
  22. Astral Projection: n. The phenomenon whereby the ‘astral body’ separates from the physical body and travels in the ‘astral plane’.
  23. Astral Travel: n. Another term for astral projection, the experience of the consciousness or soul leaving the physical body to travel in the astral plane.
  24. Asterism: n. A notable pattern of stars typically smaller than a constellation.
  25. Asteroid: n. A small, rocky celestial body that can be used in astrological interpretation.
  26. Asteroid Belt: n. The region of the solar system located between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter, which is populated by numerous minor planets.
  27. Asteroids in Astrology: n. The use of the four asteroid goddesses in natal chart interpretation – Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta.
  28. Astrognosy: n. The knowledge of fixed stars and constellations in the night sky, which forms the basis for astrological observations.
  29. Astromancy: n. An ancient form of divination that involves the observation of celestial bodies to predict the future, a precursor to modern astrology.
  30. Astronumerology: n. The combination of astrology and numerology, where astrological symbols and numerical significances are used together for divination or personality analysis.
  31. Astrology Chart: n. A map of where all the planets were in their journey around the Sun at the exact moment an individual was born, also known as a natal chart.
  32. Astro-meteorology: n. The study of the alleged relationship between celestial phenomena and weather patterns.
  33. Astrology Software: n. Computer software designed to calculate horoscopes and make astrological predictions.
  34. Augury: n. The practice from ancient Roman religion of interpreting omens from the observed behavior of birds, sometimes incorporated into astrological practices.
  35. Aura: n. A supposed energy field said to enclose a person’s body, visible only to those with special abilities and often linked with astrological concepts.
  36. Auspicious: adj. Referring to planetary positions or aspects thought to bring good luck or positive outcomes.
  37. Autumnal Equinox: n. The point in time when the sun crosses the celestial equator from north to south, around September 22 each year.
  38. Axis (in astrology): n. Refers to two opposing points in an astrological chart, like the Ascendant-Descendant or the Midheaven-Nadir.
  39. Ayanamsa: n. The degree of the zodiac from which the position of any planet is reckoned in the sidereal system.
  40. Azimuth: n. An angular measurement used in the spherical coordinate system, useful in astrology for locating celestial bodies.
  41. Aspectarian: n. A table or schedule showing the aspects that the planets will make to one another.
  42. Aphelion: n. The point in the orbit of a planet, asteroid, or comet at which it is furthest from the sun.
  43. Apex Planet: n. In astrology, the planet at the apex of a T-square aspect pattern.
  44. Appulse: n. The near approach of one celestial body to another on the celestial sphere.
  45. Arc Minutes: n. A unit of angular measurement equal to one-sixtieth of a degree.
  46. Arc of Vision: n. In Hellenistic astrology, the distance (in degrees) between a planet and the Sun, as viewed from Earth.
  47. Arcs: n. A method of directing or progressing the planets and angles of a horoscope by a certain number of degrees per year.
  48. Aries Point: n. The first degree of the Zodiac sign Aries, which has significant meaning in astrology.
  49. Ascendant Parallel: n. An aspect formed when two planets are at the same declination, or celestial latitude, one north and one south of the celestial equator.
  50. Astral Chart: n. Another term for an astrological chart or natal chart, a map of where all the planets were in their journey around the Sun at the exact moment of an individual’s birth. This chart is used by astrologers to gain insight into the individual’s personality traits, potential, and future.


  1. Benefic: n. In traditional astrology, a planet with a generally positive influence. Venus and Jupiter are traditionally considered benefics.

  2. Bi-Quintile: n. A minor positive aspect when two planets are approximately 144 degrees apart, often considered to show creative, artistic, or ‘genius’ talents.
  3. Birth Chart (also Natal Chart): n. A map of the sky, including all the celestial bodies, at the precise moment and location of an individual’s birth.
  4. Birth Time: n. The exact time of an individual’s birth, crucial for calculating the Ascendant and houses in the natal chart.
  5. Black Moon Lilith: n. A hypothetical moon used in astrology, representing the point of the Moon’s orbit farthest from Earth, associated with the ‘dark’ or hidden aspects of personality.
  6. Black Sun: n. A hypothetical point used in astrology, calculated by the midpoint between Saturn and the Moon’s north node, often associated with karmic lessons or tests.
  7. Body: n. Refers to a celestial body in the context of astrology – a planet, star, asteroid, etc.
  8. Boomerang: n. A configuration in a natal chart where a planet or point opposes one end of a yod, causing a redirection of energy.
  9. Bound (also Term): n. In Hellenistic astrology, one of the five divisions of each sign, each ruled by a different planet.
  10. Bowl Pattern: n. An astrological pattern formed when all planets in a chart are within a 180-degree arc, with wide empty space opposite.
  11. Bucket Pattern: n. An astrological pattern where all planets are bunched together with one ‘singleton’ planet opposing them.
  12. Bust: n. A prediction or interpretation that turns out to be incorrect or fails to manifest.
  13. By Progression: adv. Refers to the method of progressing the natal chart forward in time according to a variety of methods.
  14. Byzantine Astrology: n. An astrological tradition from the Byzantine era, blending Hellenistic, Egyptian, and early Islamic influences.
  15. Benefic Planets: n. Traditionally Venus and Jupiter, which are considered to bring benefits and positive influences.
  16. Birth Sign: n. Another term for the Sun Sign or Zodiac sign, based on the position of the Sun at the time of birth.
  17. Blue Moon: n. The second Full Moon occurring within a single calendar month, often used in timing of astrological events.
  18. Burn Rate: n. An interpretive concept used to gauge the level of tension, pressure, or stress represented by aspects or planetary configurations in a chart.
  19. Bode’s Law (Titius-Bode Law): n. An empirical rule giving the approximate distances of planets from the Sun, sometimes used in astrological calculations.


  1. Cadent House: n. The 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th houses in a natal chart, which are thought to be places of change and adaptation.

  2. Cardinal Cross: n. A planetary aspect pattern consisting of two opposition aspects and four squares, involving four planets in the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn).
  3. Cardinal Signs: n. The initiating signs of the zodiac: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.
  4. Cancer: n. The fourth sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the Crab and ruled by the Moon.
  5. Capricorn: n. The tenth sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the Goat and ruled by Saturn.
  6. Casting a Chart: v. The act of calculating and creating an astrological chart based on the specific time, date, and place.
  7. Cazimi: n. An astrological term describing a planet that is in very close conjunction (usually within 17 minutes of arc) with the Sun.
  8. Celestial Equator: n. An imaginary circle around the Earth, equidistant from the poles, and perpendicular to the Earth’s axis.
  9. Celestial Sphere: n. An imaginary sphere with the Earth at its center, on which the stars, Sun, Moon, and planets appear to be fixed.
  10. Ceres: n. The largest asteroid, named after the Roman goddess of agriculture and motherhood, used in astrology to symbolize nurturing, food, and motherhood issues.
  11. Chaldean Order: n. An order of the seven visible planets based on their orbital period, from the slowest (Saturn) to the fastest (the Moon).
  12. Challenging Aspects: n. Refers to the square, opposition, and sometimes the conjunction, aspects that present potential difficulties and require effort to integrate.
  13. Chiron: n. A minor planet named after a centaur in Greek mythology, used in astrology to represent healing and transformation.
  14. Cinderella Aspect: n. A term used in financial astrology, describing an aspect indicating a time of increase in value or positive attention.
  15. Circumambulation (also known as Primary Direction): n. A predictive technique that measures the symbolic movement of planets around the celestial sphere.
  16. Climacteric Year: n. A year in life when significant events tend to happen, identified using various astrological methods.
  17. Cofunction: n. A planet that shares the same house with the sign it rules, indicating a blending of the planet’s and house’s energies.
  18. Collection of Light: n. A configuration where a planet makes aspects to two other planets, which are not themselves in aspect, thus linking their energies.
  19. Combust: adj. A term describing a planet that is conjunct the Sun within a certain orb, and thus ‘hidden’ in the Sun’s rays.
  20. Commanding Signs: n. Signs that were traditionally thought to be more ‘forceful’ or assertive.
  21. Common Signs: n. Another term for mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces), associated with adaptability and change.
  22. Composite Chart: n. A chart that combines the natal charts of two people to create a ‘relationship’ chart.
  23. Conjunction: n. An aspect where two planets occupy the same degree of the zodiac, often amplifying or blending their energies.
  24. Contra-Parallel: n. An aspect where two planets are on opposite declinations, considered similar to an opposition.
  25. Converse Progression: n. A predictive technique where the natal chart is ‘progressed’ backwards in time.
  26. Coping Planet: n. The last planet in the order of an individual’s personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) and Ascendant, considered to show how a person copes with life’s challenges.
  27. Cosmic Cross: n. Another name for a Grand Cross, a configuration involving four planets in a combination of squares and oppositions.
  28. Cradle Configuration: n. A configuration involving four planets, where three are in a trine and one is sextile to two of the trine planets, forming a shape like a cradle.
  29. Critical Degrees: n. Certain degrees of the zodiac (usually 0, 13, and 26 of the cardinal signs, 9 and 21 of fixed signs, and 4 and 17 of mutable signs) considered to carry an intensified energy.
  30. Culmination: n. The moment when a celestial body reaches the highest point in its apparent path across the sky, considered significant in timing predictions.
  31. Cusp: n. The boundary between two astrological signs or houses.
  32. Cycle: n. The period between two identical astronomical events, such as New Moons or planetary returns, used for timing in astrology.
  33. Cyclone Pattern: n. A term used in Uranian astrology for a chart pattern involving many oppositions, indicating potential turbulence or volatility.
  34. Celestial Latitude: n. The distance of a celestial body north or south of the ecliptic.
  35. Celestial Longitude: n. The distance of a celestial body east of the vernal equinox, along the ecliptic.
  36. Ceres: n. The largest asteroid and first discovered, used in astrology much like a planet, associated with nurturing and motherhood.
  37. Caput Algol: n. A fixed star in the constellation Perseus, historically considered one of the most challenging stars in astrology.
  38. Casting Lots: n. A method used in Hellenistic astrology for predicting certain life areas based on the positions of the Ascendant, Moon, and the ruling planet of the hour.
  39. Cosmobiology: n. A school of astrology that combines astrological principles with modern science and statistics.
  40. Chiron Return: n. An astrological event that occurs around the age of 50, when Chiron returns to the same position it was at the time of birth, often associated with a major life transformation or healing.
  41. Celestial Houses: n. Twelve divisions of the celestial sphere used in astrology, analogous to the twelve houses in an astrological chart.
  42. Conjunct: adj. In close proximity within the same zodiac sign, often amplifying or blending their energies.
  43. Counter-Parallel: n. An aspect where two planets are on opposite declinations, considered similar to an opposition.
  44. Combust: adj. A term describing a planet that is conjunct the Sun within a certain orb, and thus ‘hidden’ in the Sun’s rays.
  45. Cusp: n. The boundary between two astrological signs or houses.
  46. Cardines: n. The four ‘angles’ of a chart – the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, and IC, derived from Latin for ‘hinge’. They are the most sensitive points in a horoscope.
  47. Cazimi: n. An Arabic term used in astrology to refer to planets that are so close to a conjunction with the Sun that they are “in the heart” of the Sun.
  48. Chaldean Order: n. An order of the seven traditional planets based on their orbital speed from slowest (Saturn) to quickest (Moon).


  1. Dane Rudhyar: n. An influential modern astrologer known for his development of transpersonal astrology and his holistic interpretation of astrological symbols.
  2. Dark Moon Lilith: n. A hypothetical second moon of Earth used in some systems of astrology, representing the darker aspects of the subconscious.
  3. Day Chart: n. A natal chart where the Sun is located in the 7th to 12th houses, often affecting the strength of the benefic and malefic planets.
  4. Day House: n. A term for a planet’s ‘domicile’ or home sign, where it expresses its energies most purely.
  5. Decan (or Decanate): n. Each astrological sign of the zodiac is divided into three sections, each section is a decan. It can change the sign characteristics slightly.
  6. Decile: n. An aspect of 36 degrees, considered a minor aspect and often interpreted as offering creative or expressive opportunities.
  7. Declination: n. The celestial equivalent of latitude, measuring how far north or south of the celestial equator a celestial body is.
  8. Decumbiture: n. The moment a person falls ill, or a question about illness is asked, used in medical astrology.
  9. Degree: n. Each sign of the zodiac is divided into 30 degrees, making a total of 360 degrees in the whole zodiac.
  10. Descendant (DC): n. The cusp of the 7th house, opposite the Ascendant, representing relationships and how we interact with others.
  11. Detriment: n. A term for a planet located in the sign opposite its domicile, where it is thought to be weak or challenged.
  12. Deferent: n. In the Ptolemaic system, the large circular orbit a planet follows around the Earth.
  13. Direct Motion: n. The normal west-to-east movement of a planet through the zodiac.
  14. Diurnal: adj. Relating to the daytime, or a planet that performs better in a day chart.
  15. Dodekatemorion (or Dwadashamsha or Dwad): n. Each sign is divided into 2.5° segments, each of which takes on the characteristics of one of the twelve signs, starting with the sign itself.
  16. Domicile: n. The home sign of a planet, where it can express its energy most purely.
  17. Double Bodied Signs (also Mutable Signs): n. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. They are called so because they each represent the dual nature of their respective seasons.
  18. Dragon’s Head: n. Another term for the North Node of the Moon, associated with intake or increase.
  19. Dragon’s Tail: n. Another term for the South Node of the Moon, associated with release or decrease.
  20. Draconic Zodiac: n. A zodiac which takes the Moon’s nodes as its starting point, used to examine the soul’s purpose, separate from the personality.
  21. Dread Degree: n. The 29th degree of a sign, considered significant because it is the ending of one sign and the cusp of the next, often indicating a strong sense of urgency or tension.
  22. Dwadasamsa (also known as a Dwad): n. Each sign is divided into 2.5° segments, each of which takes on the characteristics of one of the twelve signs, starting with the sign itself.
  23. Dynamic Aspect: n. Another term for a hard aspect, such as a square or opposition, which typically signals a need for action or change.
  24. Direct Motion: n. The apparent forward movement of a planet through the zodiac, from the perspective of the Earth.
  25. Dignity: n. The strength or comfort of a planet in a particular sign or house, based on traditional rules.
  26. Dispositor: n. The ruling planet of a sign occupied by another planet, influencing the expression of the planet in that sign.
  27. Dissociate Aspect: n. An aspect between planets in signs that do not traditionally form that aspect, such as a square between a planet in a fire sign and a planet in an air sign.
  28. Draconic Month: n. The time it takes for the Moon to return to the same node, about 27.2122 days, used in some types of predictive astrology.
  29. Draconic Return: n. A return of the Moon to the same node in a person’s natal chart, occurring approximately every 18.6 years.
  30. Draconic Year: n. The time it takes for the North Node to return to its natal position, about 18.6 years.
  31. Dual Signs: n. Another term for mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces), indicating adaptability and change.
  32. Duad: n. Similar to the concept of decans, each sign is divided into 12 sections, with each section taking on the traits of each sign in order.
  33. Dusthana Houses: n. In Vedic astrology, the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses are known as Dusthana houses and are considered to be the most challenging houses.
  34. Degree Meanings: n. In Sabian astrology, each of the 360 degrees of the zodiac has its own individual symbol and interpretation.
  35. Decile Aspect: n. A minor positive aspect in which planets are 36 degrees apart.
  36. Detrimental Sign: n. The sign opposite to the one a planet rules, where its power is said to be lessened.
  37. Dexter Aspect: n. An aspect formed by planets to the left of the Sun in a horoscope, considered to be more favorable.
  38. Diurnal Arc: n. The path of a planet through the sky during the day, from rising to setting.
  39. Diurnal Motion: n. The daily apparent motion of stars and other celestial bodies from east to west in the sky.
  40. Dominant Planet: n. The most powerful planet in the horoscope, determined by its aspects, position, and other factors.
  41. Draconic Astrology: n. A branch of astrology that works with the Moon’s nodes to gain insight into the soul’s purpose and karma.
  42. Draconic Chart: n. A natal chart recalculated from the Moon’s North Node, used in draconic astrology to explore the soul’s purpose.
  43. Draconic Day: n. A day that is part of the draconic month, which is the period it takes for the Moon to return to a node.
  44. Draconic Eclipse: n. An eclipse that occurs when the Sun is close to one of the Moon’s nodes at a New Moon (solar eclipse) or Full Moon (lunar eclipse).
  45. Draconic Time: n. A method of timing based on the draconic month or year, used in some types of predictive astrology.
  46. Draconitic Period: n. Another term for the draconic year, the time it takes for the North Node to return to its natal position (about 18.6 years).
  47. Dream Astrology: n. The study of dreams to gain insight into a person’s astrological influences and potential future events.
  48. Duplicated Signs: n. In an unequal house system, the signs that rule two house cusps.
  49. Dwarf Planet: n. A celestial body similar to a planet but not meeting all the criteria for planet status, such as Pluto, Eris, and Ceres.
  50. Dynamical Time: n. A uniform timescale used by astronomers, independent of the variable rotation of the Earth.


  1. Earth Signs: n. The zodiac signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, associated with practicality, material world and stability.
  2. Ecliptic: n. The apparent path of the Sun through the sky over the course of a year, used as the primary reference in astrology.
  3. Eclipse: n. A celestial event where the Sun or the Moon is obscured, either fully or partially. In astrology, eclipses often signify major transformations or events.
  4. Eclipse Point: n. The degree of the zodiac where an eclipse occurs, which remains sensitive to transits for some time after the eclipse.
  5. Eclipse Season: n. A period of around 36 days twice a year when eclipses can occur, typically involving a solar eclipse at a New Moon and a lunar eclipse at a Full Moon.
  6. Electional Astrology: n. The branch of astrology used to select the best time for an event or undertaking.
  7. Elevated Planet: n. The highest planet in the chart above the horizon, often indicating a prominent role in the native’s life.
  8. Elongation: n. The angular distance of a planet from the Sun as seen from Earth.
  9. Emplacement: n. The position of a planet in a house, sign or aspect.
  10. Ephemeris (plural Ephemerides): n. A table listing the positions of celestial bodies at regular intervals, used by astrologers to construct charts.
  11. Equal House System: n. A house system in which each of the 12 houses is the same size, or 30 degrees.
  12. Equinox: n. One of two points in the year when the Sun crosses the celestial equator and day and night are of equal length. The vernal equinox is the start of Aries and the autumnal equinox is the start of Libra.
  13. Essential Dignity: n. The strength of a planet in a sign based on traditional rules, including domicile, exaltation, triplicity, term, and face.
  14. Event Chart: n. An astrological chart cast for the time of a specific event to interpret its significance or outcome.
  15. Exaltation: n. The sign in which a planet is considered to be particularly well-placed and functioning positively.
  16. Exoteric Astrology: n. The most common form of astrology focusing on the personality and predictive events.
  17. Extra-Solar Planet: n. A planet that orbits a star other than the Sun.
  18. Extraterrestrial Zodiac: n. The zodiac as it would appear from a different planet or moon in our solar system.
  19. Eclipse Path: n. The track of the Moon’s shadow on the Earth during a solar eclipse, or the Earth’s shadow on the Moon during a lunar eclipse.
  20. Ephemeris Time: n. A timescale used in ephemerides based on the Earth’s orbital motion.
  21. Epoch: n. A specific point in time used as a reference point for celestial coordinates.
  22. Equatorial Ascendant: n. An alternative ascendant calculated from the intersection of the plane of the celestial equator with the ecliptic.
  23. Equatorial System: n. The coordinate system based on the Earth’s equator rather than the ecliptic, often used in scientific astronomy.
  24. Eris: n. A dwarf planet discovered in 2005, further from the Sun than Pluto, named after the Greek goddess of strife and discord. Its astrological significance is still being explored.
  25. Esoteric Astrology: n. A branch of astrology that examines the spiritual and karmic lessons of a person’s life.
  26. Essential Dignities: n. A set of traditional rules for assessing the strength of a planet based on its sign, degree, and other factors.
  27. Evolutionary Astrology: n. A modern branch of astrology that emphasizes personal growth, free will, and the evolution of the soul.
  28. Exoteric Planets: n. The traditional seven celestial bodies visible to the naked eye: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn.
  29. Extra-Solar Planets: n. Planets that orbit stars other than our Sun, also known as exoplanets.
  30. Eastern Hemisphere: n. The half of an astrological chart that contains houses 7 through 12, associated with personal identity and self-expression.
  31. Eighth House: n. The astrological house related to transformation, sexuality, death, and shared resources.
  32. Eleventh House: n. The astrological house related to friendship, group activities, and personal goals or aspirations.
  33. Epicycle: n. In the Ptolemaic system of astrology, a small circle whose center moves around the circumference of a larger one, used to explain the irregular motion of the planets.
  34. Equatorial Ascendant (also known as the Right Ascension of the Midheaven or RAMC): n. A point on the ecliptic that rises at the same time as the Midheaven.
  35. Equatorial Diameter: n. The diameter of a planet at its equator, sometimes used in calculating planetary phenomena.
  36. Eclipsing Binary: n. A binary star system in which one star periodically blocks the light from the other, causing a change in brightness.
  37. Elongation East or West: n. The angular distance of a planet from the Sun, either east or west, from the perspective of an observer on Earth.
  38. Ephemeris Day: n. A day as defined in an ephemeris, starting at noon GMT.
  39. Extraversion (or Extroversion): n. A personality trait associated with being outgoing and social. Astrologically, the Fire and Air signs are considered to be extraverted.
  40. Earth: n. One of the four astrological elements, associated with practicality, stability, and materiality.
  41. Election, or Elector: n. The choice of an auspicious moment for beginning an endeavor, based on the positions of the planets and other celestial bodies.
  42. Emotional Sign: n. Another term for Water signs in astrology (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), which are typically associated with emotions, intuition, and depth of feeling.
  43. Equatorial Coordinate System: n. A celestial coordinate system that uses the celestial equator as the primary great circle.
  44. Ecliptic Coordinate System: n. A celestial coordinate system that uses the ecliptic as the primary great circle.
  45. Elevation: n. The angular distance above the horizon of a celestial body.
  46. Evening Star: n. A planet visible in the western sky after sunset, often applied to Venus.
  47. Exaltation Degree: n. A specific degree in a sign where a planet is exalted.
  48. Essential Significance: n. The basic, core meaning of a planet, sign, or house, as distinct from its accidental significance, which depends on its specific situation in a chart.
  49. Etheric Body: n. In esoteric thought, an energy body or field that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body, associated with the Moon and Neptune in astrology.
  50. Event-Oriented Astrology: n. An approach to astrology focused on predicting specific events, as opposed to character analysis or spiritual growth.


  1. Face: n. In traditional astrology, a subdivision of a zodiac sign into three sections, each of 10 degrees.

  2. Fall: n. The sign opposite a planet’s exaltation where it is considered to be weakened or detrimented.
  3. Feminine Signs: n. The even-numbered zodiac signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces. Traditionally associated with receptivity, passivity, and introversion.
  4. Feral: adj. Describing a planet that is not making major aspects with other planets, indicating untamed or wild energy.
  5. Fifth House: n. The astrological house related to creativity, romance, children, and personal expression.
  6. Final Dispositor: n. A planet in its own domicile that is the ruler of all other dispositors in the natal chart, indicating a central theme in the person’s life.
  7. Fire Signs: n. The zodiac signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, associated with enthusiasm, vitality, and spirit.
  8. Fixed Signs: n. The zodiac signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. These signs are associated with stability, determination, and persistence.
  9. Fixed Stars: n. Stars that appear to maintain a constant position relative to each other, used in some forms of astrology.
  10. Fomalhaut: n. One of the four Royal Stars of Persia, located in the constellation Piscis Austrinus, often associated with magic, fame, and protection.
  11. Fortuna: n. Also known as Part of Fortune, a significant point in the horoscope calculated from the positions of the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant.
  12. Fourth House: n. The astrological house related to home, family, roots, and the end of matters.
  13. Firdar: n. In Persian astrology, a period of time ruled by a specific planet, used for predictive purposes.
  14. First House: n. The astrological house related to self, appearance, personality, and initial impressions.
  15. First Quarter Moon: n. The lunar phase when the Moon is at a 90-degree angle with the Sun, symbolizing a time of action and crisis.
  16. Fixed Star Astrology: n. The branch of astrology that interprets the influences of fixed stars on a person’s life and character.
  17. Fire Triplicity: n. The group of three fire signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
  18. Fire Houses: n. The 1st, 5th, and 9th houses in the horoscope, associated with self-expression, creativity, and philosophy.
  19. Finger of God (Yod): n. A configuration of three planets forming two quincunxes and a sextile, indicating a special task or karmic lesson.
  20. Fixed Cross: n. Another term for the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) when considered as a group.
  21. Fixed Energy: n. The focused, determined, and resistant quality associated with the fixed signs and houses.
  22. Fortified Planet: n. A planet that is strengthened through aspects, sign placement, or other factors in a natal chart.
  23. Frustration Aspect: n. A hard aspect between two planets (usually a square or opposition) indicating a challenge or obstacle.
  24. Full Moon: n. The lunar phase when the Moon is opposite the Sun in the sky and fully illuminated, often associated with culmination or fruition of events.
  25. Fundamental Plane: n. The plane relative to which celestial coordinates are measured.
  26. Future Prediction: n. The use of astrological techniques to forecast future trends and events.
  27. Finger of Fate: n. Another term for the Yod aspect pattern, which is considered to point to a significant life purpose or challenge.
  28. Fixed Star Report: n. An astrological analysis that focuses on the influence of fixed stars in a person’s natal chart.
  29. Focal Planet: n. In an aspect pattern (such as a T-square or Grand Cross), the planet that is most emphasized, and thus particularly important in the chart interpretation.
  30. Fortune, Part of: n. An Arabic Part, calculated from the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant, used to represent the native’s potential for luck or prosperity.
  31. Frictional Aspect: n. A challenging aspect such as a square or opposition that can cause tension or conflict, but also growth through resolution of that conflict.
  32. First Quarter Phase: n. A phase of the Moon when it is half illuminated and at a 90-degree angle with the Sun, often associated with a time of action.
  33. First-Magnitude Star: n. A star of the greatest apparent brightness, used in certain systems of astrology.
  34. Falling Planet: n. A planet near the end of a house, considered less powerful than a planet earlier in the house.
  35. Financial Astrology: n. A branch of astrology used to predict stock market trends and economic cycles.
  36. Fate Line: n. In horary astrology, an indicator of the outcome of the question, based on the condition and position of the ruler of the quesited house.
  37. Fire Element: n. The element associated with the signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, representing action, inspiration, and passion.
  38. Fifth Harmonic: n. In harmonic astrology, an aspect division of the 360-degree circle by 5, creating a quintile (72-degree aspect).
  39. Focal Point: n. In an aspect pattern, a planet or point that receives the focus of the pattern’s energy.
  40. Formative Cycle: n. The first 30 years of life, considered in certain systems of astrology to be a time of personality formation.
  41. Frontal Aspect: n. A planetary aspect based on the forward motion of the planets.
  42. Fundamental House: n. In harmonic astrology, the house that contains the degree of the Ascendant in the harmonic chart.
  43. Fixed Lunar Nodes: n. In Vedic astrology, the nodes of the Moon (Rahu and Ketu) are considered to always be opposite each other, even though their actual positions can vary slightly.
  44. Fire Yin: n. In Chinese astrology, the yin (passive, receptive) aspect of the Fire element.
  45. Fire Yang: n. In Chinese astrology, the yang (active, aggressive) aspect of the Fire element.
  46. Favorable Aspect: n. A trine or sextile aspect, considered to bring opportunities or easy integration of energies.
  47. Feminine Water: n. Another term for the Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) which are considered feminine in polarity and related to emotion, intuition, and sensitivity.
  48. Feminine House: n. The even-numbered houses in the horoscope, associated with internal processes, introspection, and subjective experiences.
  49. Fixed Water: n. Another term for the Water signs (Scorpio, Aquarius, Pisces) which are considered fixed in quality, indicating stability, determination, and depth.
  50. Forecasting: n. The practice of predicting future events and trends in astrology based on the analysis of planetary transits, progressions, and other techniques.


  1. Galactic Center: n. The rotational center of the Milky Way galaxy, used in astrology for its symbolic and transformative significance.

  2. Galactic Zodiac: n. An imaginary band of the sky, centered on the Galactic Equator, dividing the sky into 12 sections, similar to the zodiac.
  3. Gemini: n. The third sign of the zodiac, characterized by its symbol, the Twins, and associated with communication, intellect, and versatility.
  4. Geocentric: adj. Referring to a perspective or measurement system based on the Earth as the center, commonly used in traditional astrology.
  5. Geodetic System: n. A system of dividing the Earth into astrological houses based on latitude and longitude.
  6. Grand Cross: n. A challenging configuration in astrology formed by four planets or points, forming two oppositions and four squares.
  7. Grand Trine: n. A harmonious configuration in astrology formed by three planets or points, creating an equilateral triangle in the chart.
  8. Gonggong: n. A hypothetical planet in Chinese astrology associated with chaos, disruption, and societal change.
  9. Good Fortune: n. A term used in astrology to describe favorable aspects, placements, or transits that bring luck, abundance, or positive outcomes.
  10. Governor: n. The ruling planet of a sign or house, considered to exert influence and control over its associated areas of life.
  11. Great Conjunction: n. The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, occurring approximately every 20 years and often associated with societal and cultural shifts.
  12. Great Year: n. A concept in astrology referring to the approximately 25,920-year cycle caused by the precession of the equinoxes.
  13. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT): n. The mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London, used as a standard time reference in astrology.
  14. Guna: n. In Vedic astrology, one of the three qualities (sattva, rajas, tamas) that determine the nature of a planet or a person.


  1. Hard Aspect: n. An angular relationship between planets in a natal chart or by transit, such as a square or opposition, signifying tension and challenges.

  2. Harmonic Chart: n. A chart derived from the natal chart by multiplying all the angles and planets by a specific harmonic number.
  3. Heliacal Rising: n. The first appearance of a celestial body, such as a planet or star, in the morning sky before sunrise.
  4. Heliacal Setting: n. The last appearance of a celestial body in the evening sky after sunset before it becomes invisible due to proximity to the Sun.
  5. Heliocentric: adj. Referring to a perspective or measurement system based on the Sun as the center, often used in modern astrology.
  6. Hellenistic Astrology: n. The astrology practiced during the Hellenistic period, influenced by ancient Greek and Egyptian traditions.
  7. Hemisphere: n. Half of the celestial sphere divided by the horizon or the meridian, used in astrology to analyze the emphasis on different areas of life.
  8. Horary Astrology: n. A branch of astrology focused on answering specific questions by casting a chart for the time the question is asked.
  9. Horizon: n. The line that separates the visible portion of the celestial sphere from the Earth, forming the Ascendant-Descendant axis in a horoscope.
  10. Horoscope: n. A map of the heavens at a specific time and location, showing the positions of celestial bodies and used for astrological interpretation.
  11. House: n. One of the twelve divisions of the horoscope that represents different areas of life and experiences.
  12. House Cusp: n. The point where one house ends and another begins in the horoscope, marking the beginning of a new life area.
  13. House System: n. A method used to divide the horoscope into twelve houses, such as Placidus, Equal, or Whole Sign.
  14. Hyleg: n. In traditional astrology, the planet or point in the chart that symbolizes the native’s life force or vitality.
  15. Hyperbolic Orbit: n. An orbit of a celestial body, such as a comet, that extends beyond the Solar System and does not follow a closed elliptical path.
  16. Hypothetical Planet: n. A planet that is not yet discovered or whose existence is debated but is used in astrological analysis or theory.
  17. Hypsochromatic: adj. Referring to a color or light frequency that appears bluer or higher in vibration, associated with higher spiritual or vibrational energies.
  18. Hora: n. In Vedic astrology, a planetary hour ruled by a specific planet, used for timing auspicious activities.
  19. Huber School: n. A modern approach to astrology developed by Bruno and Louise Huber, emphasizing psychological and spiritual growth.
  20. Harmonic Astrology: n. A branch of astrology that focuses on the relationship between planets and musical harmonics, seeking patterns and resonance.
  21. Hubris: n. An ancient Greek concept relating to excessive pride or arrogance, often associated with negative outcomes in astrology.
  22. Healing Astrology: n. The use of astrology as a tool for understanding and facilitating healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.
  23. Hermetic Astrology: n. Astrology based on the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, combining astrological principles with esoteric and philosophical concepts.
  24. Hesperus: n. The ancient Greek name for the planet Venus when it appears as the Evening Star in the western sky after sunset.
  25. Horary Chart: n. A chart cast for the moment a specific question is asked in horary astrology, used to provide answers and insights.
  26. Humanistic Astrology: n. A modern approach to astrology that focuses on self-awareness, personal growth, and the development of human potential.
  27. House Ruler: n. The planet that rules a particular house in the horoscope, indicating its themes and significations.
  28. Hyperuranion: n. In ancient astrology, the realm beyond Saturn associated with spiritual and transcendental experiences.
  29. Hypothetical Aspect: n. An aspect between two hypothetical or theoretical planets used in astrological analysis.
  30. Hora Mundi: n. The “Hour of the World,” a hypothetical chart representing the birth of the world or the universe, used in mundane astrology.
  31. Harmonics: n. The study of the relationship between the different frequencies and vibrations represented by planetary positions in a chart.
  32. Hexagon: n. A six-sided aspect formed when two planets are approximately 120 degrees apart, creating a harmonious and creative energy.
  33. Hidden House: n. In horary astrology, the house that follows the Ascendant and represents matters that are hidden or not yet known.
  34. House Rulership: n. The assignment of specific zodiac signs to rule each of the twelve houses in astrology.
  35. Hidden Strength: n. A planet that is strong in a particular house but does not have rulership or essential dignity over that house.
  36. Hypothetical Position: n. The hypothetical placement of a planet in a specific sign or house for interpretive purposes.
  37. Harmonic Mean: n. A mathematical calculation used in astrological calculations, representing the average of two values.
  38. Heavenly Branches: n. In Chinese astrology, a system of twelve animal signs associated with each year in a repeating cycle.
  39. Helio Astrology: n. A branch of astrology that focuses on the Sun and its effects on individual and collective consciousness.
  40. Heliometer: n. An instrument used to measure the apparent diameter of the Sun or a star, providing data for astrological calculations.
  41. Horary Time: n. The time at which a horary question is asked, considered significant in horary astrology.
  42. Hyle: n. In ancient Greek philosophy, the primeval matter or substance from which all things are formed, corresponding to the astrological element of Earth.
  43. Horoscopic Astrology: n. The branch of astrology that focuses on casting and interpreting horoscopes based on birth data.
  44. Heavenly Stems: n. In Chinese astrology, a system of ten celestial stems associated with each year in a repeating cycle.
  45. House Division: n. The method used to divide the zodiac into twelve houses, providing a framework for interpreting the horoscope.
  46. Hierarchy of Needs: n. A psychological concept that describes a hierarchical order of human needs, which can be analyzed in astrology.
  47. Helios: n. The Greek personification of the Sun, often referenced in astrology as a symbol of vitality and life force.
  48. House Placement: n. The zodiac sign occupying a particular house in an individual’s birth chart, influencing the experiences and areas of life associated with that house.
  49. Highly Sensitive Person (HSP): n. A term used in astrology and psychology to describe individuals who have heightened sensitivity and awareness to external stimuli.
  50. Huber Age Point: n. A point calculated in Huber astrology that represents the current stage of an individual’s life and the corresponding astrological influences.
  51. Harmonic Convergence: n. A term used to describe a specific alignment of planets and celestial bodies, believed to have spiritual and transformative significance.
  52. Horary Number: n. In horary astrology, a numerical value associated with specific planetary positions or degrees, used for interpretation and timing.
  53. Hora Chart: n. A specialized chart used in Indian astrology that divides the day into 24 hours, each ruled by a different planet, indicating specific influences and energies.
  54. Horoscopic Point: n. A sensitive point or factor in a horoscope, such as the Ascendant, Midheaven, or Moon’s Nodes, used for analysis and interpretation.
  55. Hierarchy of Planetary Influences: n. A concept in astrology that assigns different levels of influence and significance to the planets based on their positions and aspects.
  56. Hylegical Place: n. In traditional astrology, a specific house associated with the determination of a person’s life span and vitality.
  57. Horoscopic Astrology: n. The study and practice of astrology based on the interpretation of an individual’s birth chart, also known as natal astrology.
  58. Hidden Talents: n. Abilities, skills, or qualities that are not immediately apparent but can be discovered through astrological analysis and self-exploration.
  59. Horary Election: n. The selection of an auspicious time for initiating an action or event based on horary astrology principles.
  60. Hermetica: n. Ancient texts attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, exploring the intersection of astrology, philosophy, and spiritual teachings.
  61. Hylegic Degree: n. The specific degree of the zodiac associated with the Hyleg, considered significant in predictive astrology.
  62. Harmony: n. The state of balance, agreement, and cohesion between different planetary energies in an astrological chart, contributing to overall well-being.
  63. Helical Rising: n. The first appearance of a celestial body above the eastern horizon at dawn, indicating a new cycle or phase.
  64. Horoscope Compatibility: n. The assessment of compatibility and potential harmonious interaction between two individuals based on their astrological charts.
  65. Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: n. A mystical and occult organization influential in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, incorporating astrology into its teachings.
  66. House Rulership System: n. A system in astrology where each house is associated with a ruling planet, providing additional insights into the house’s themes.
  67. Harmonious Aspect: n. An aspect between planets that promotes ease, cooperation, and positive interactions, such as a trine or sextile.
  68. Hylegical Apheta: n. In traditional astrology, a planet responsible for sustaining and maintaining life, often associated with the Sun or Moon.
  69. Heliacal Phenomenon: n. The appearance or disappearance of a celestial body in the sky due to its proximity to the Sun, significant in astrological timing.
  70. Hermetic Principles: n. Universal principles or laws that govern the workings of the universe, applied in various esoteric and astrological traditions.


  1. Imum Coeli: n. The point at the bottom of the horoscope chart, representing the nadir or the cusp of the fourth house.

  2. Inconjunct: n. An aspect of 150 degrees between two planets, also known as a quincunx, indicating tension and adjustment.
  3. Indigenous Astrology: n. Astrological practices specific to a particular culture or indigenous community, incorporating their unique cosmology and symbolism.
  4. Ingress: n. The movement of a planet into a new zodiac sign or house, marking a shift in energy and themes.
  5. Inner Planets: n. The planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars, which orbit closer to the Sun and have shorter orbital periods.
  6. Intuitive Astrology: n. An approach to astrology that emphasizes intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual insight in interpreting charts and guiding clients.
  7. Inworld Astrology: n. A form of astrology that explores the connections between astrology and virtual reality or digital environments.
  8. Isolated Planet: n. A planet in a birth chart that forms no major aspects with other planets, indicating a unique and independent energy.
  9. Imprint: n. A term used in evolutionary astrology to describe the karmic imprints or patterns carried from past lives into the present incarnation.
  10. Ingress Chart: n. A horoscope chart cast for the moment a planet enters a new zodiac sign, providing insights into its influence over the coming period.
  11. Intercepted Sign: n. A zodiac sign entirely contained within a house, indicating a focus on the themes and lessons of that sign in a person’s life.
  12. Intentional Astrology: n. The practice of using astrology as a tool for setting intentions, manifesting desires, and aligning with cosmic energies.
  13. Inverted Chart: n. A horoscope chart where the Ascendant and Descendant are reversed, creating a unique perspective on the individual’s life experiences.
  14. Imagination: n. The faculty of the mind used in astrology to tap into symbolism, archetypes, and the intuitive understanding of planetary energies.
  15. Idealist: n. A term used in astrology to describe individuals strongly influenced by the ideals, beliefs, and aspirations represented by certain planets.
  16. Informed Astrology: n. An approach to astrology that integrates knowledge from various fields, such as psychology, history, and mythology, into chart interpretation.
  17. Influence: n. The impact or effect of planetary energies on an individual’s personality, experiences, and life circumstances.
  18. Informed Consent: n. The ethical principle in astrology that requires astrologers to inform clients about the nature and limitations of astrological practice.
  19. Intrinsic Dignity: n. The inherent strength or weakness of a planet based on its essential nature, house placement, and zodiac sign.
  20. Inferior Conjunction: n. The alignment of an inferior planet (Mercury or Venus) between the Sun and Earth, marking the midpoint of its retrograde cycle.
  21. Intentional Living: n. A philosophy that seeks to align one’s actions, choices, and values with conscious intention, incorporating astrology as a guide.
  22. Integral Astrology: n. An approach to astrology that emphasizes the integration of body, mind, and spirit, taking into account the holistic nature of the individual.
  23. Individuation: n. A psychological process, often associated with the planet Uranus, in which an individual seeks to develop their unique identity and express their authentic self.
  24. Influx: n. The flow or influx of planetary energies and influences into an individual’s life, shaping their experiences and personal growth.
  25. Intrinsic Aspect: n. An aspect formed by two planets within a birth chart, indicating an inherent connection or dynamic between their energies.
  26. Invocation: n. A practice in astrology that involves calling upon and aligning with the energies of specific celestial beings or archetypes for guidance and support.
  27. Inverted Houses: n. A house system that places the first house at the bottom of the chart, flipping the order of the houses in relation to the Ascendant.
  28. Ingress Date: n. The specific date when a planet enters a new zodiac sign, marking the beginning of its influence in that sign.
  29. Interpretation: n. The process of analyzing and making sense of astrological symbols, configurations, and planetary placements to understand their meanings and implications.
  30. Inner Self: n. The authentic and core essence of an individual, often represented by the Sun or Moon in the birth chart, guiding their true nature and desires.
  31. Intriguing Aspect: n. A unique or unusual aspect pattern in a birth chart that captures attention and curiosity, revealing a distinctive facet of an individual’s personality.
  32. Integral House System: n. A house system that emphasizes the equal division of the houses, assigning each house an equal portion of the zodiac.
  33. Influx Chart: n. A horoscope chart cast for a specific event or moment, such as the founding of an organization or the start of a relationship.
  34. Ingress Point: n. The degree of a zodiac sign where a planet enters, marking the transition from one sign to another and activating new energies.
  35. Intuitive Reading: n. An astrological reading or consultation that relies on the astrologer’s intuitive abilities to interpret the birth chart and provide guidance.
  36. Inborn Talents: n. Innate abilities, skills, or aptitudes that an individual possesses from birth, as indicated by the astrological placements and aspects in the chart.
  37. Invisible House: n. A house in the birth chart that contains no planets, often signifying an area of life that is less emphasized or less directly experienced.
  38. Irrational Signs: n. The zodiac signs that are associated with emotional and instinctual energy, including Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
  39. Influx of Energy: n. The arrival or infusion of planetary energies into a specific area of life, influencing events, experiences, and personal development.
  40. Inferior Planet: n. A planet whose orbit is closer to the Sun than Earth’s orbit, including Mercury and Venus.
  41. Ingress Astrology: n. The study and interpretation of planetary movements as they enter new zodiac signs or houses, providing insights into collective and personal shifts.
  42. Intention Setting: n. The practice of consciously setting intentions and goals aligned with astrological energies, harnessing cosmic influences for personal growth.
  43. Influence Chart: n. A chart calculated to analyze the astrological influences and energies at play during a specific period or event.
  44. Integral Signs: n. The zodiac signs associated with stability, reliability, and practicality, including Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
  45. Inharmonious Aspect: n. An aspect between planets that indicates tension, conflict, or challenges, such as squares, oppositions, or quincunxes.
  46. Initiation: n. A significant event or experience that marks the beginning of a new phase, often associated with planetary transits or progressions.
  47. Intercepted House: n. A house that is entirely contained within a sign, meaning it does not intersect with the Ascendant or Descendant, emphasizing its significance in the individual’s life.
  48. Ingress Time: n. The specific time when a planet enters a new zodiac sign, providing insights into the energy and themes of that period.
  49. Intrinsic Potential: n. The inherent possibilities and talents within an individual, as indicated by their birth chart, waiting to be developed and expressed.
  50. Interpretive Astrology: n. The art and practice of analyzing and explaining astrological symbols, placements, and patterns to provide insights and guidance.
  51. Intercepted Planets: n. Planets that fall within an intercepted house in a birth chart, suggesting that their energy may be less accessible or expressed indirectly.
  52. Integrated Self: n. The state of harmoniously integrating various aspects of one’s personality and experiences, as symbolized by the alignment of planets in the birth chart.
  53. Illumination: n. The process of gaining awareness, clarity, and understanding through astrological insights and self-reflection.
  54. Irrational Houses: n. The houses in a birth chart associated with subjective and personal areas of life, including the first, fourth, seventh, and tenth houses.
  55. Inferiority Complex: n. A psychological condition characterized by a persistent feeling of inadequacy or inferiority, sometimes reflected in the birth chart.
  56. Intercepted Signs: n. Zodiac signs that are contained within an intercepted house, indicating that the qualities and energies associated with those signs may be less prominent or expressed indirectly.
  57. Intricacy: n. The complexity and interconnectedness of astrological factors and influences within a birth chart, requiring detailed analysis and interpretation.
  58. Imagination Activation: n. The process of stimulating and harnessing the power of the imagination through astrological symbolism and visualization techniques.
  59. Intuitive Guidance: n. Insights, messages, or intuitive impressions received through the practice of astrology, assisting individuals in their decision-making and personal growth.
  60. Initiating Energy: n. The dynamic, forward-moving energy associated with cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), which initiate new beginnings and projects.
  61. Inner Voice: n. The inner wisdom, intuition, or guiding voice within an individual, often symbolized by the placement and aspects of the Moon in the birth chart.
  62. Intercalary Month: n. In ancient calendars, a month inserted periodically to align the lunar and solar cycles, influencing astrological calculations and predictions.
  63. Instinctual Response: n. An automatic or immediate reaction based on instinct and primal drives, often associated with the placement and aspects of Mars in the birth chart.
  64. Inspiration: n. A creative and spiritual force that fuels artistic expression, innovation, and the pursuit of higher ideals, often symbolized by the placement and aspects of Neptune in the birth chart.
  65. Interpretive Skills: n. The abilities and expertise required to analyze and interpret astrological symbols, aspects, and configurations for accurate and meaningful readings.
  66. Influx of Wisdom: n. The reception of profound insights, spiritual knowledge, and transformative wisdom through astrological exploration and study.
  67. Inward Reflection: n. The process of introspection, self-examination, and contemplation facilitated by astrology, allowing individuals to gain deeper understanding and insight into themselves.
  68. Illuminated Path: n. The journey of personal growth and self-discovery guided by astrological insights and understanding, leading to greater awareness and fulfillment.
  69. Inquiry Astrology: n. An approach to astrology that emphasizes asking questions and engaging in dialogue to explore the complexities and nuances of a birth chart.
  70. Intergenerational Patterns: n. Patterns and themes that repeat across generations within a family, as seen through astrological analysis of birth charts and family dynamics.
  71. Integration: n. The process of harmoniously blending and balancing the energies and qualities represented by different planets and placements in the birth chart.
  72. Initiatory Experience: n. A transformative and life-altering event or phase marked by powerful planetary transits or progressions, leading to significant personal growth.
  73. Inner Alchemy: n. The process of inner transformation, growth, and spiritual development symbolized by the alignment and interplay of planetary energies within the birth chart.
  74. Inflow of Inspiration: n. The reception of creative ideas, innovative solutions, and inspiration from the cosmos, channeled through astrological understanding.
  75. Invocation Ritual: n. A ceremonial practice that calls upon specific planetary or celestial energies, often performed to seek guidance or cultivate desired qualities.
  76. Inherent Tendencies: n. The natural inclinations, predispositions, and traits encoded within an individual’s birth chart, shaping their personality and behavior.
  77. Incarnational Purpose: n. The underlying spiritual intention and purpose behind an individual’s life journey, reflected in the birth chart and explored through astrological analysis.
  78. Integration Process: n. The ongoing journey of integrating and harmonizing various aspects of one’s self and life experiences, as symbolized by the interplay of planetary energies.
  79. Intuitive Insight: n. A deep understanding or realization that arises spontaneously, often beyond logical reasoning, accessed through the intuitive faculties heightened by astrology.
  80. Influential Factors: n. The key astrological elements and configurations within a birth chart that exert significant influence and impact on an individual’s life path.
  81. Illuminated Consciousness: n. An elevated state of awareness, clarity, and understanding attained through astrological exploration and the integration of cosmic wisdom.
  82. Interconnectedness: n. The recognition and understanding of the interconnected nature of all things, as revealed through the study of astrological relationships and dynamics.
  83. Intuitive Sensitivity: n. A heightened receptivity to subtle energies, intuitive impressions, and psychic phenomena, often reflected in the birth chart through sensitive planetary placements.
  84. Inquiry-based Astrology: n. An approach to astrology that encourages questioning, exploration, and a spirit of curiosity in the interpretation and understanding of the birth chart.
  85. Integration of Paradox: n. The ability to hold and reconcile seemingly contradictory or opposing qualities within oneself, as represented by planetary aspects and configurations.
  86. Illuminating Guidance: n. Astrological insights, interpretations, and advice that shed light on the individual’s life path, potentials, challenges, and opportunities.
  87. Interpersonal Dynamics: n. The dynamics, interactions, and relationship patterns between individuals, analyzed through the comparative study of their birth charts.
  88. Interpretive Depth: n. The richness, nuance, and profound insights gained through the exploration and interpretation of astrological symbols and placements.
  89. Incarnation: n. The process of the soul taking physical form in a human body, symbolized by the birth chart and explored through astrological analysis.
  90. Intuitive Astrologer: n. An astrologer who relies heavily on intuition, psychic abilities, and inner guidance to interpret birth charts and provide astrological insights.
  91. Introspection: n. The act of self-reflection and examination, often prompted by astrological insights, to gain deeper self-understanding and personal growth.
  92. Interdimensional Awareness: n. The recognition and exploration of multiple dimensions of reality beyond the physical, facilitated by astrological symbolism and metaphysics.
  93. Influx of Cosmic Energy: n. The reception and integration of cosmic energies and vibrations into an individual’s being, aligning with celestial rhythms and potentials.
  94. Intricate Pattern: n. A complex arrangement of astrological factors and configurations within a birth chart that holds significant meaning and symbolism.
  95. Iatromathematics: n. The ancient practice of using astrology for medical diagnosis and treatment, analyzing planetary influences on health and well-being.
  96. Integrative Healing: n. A holistic approach to healing that combines astrological insights, energy work, and other modalities to restore balance and promote well-being.
  97. Intercultural Astrology: n. The study and application of astrology across different cultures and traditions, recognizing the cultural diversity of astrological practices.
  98. Inspired Guidance: n. Astrological guidance and advice that arises from a deep connection to higher wisdom, intuition, and spiritual sources of knowledge.
  99. Intuitive Connection: n. A strong and direct connection to intuitive faculties, enabling the astrologer to access deeper insights and wisdom during chart interpretation.
  100. Intrinsic Authenticity: n. The inherent truth and authenticity of an individual’s being, represented by the birth chart and expressed through the alignment of planetary energies.


  1. Jupiter: n. The fifth planet from the Sun in the solar system, associated with expansion, abundance, growth, wisdom, and spirituality in astrology.

  2. Jyotish: n. The ancient system of astrology practiced in India, also known as Vedic astrology, based on the sidereal zodiac and Hindu scriptures.
  3. Juncture: n. A specific point or moment in time when two or more planetary influences align or converge, creating a significant astrological configuration.
  4. Jupiter Return: n. The astrological event that occurs when Jupiter completes one orbit around the Sun, approximately every 12 years, indicating a period of growth and opportunities.
  5. Joie de Vivre: n. A French term meaning “joy of living,” often associated with the placement and aspects of the planet Jupiter in the birth chart.
  6. Jovial: adj. A term used in astrology to describe individuals who possess a cheerful, optimistic, and expansive nature, resonating with the qualities of Jupiter.
  7. Juxtaposition: n. The close placement or alignment of two or more celestial bodies or points in a birth chart, often influencing their interaction and symbolic meaning.
  8. Justice: n. A cardinal virtue represented by the zodiac sign Libra, associated with fairness, balance, harmony, and ethical considerations in astrology.
  9. Jyotishi: n. A practitioner or scholar of Jyotish, the traditional astrology of India, skilled in the interpretation of birth charts and the prediction of events.
  10. Jupiterian: adj. Pertaining to the energy, qualities, or influence of the planet Jupiter, such as expansiveness, abundance, optimism, and wisdom.
  11. Juncture Chart: n. A specific astrological chart calculated for a significant moment, such as a wedding, business launch, or historical event, providing insights into the energies at play.
  12. Journey of the Soul: n. The spiritual path and evolutionary process symbolized by the movement and aspects of the lunar nodes in the birth chart.
  13. Jittery: adj. A term used to describe individuals who experience restlessness, nervousness, or anxiety, often reflected in the placement and aspects of Mercury or Uranus in the birth chart.
  14. Jyotish Shastra: n. The sacred scripture and body of knowledge related to Jyotish or Vedic astrology, containing astrological principles, techniques, and teachings.
  15. Judicial Astrology: n. An ancient term for astrology that emphasizes its practical applications, including weather prediction, medical diagnosis, and legal matters.
  16. Joint Ventures: n. Collaborative projects, partnerships, or associations between individuals, analyzed through the study of the seventh house and its ruler in the birth chart.
  17. Juxtaposed Planets: n. Two or more planets placed closely together in a birth chart, indicating a strong connection or interaction between their energies and symbolism.
  18. Joviality: n. The quality of being cheerful, optimistic, and jovial, often associated with the influence of Jupiter in astrology.
  19. Juncture Point: n. A specific degree or moment within a zodiac sign where an astrological configuration or transition occurs, marked by planetary alignments or transits.
  20. Jyotish Guru: n. A respected teacher or mentor of Jyotish, imparting wisdom, guidance, and knowledge of Vedic astrology to aspiring practitioners.
  21. Jupiterian Energy: n. The expansive, optimistic, and benevolent energy associated with the planet Jupiter, representing growth, abundance, and philosophical understanding.
  22. Jovian Influence: n. The impact or effect of the planet Jupiter on a person’s life, symbolizing opportunities, blessings, and the potential for spiritual growth.
  23. Joyful Expression: n. A vibrant, enthusiastic, and joyful way of being, often reflected in the birth chart through the placement and aspects of the Sun or Jupiter.
  24. Jyotish Consultation: n. A session with a Jyotish astrologer, involving the analysis of a person’s birth chart and the provision of guidance and predictions based on Vedic astrological principles.
  25. Juxtaposition of Houses: n. The close proximity of two or more houses in a birth chart, indicating a blending or interconnection of the areas of life they represent.
  26. Jupiter’s Blessings: n. Fortunate and beneficial influences bestowed by the planet Jupiter in a person’s life, bringing growth, expansion, and positive outcomes.
  27. Journey of Self-Discovery: n. The process of exploring one’s true nature, purpose, and potential, often facilitated by astrology and symbolized by the placement and aspects of the Moon or Neptune.
  28. Jyotish Tradition: n. The lineage and historical practice of Vedic astrology in India, encompassing ancient texts, methodologies, and astrological wisdom.
  29. Juncture Timing: n. The consideration and assessment of astrological timings and alignments when determining opportune moments for important events or actions.
  30. Joyful Living: n. A state of happiness, contentment, and fulfillment in one’s life, often associated with the alignment and harmonious interplay of various planetary energies.


  1. Karma: n. The cosmic law of cause and effect, believed to govern the consequences of one’s actions in past, present, and future lives, often explored through astrology.

  2. Karmic Astrology: n. The branch of astrology that focuses on exploring past-life influences, karmic patterns, and lessons in the birth chart.
  3. Ketu: n. The lunar South Node, an important point in Vedic astrology that represents past-life karma, spiritual growth, and release of attachments.
  4. Kundalini: n. A latent spiritual energy represented by a coiled serpent at the base of the spine, associated with transformative experiences and spiritual awakening in esoteric astrology.
  5. Kabbalistic Astrology: n. Astrology infused with the teachings and symbolism of Kabbalah, a mystical Jewish tradition, exploring the interplay between cosmic forces and human consciousness.
  6. Kairos: n. A Greek term meaning “the opportune moment,” used in astrology to indicate favorable timing and alignment for certain actions or events.
  7. Karmic Debt: n. The unresolved lessons, challenges, or obligations carried from past lives into the present incarnation, reflected in the birth chart and explored through karmic astrology.
  8. Kite Aspect Configuration: n. An aspect pattern in astrology characterized by a grand trine with a fourth planet forming an opposition, creating a kite-like shape in the birth chart.
  9. Karmic Lessons: n. Life lessons and experiences that an individual must learn and overcome in order to evolve and fulfill their soul’s purpose, as indicated by karmic indicators in the birth chart.
  10. Kabbalistic Tree of Life: n. A mystical diagram used in Kabbalah and esoteric astrology to represent the interconnectedness of cosmic energies and spiritual states of consciousness.
  11. Karmic Nodes: n. The lunar North Node (Rahu) and South Node (Ketu) in Vedic astrology, representing karmic influences, life lessons, and evolutionary path.
  12. Karmic Patterns: n. Repetitive themes, situations, or behaviors that arise in a person’s life, often rooted in unresolved karma and reflected in the birth chart.
  13. Kaleidoscope Chart: n. A birth chart with multiple planets in different signs, houses, and aspects, creating a vibrant and varied combination of energies.
  14. Karmic Healing: n. The process of resolving and transforming karmic imprints and patterns through self-awareness, acceptance, forgiveness, and conscious choices.
  15. Karmic Astrologer: n. An astrologer who specializes in the analysis and interpretation of karmic influences, past-life themes, and spiritual growth indicated in the birth chart.
  16. Karmic Relationship: n. A relationship that involves significant karmic connections, lessons, and unresolved issues from past lives, providing opportunities for growth and healing.
  17. Karmic Retrograde: n. The apparent backward movement of a planet in the birth chart, indicating a need for introspection, reflection, and karmic reevaluation of its energies and themes.
  18. Kundalini Awakening: n. The activation and rising of the dormant spiritual energy within an individual, often associated with profound spiritual experiences and transformation.
  19. Karmic Indicators: n. Specific placements, aspects, or configurations in the birth chart that suggest karmic influences, challenges, or significant life lessons.
  20. Karmic Astrology: n. The study and interpretation of astrology focused on understanding the karmic influences, past-life connections, and soul growth indicated in the birth chart.
  21. Karmic Astrology Reading: n. A consultation with a karmic astrologer that delves into the karmic patterns, lessons, and potentialities revealed in a person’s birth chart.
  22. Kundalini Energy: n. The primal, spiritual energy believed to reside at the base of the spine, associated with awakening, transformation, and expanded consciousness.
  23. Karmic Imprints: n. Energetic imprints or residue from past lives carried forward into the present incarnation, influencing an individual’s thoughts, behaviors, and experiences.
  24. Karmic Astrology Report: n. A detailed written analysis of a person’s birth chart, focusing on karmic influences, past-life connections, and soul growth potential.
  25. Karmic Astrology Symbols: n. Specific symbols and markers in the birth chart that provide insights into karmic influences, lessons, and unresolved patterns.
  26. Karmic Evolution: n. The process of spiritual growth and evolution through the resolution of karmic imbalances and the fulfillment of soul lessons.
  27. Kundalini Rising: n. The awakening and upward movement of the kundalini energy within an individual, leading to higher states of consciousness and spiritual transformation.
  28. Karmic Astrology Reading: n. An in-depth analysis and interpretation of a person’s birth chart from a karmic perspective, uncovering the karmic influences, lessons, and potentialities.
  29. Karmic Astrology Software: n. Computer programs specifically designed to calculate and analyze karmic influences and past-life connections within a birth chart.
  30. Karmic Debts and Credits: n. The accumulation of unresolved karmic lessons and positive karmic contributions that impact an individual’s present circumstances and future experiences.
  31. Kundalini Activation: n. The initiation and awakening of the kundalini energy, leading to heightened spiritual awareness, energy flow, and expanded consciousness.
  32. Karmic Astrology Workshop: n. A learning event or course that focuses on exploring karmic influences, past-life connections, and soul growth through the lens of astrology.
  33. Karmic Retribution: n. The consequences, challenges, or rewards experienced as a result of past-life actions and choices, reflected in the present life circumstances.
  34. Karmic Healing Session: n. A therapeutic or energy-based session that aims to release and heal karmic imprints, patterns, and traumas through various modalities.
  35. Kundalini Yoga: n. A spiritual practice that combines physical postures, breathwork, and meditation to awaken and channel the kundalini energy for spiritual development.
  36. Karmic Astrology Consultation: n. A one-on-one session with a karmic astrologer to explore the karmic influences, past-life connections, and soul growth potential within a birth chart.
  37. Karmic Balance: n. A state of equilibrium and resolution of karmic imbalances, allowing for the fulfillment of soul lessons and the evolution of consciousness.
  38. Kundalini Awakening Symptoms: n. Physical, emotional, and energetic manifestations experienced during the process of kundalini awakening, including heightened sensitivity, energy surges, and spiritual visions.
  39. Karmic Astrology Course: n. An educational program or curriculum that covers the principles, techniques, and interpretations of astrology focused on karmic influences, past-life connections, and soul growth.
  40. Karmic Astrology Chart: n. A birth chart that highlights the karmic influences, indicators, and lessons through specific placements, aspects, and configurations.
  41. Karmic Release: n. The process of consciously releasing and resolving karmic imprints, patterns, and attachments to facilitate personal growth and spiritual evolution.
  42. Karmic Astrology Reading: n. An astrological consultation or analysis that specifically explores the karmic influences, dynamics, and potentialities within a person’s birth chart.
  43. Kundalini Meditation: n. A meditation practice that focuses on awakening and harnessing the kundalini energy for spiritual transformation, inner awakening, and expanded consciousness.
  44. Karmic Astrologer: n. An astrologer specializing in karmic astrology, utilizing past-life insights, karmic indicators, and soul growth themes to provide guidance and understanding.
  45. Karmic Lessons: n. Experiences, challenges, and opportunities encountered in one’s life that are linked to past-life actions, choices, and unresolved issues.
  46. Kundalini Energy Activation: n. The intentional activation and awakening of the dormant kundalini energy through spiritual practices, leading to personal transformation and spiritual evolution.
  47. Karmic Significator: n. A planet, point, or placement in the birth chart that represents significant karmic influences, lessons, or themes within an individual’s life.
  48. Karmic Astrology Prediction: n. The use of astrological techniques and interpretations to forecast future events and circumstances based on karmic influences and patterns.
  49. Kundalini Yoga Teacher: n. A qualified instructor who teaches and guides students in the practice of Kundalini Yoga, facilitating the awakening and channeling of the kundalini energy.
  50. Karmic Realization: n. A profound understanding or awareness of one’s karmic patterns, lessons, and purpose, leading to personal growth, self-acceptance, and spiritual evolution.


  1. Lunar: adj. Pertaining to the Moon or moon-related phenomena in astrology.

  2. Lagna: n. The Ascendant or rising sign in Vedic astrology, representing the sign that was on the eastern horizon at the time of birth.
  3. Leo: n. The fifth sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the Lion and associated with qualities such as creativity, leadership, confidence, and generosity.
  4. Luminaries: n. A term used to collectively refer to the Sun and the Moon in astrology, representing the two primary celestial bodies that illuminate the sky.
  5. Lunar Eclipse: n. An astronomical event in which the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, causing a temporary obscuration of the Moon, and carrying symbolic significance in astrology.
  6. Libra: n. The seventh sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the Scales and associated with qualities such as balance, harmony, diplomacy, and partnership.
  7. Lilith: n. In astrology, a hypothetical point representing the lunar apogee or the Black Moon, often associated with themes of rebellion, primal instincts, and the shadow self.
  8. Longitude: n. The measurement of a celestial object’s position along the zodiac, expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds, used for precise chart calculations.
  9. Lunar Node: n. Either of the two points where the Moon’s orbit intersects the ecliptic, known as the North Node (Rahu) and the South Node (Ketu) in Vedic astrology.
  10. Lunar Return: n. A type of predictive astrology that focuses on the analysis of the Moon’s return to its natal position, providing insights into monthly cycles and emotional patterns.
  11. Leo Rising: n. The sign of Leo on the Ascendant, indicating a chart where the individual projects a charismatic, confident, and dynamic personality.
  12. Lunar Phase: n. The varying appearance of the Moon as seen from Earth, representing the different stages of the Moon’s cycle and influencing astrological interpretations.
  13. Lunar Mansions: n. In traditional astrology, the 28 divisions of the zodiac that the Moon passes through during its monthly cycle, used for timing and predictions.
  14. Lunar Calendar: n. A calendar system that tracks the months based on the lunar cycle, aligning with the phases of the Moon, often used in astrological and religious contexts.
  15. Lunar Cycle: n. The approximately 29.5-day cycle of the Moon’s phases, from New Moon to Full Moon and back to New Moon again, influencing emotional rhythms and astrological interpretations.
  16. Lunar Influence: n. The impact of the Moon’s position and phases on an individual’s emotions, moods, and subconscious tendencies, analyzed in astrology.
  17. Lunar Nodes Axis: n. The line formed by the North Node and the South Node in a birth chart, representing the karmic path and evolutionary journey of the soul.
  18. Lunar Mansion Calendar: n. A calendar that maps the lunar mansions or Nakshatras, used in Vedic astrology for auspicious timings and predictions.
  19. Lunar Transit: n. The movement of the Moon as it travels through the zodiac signs, influencing the emotional climate and offering insights into daily fluctuations.
  20. Lunar Phases: n. The eight primary phases of the Moon’s cycle, including New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter, and Waning Crescent, each carrying symbolic significance in astrology.
  21. Lunar Mansion: n. One of the 28 divisions of the zodiac that the Moon passes through during its monthly cycle, each associated with specific qualities, influences, and purposes.
  22. Lunar Nodes Transit: n. The movement of the lunar nodes through the zodiac signs, indicating shifts in karmic energies, collective themes, and evolutionary paths.
  23. Lunar Phases Chart: n. A diagram or graphical representation of the eight primary phases of the Moon’s cycle, highlighting their positions in the zodiac and their astrological significance.
  24. Lunar Progression: n. A technique in astrology that involves advancing the Moon’s position in the birth chart to reveal the unfolding of emotional and psychological experiences over time.
  25. Lunar Mansion Talisman: n. An object or symbol created or chosen to harness the energies and influences associated with a specific lunar mansion, used for protection or manifestation.
  26. Lunar Return Chart: n. A chart calculated for the exact time when the transiting Moon returns to its natal position, providing insights into emotional themes and cycles for the year ahead.
  27. Leo Moon: n. The placement of the Moon in the sign of Leo in a birth chart, suggesting emotional warmth, self-expression, and a desire for recognition and creativity.
  28. Lunar Nodes Axis Shift: n. The gradual movement of the lunar nodes through the zodiac signs over an extended period, influencing collective themes and societal evolution.
  29. Lunar Eclipse Astrology: n. The study and interpretation of the astrological effects and symbolism associated with lunar eclipses, emphasizing their transformative and emotional impact.
  30. Libra Rising: n. The sign of Libra on the Ascendant, indicating a birth chart where the individual projects a diplomatic, harmonious, and relationship-oriented persona.
  31. Lunar Influence on Tides: n. The gravitational pull of the Moon on Earth’s oceans, creating tidal patterns that vary with the Moon’s phases and positions in astrology.
  32. Lunar Mansion Ritual: n. A ceremonial practice conducted during a specific lunar mansion, incorporating rituals, intentions, and symbolic actions aligned with the mansion’s influences.
  33. Lunar Synodic Cycle: n. The approximately 29.5-day cycle that represents the complete journey of the Moon from one New Moon to the next, influencing emotional patterns and growth.
  34. Lunar Nodes Activation: n. The activation and expression of the karmic energies and evolutionary potential associated with the lunar nodes in a person’s birth chart.
  35. Lunar Nodes Aspects: n. The angular relationships formed between the lunar nodes and other planets or points in a birth chart, indicating karmic connections and influences.
  36. Lunar Mansions Astrology: n. The practice of using the lunar mansions or Nakshatras in astrology for timing, predictions, and understanding of specific influences and energies.
  37. Lunar Nodes Cycle: n. The approximately 18.6-year cycle of the lunar nodes’ movement through the zodiac signs, marking significant periods of collective and personal evolution.
  38. Lunar Phases Meditation: n. A contemplative practice that aligns with the changing phases of the Moon, utilizing their symbolism and energies for inner reflection and transformation.
  39. Lunar Significance: n. The importance and influence of the Moon in astrology, representing emotions, intuition, instincts, and the cyclical nature of life.
  40. Lunar Nodes Activation: n. The process by which the energies of the lunar nodes become more prominent and influential in a person’s life, often triggered by significant life events or transits.
  41. Lunar Mansions Chart: n. A specialized astrological chart that focuses on the positioning of the Moon within the lunar mansions or Nakshatras at the time of birth.
  42. Lunar Return Ritual: n. A personal ritual or practice conducted during the time of the Moon’s return to its natal position, aimed at setting intentions and aligning with emotional growth.
  43. Lunar Nodes Transits: n. The movement of the lunar nodes through the zodiac signs over time, indicating shifts in collective energies, karmic themes, and evolutionary directions.
  44. Lunar Nodes Analysis: n. The examination and interpretation of the lunar nodes’ placement, aspects, and relationship to other chart factors, revealing karmic influences and life lessons.
  45. Lunar Nodes Karma: n. The karmic influences and lessons associated with the lunar nodes in a birth chart, reflecting past-life dynamics, soul growth, and evolutionary paths.
  46. Lunar Phases Symbolism: n. The symbolic significance and meaning attributed to the different phases of the Moon’s cycle, revealing themes of beginnings, growth, culmination, and release.
  47. Lunar Nodes Progression: n. The gradual movement of the lunar nodes through the zodiac signs in an individual’s progressed chart, indicating shifts in karmic influences and life direction.
  48. Lunar Nodes Transit Chart: n. A specialized chart calculated to show the current positions of the lunar nodes and their interactions with the natal chart, offering insights into karmic dynamics.
  49. Lunar Nodes Synchronization: n. The alignment and harmonization of the energies and lessons represented by the lunar nodes, indicating a balanced and integrated approach to karmic growth.
  50. Lunar Phases Observation: n. The practice of observing and noting the changing phases of the Moon, enhancing awareness of emotional patterns, cycles, and personal rhythms.


  1. Mars: n. The fourth planet from the Sun in the solar system, associated with assertiveness, passion, energy, and the drive for action in astrology.

  2. Mercury: n. The closest planet to the Sun in the solar system, symbolizing communication, intellect, adaptability, and mental processes in astrology.
  3. Moon: n. The Earth’s natural satellite, representing emotions, instincts, intuition, and the feminine principle in astrology.
  4. Midheaven: n. The point in a birth chart where the ecliptic intersects with the meridian, indicating the highest point of the celestial sphere and associated with one’s career, public image, and aspirations.
  5. Mutable Signs: n. The zodiac signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, known for their adaptable, flexible, and changeable nature in astrology.
  6. Mundane Astrology: n. The branch of astrology that focuses on predicting and analyzing world events, social trends, and political matters.
  7. Major Aspects: n. The primary angular relationships between planets in a birth chart, including the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition.
  8. Magnetic Energy: n. The energetic field generated by celestial bodies in astrology, influencing attraction, resonance, and energetic connections between individuals.
  9. Meditation: n. A practice of quieting the mind, centering oneself, and accessing higher states of consciousness, often utilized in astrology for inner guidance and spiritual connection.
  10. Mars Retrograde: n. The apparent backward movement of Mars in the sky, as observed from Earth, associated with a period of intensified energy, reflection, and reevaluation.
  11. Mercury Retrograde: n. The phenomenon when Mercury appears to move backward in its orbit, believed to affect communication, travel, technology, and decision-making, prompting caution and introspection.
  12. Moon Sign: n. The zodiac sign in which the Moon is located at the time of an individual’s birth, representing their emotional nature, instincts, and innermost needs.
  13. Mars Transit: n. The movement of Mars through the zodiac signs, influencing assertiveness, motivation, energy levels, and the pursuit of desires for individuals and collective dynamics.
  14. Mundane Chart: n. A specialized astrological chart calculated for a specific location and time to analyze global or national events, providing insights into collective energies and trends.
  15. Midpoint: n. The point precisely halfway between two planets or celestial objects in astrology, often used to determine sensitive degrees and areas of influence.
  16. Mutable Grand Cross: n. A challenging aspect configuration formed by four planets in the mutable signs, creating a cross shape in the birth chart, indicating dynamic tension and change.
  17. Mars-Saturn Conjunction: n. The alignment of Mars and Saturn in the birth chart, representing the coming together of assertiveness, drive, discipline, and perseverance.
  18. Moon Phases: n. The eight primary phases of the Moon’s cycle, including New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter, and Waning Crescent.
  19. Meditation Practice: n. A regular and intentional engagement in meditation, aiming to cultivate mindfulness, inner peace, self-awareness, and spiritual connection.
  20. Natal Promise: n. The potentials, talents, challenges, and life experiences indicated by the configuration of planets and points in an individual’s birth chart.
  21. Mutable Signs: n. The zodiac signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, known for their adaptability, flexibility, and openness to change in astrology.
  22. Moon Node: n. The lunar node, either the North Node (Rahu) or South Node (Ketu), indicating karmic influences, soul growth, and evolutionary paths in Vedic astrology.
  23. Moon Square: n. An aspect formed when the Moon is approximately 90 degrees apart from another planet or point in a birth chart, indicating tension and inner conflict.
  24. Midheaven Sign: n. The zodiac sign that is present on the Midheaven or MC, representing career aspirations, public image, and the direction of one’s life path.
  25. Mundane Astrologer: n. An astrologer who specializes in mundane astrology, analyzing global events, political dynamics, and social trends.
  26. Mercury Retrograde Effects: n. The challenges and disruptions associated with Mercury retrograde, such as miscommunications, technological glitches, travel delays, and contract issues.
  27. Moon Opposition: n. An aspect formed when the Moon is approximately 180 degrees apart from another planet or point in a birth chart, indicating polarity and balancing energies.
  28. Midheaven Placement: n. The zodiac sign and degree on the Midheaven or MC in a birth chart, revealing vocational aptitudes, public image, and career potential.
  29. Moon Conjunct: n. An aspect formed when the Moon is in close proximity to another planet or point in a birth chart, signifying a blending and amplification of energies.
  30. Moon Trine: n. An aspect formed when the Moon is approximately 120 degrees apart from another planet or point in a birth chart, indicating harmony, flow, and ease of expression between the energies involved.
  31. Mercury Square: n. An aspect formed when Mercury is approximately 90 degrees apart from another planet or point in a birth chart, indicating tension, challenges, and conflicts in communication and mental processes.
  32. Moon Sextile: n. An aspect formed when the Moon is approximately 60 degrees apart from another planet or point in a birth chart, indicating opportunities, cooperation, and harmonious connections.
  33. Mundane Astrology Prediction: n. The use of astrological techniques and analysis to predict and forecast global or societal events, trends, and influences.
  34. Moon Opposition Transit: n. The movement of a transiting planet to a position opposite the natal Moon, highlighting a time of culmination, completion, or heightened emotional awareness.
  35. Mercury Trine: n. An aspect formed when Mercury is approximately 120 degrees apart from another planet or point in a birth chart, indicating ease, flow, and harmonious expression of intellect and communication.
  36. Moon-Sun Square: n. An aspect formed when the Moon and the Sun are approximately 90 degrees apart in a birth chart, signifying tension and potential conflict between emotional needs and conscious expression.
  37. Moon-Sun Conjunction: n. The alignment of the Moon and the Sun in the birth chart, symbolizing the New Moon phase and the merging of conscious and unconscious energies.
  38. Mercury Sextile: n. An aspect formed when Mercury is approximately 60 degrees apart from another planet or point in a birth chart, indicating opportunities for communication, learning, and mental stimulation.
  39. Moon-Sun Opposition: n. An aspect formed when the Moon and the Sun are approximately 180 degrees apart in a birth chart, signifying a Full Moon phase and the need to balance emotions and conscious awareness.
  40. Moon-Sun Conjunction Transit: n. The transit of the Sun to the same degree as the natal Moon, highlighting a period of self-reflection, emotional clarity, and personal growth.
  41. Mundane Astrology Research: n. The study and analysis of historical and current events using astrological techniques to gain insights into societal, cultural, and political dynamics.


  1. Nadir: n. The point in a birth chart opposite the Midheaven, representing the lowest point in the celestial sphere and symbolizing one’s roots, home, and innermost self.

  2. Natal Chart: n. A unique astrological map or snapshot of the celestial positions at the time of an individual’s birth, used for personality analysis and forecasting.
  3. Natal Promise: n. The potentials, talents, challenges, and life experiences indicated by the configuration of planets and points in an individual’s birth chart.
  4. Natal Sun: n. The placement of the Sun in an individual’s birth chart, revealing core identity, ego expression, and the essence of one’s being.
  5. Natal Moon: n. The placement of the Moon in an individual’s birth chart, representing emotions, instincts, and the innermost needs of the soul.
  6. Natal Ascendant: n. The zodiac sign that is rising on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual’s birth, influencing the personality and outward expression.
  7. Natal House: n. One of the twelve divisions in a birth chart, each associated with specific areas of life and representing different aspects of an individual’s experience.
  8. Navamsa Chart: n. A divisional chart in Vedic astrology that focuses on the precise positioning of planets within each sign, providing additional insights into one’s character and destiny.
  9. North Node: n. The lunar node representing the point where the Moon’s path crosses the ecliptic from south to north, indicating karmic lessons, growth, and the path to be pursued in this lifetime.
  10. Natural Houses: n. The zodiac signs naturally associated with each house in astrology, providing general characteristics and themes for each house placement.
  11. Node Return: n. The astrological event that occurs when the transiting lunar North Node returns to its natal position in a person’s birth chart, indicating a time of spiritual growth and significant connections.
  12. Node Significance: n. The karmic significance and lessons associated with the lunar nodes in a birth chart, revealing soul growth, evolutionary paths, and life purpose.
  13. Natal Venus: n. The placement of Venus in an individual’s birth chart, representing love, beauty, relationships, and aesthetic sensibilities.
  14. New Moon: n. The phase of the Moon when it aligns with the Sun, appearing as a darkened Moon and signifying new beginnings, fresh starts, and planting seeds of intention.
  15. Natal Mercury: n. The placement of Mercury in an individual’s birth chart, indicating communication style, intellectual capacity, and the way one processes information.
  16. Natal Mars: n. The placement of Mars in an individual’s birth chart, representing energy, motivation, assertiveness, and the drive for action.
  17. Natal Jupiter: n. The placement of Jupiter in an individual’s birth chart, symbolizing expansion, growth, abundance, wisdom, and opportunities for personal development.
  18. Natal Saturn: n. The placement of Saturn in an individual’s birth chart, indicating responsibility, discipline, structure, lessons, and areas of potential challenge and growth.
  19. Natal Uranus: n. The placement of Uranus in an individual’s birth chart, representing innovation, uniqueness, rebellion, and the urge for personal freedom and independence.
  20. Natal Neptune: n. The placement of Neptune in an individual’s birth chart, symbolizing spirituality, dreams, illusions, creativity, and the potential for transcendent experiences.
  21. Natal Pluto: n. The placement of Pluto in an individual’s birth chart, representing transformation, power, regeneration, and the exploration of deeper psychological layers.
  22. Natal Chiron: n. The placement of Chiron in an individual’s birth chart, symbolizing wounds, healing, and the potential for profound personal growth and spiritual evolution.
  23. Natal Lilith: n. The placement of Lilith in an individual’s birth chart, representing the primal, wild, and untamed aspects of femininity, often associated with themes of rebellion and empowerment.
  24. Natal Retrograde: n. The condition when a planet is retrograde in an individual’s birth chart, suggesting an inward, introspective energy associated with that planet’s characteristics.
  25. Natal Aspect: n. The angular relationship formed between two planets or celestial points in an individual’s birth chart, influencing their interaction and shaping the individual’s experiences.
  26. Natal Stellium: n. A concentrated grouping of three or more planets in a particular zodiac sign or house in an individual’s birth chart, indicating a significant emphasis on the energies and themes represented by those planets.
  27. Natal Progression: n. A technique in astrology that involves advancing the positions of planets and points in an individual’s birth chart to reveal insights into their developmental and transformative life stages.
  28. Natal Interception: n. The condition in an individual’s birth chart when a zodiac sign is intercepted within a house, suggesting hidden or less accessible energies and potentials associated with that sign.
  29. Natal Imbalance: n. The presence of an excess or lack of elemental qualities or planetary energies in an individual’s birth chart, indicating areas of strength or challenge in their personality and life experiences.
  30. Natal Chart Analysis: n. The process of interpreting an individual’s birth chart to gain insights into their personality traits, potentials, life themes, and future trends.
  31. Natal Aspects Interpretation: n. The examination and interpretation of the angular relationships formed between planets or points in an individual’s birth chart, providing valuable insights into their psychological makeup and life experiences.
  32. Natal House Cusp: n. The point where a zodiac sign begins within a house in an individual’s birth chart, indicating the area of life most strongly influenced by the qualities and energies of that sign.
  33. Node Axis Transit: n. The movement of the lunar nodes through the zodiac signs over time, signifying shifts in collective energies, karmic lessons, and evolutionary paths.
  34. North Node Transit: n. The passage of the lunar North Node through the zodiac signs over a significant period, indicating collective and personal growth, destiny, and spiritual development.
  35. Natal Moon Phase: n. The specific phase of the Moon at the time of an individual’s birth, providing insights into their emotional nature, instincts, and personality traits.
  36. Natal Vertex: n. A sensitive point in an individual’s birth chart that represents fated encounters, significant connections, and events that carry profound meaning and impact.
  37. Natal Midpoint: n. The point exactly halfway between two planets or celestial objects in an individual’s birth chart, indicating a blending and integration of their energies.
  38. Nodal Return: n. The astrological event that occurs when the transiting lunar nodes return to their natal positions in an individual’s birth chart, marking significant periods of personal growth, transformation, and karmic activation.
  39. Nodal Axis: n. The line formed by the lunar North Node and South Node in a birth chart, representing the karmic path, evolutionary journey, and life lessons of an individual.
  40. Natal Venus Retrograde: n. The condition when Venus is retrograde in an individual’s birth chart, indicating a unique expression of love, relationships, values, and aesthetic preferences.
  41. Nodal Axis Activation: n. The activation and manifestation of the karmic energies and evolutionary potentials associated with the lunar nodes in an individual’s life.
  42. Nodal Axis Shift: n. The gradual movement of the lunar nodes through the zodiac signs over time, indicating shifts in collective karmic energies and societal dynamics.
  43. Nodal Aspects: n. The angular relationships formed between the lunar nodes and other planets or points in a birth chart, revealing significant connections and influences in one’s life.
  44. Natal Vertex Activation: n. The activation and manifestation of the fated encounters, significant connections, and events represented by the Vertex point in an individual’s birth chart.
  45. Nodal Opposition: n. An aspect formed when the lunar North Node and South Node are approximately 180 degrees apart in a birth chart, indicating a tension between karmic growth and release.
  46. Natal Uranus Retrograde: n. The condition when Uranus is retrograde in an individual’s birth chart, suggesting a unique expression of independence, rebellion, innovation, and personal freedom.
  47. Nodal Axis Synastry: n. The examination and interpretation of the interplay between the lunar nodes of two individuals in a relationship, indicating significant karmic connections and lessons.
  48. Natal Vertex Synastry: n. The analysis of the interplay between the Vertex points of two individuals in a relationship, indicating fated encounters and deep connections.
  49. Nodal Cycle: n. The approximately 18.6-year cycle of the lunar nodes’ movement through the zodiac signs, marking significant periods of collective and personal evolution.
  50. Natal Pluto Retrograde: n. The condition when Pluto is retrograde in an individual’s birth chart, suggesting a transformative and intense inward journey of personal empowerment, regeneration, and soul growth.


  1. Oblique Ascendant: n. An alternative term for the Ascendant or Rising Sign, referring to the zodiac sign that is ascending on the eastern horizon at the time of birth.

  2. Occultation: n. The phenomenon when one celestial body passes in front of and temporarily obscures another celestial body, often used in reference to lunar or planetary occultations.
  3. Opposition: n. An aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 180 degrees apart in the zodiac, indicating a polarity or tension between their energies.
  4. Orb: n. The allowance or range of degrees within which an aspect between celestial bodies is considered to be in effect, typically determined by astrological tradition or personal interpretation.
  5. Out of Bounds: adj. Referring to a planet that exceeds the normal range of declination, moving beyond the limits of the Sun’s apparent path in the sky.
  6. Outer Planets: n. A collective term for the planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, which are located beyond the orbit of Saturn in the solar system.
  7. Ophiuchus: n. A constellation located near the ecliptic, traditionally associated with the figure of a serpent bearer and sometimes considered as the 13th zodiac sign.
  8. Orbital Period: n. The time it takes for a planet or celestial body to complete one orbit around the Sun, influencing the pace and rhythm of its astrological effects.
  9. Occult Astrology: n. A branch of astrology that explores esoteric, spiritual, and mystical dimensions, incorporating symbolism, intuition, and hidden influences.
  10. Oriental Planet: n. The planet that rises just before the Sun in the birth chart, indicating a prominent and influential force in an individual’s life.
  11. Oracular Astrology: n. The practice of divination and prediction using astrological symbols, charts, and techniques to provide insights and guidance.
  12. Oriented Chart: n. A birth chart in which the Ascendant or Rising Sign is placed at the left side of the chart, reflecting the eastern horizon and the individual’s perspective.
  13. Orbit: n. The path followed by a celestial body as it revolves around another body, such as the Earth’s orbit around the Sun or the Moon’s orbit around the Earth.
  14. Oracular Techniques: n. Various methods used in astrological divination, such as tarot cards, crystal gazing, pendulum dowsing, or rune casting, to gain insights into future events.
  15. Occult Symbolism: n. The use of esoteric and hidden symbols in astrology, reflecting deeper meanings, spiritual truths, and cosmic connections.
  16. Orbital Inclination: n. The angle between the plane of a planet’s orbit and the plane of the ecliptic, influencing its relationship to other celestial bodies and its astrological effects.
  17. Olympic Ascendant: n. An alternative term for the Ascendant or Rising Sign, referencing the zodiac sign that is ascending on the eastern horizon at the time of birth.
  18. Occult House: n. A hypothetical house system that divides the birth chart into equal segments of 30 degrees each, reflecting a different area of life and experience.
  19. Oriental Rising: adj. Describing the condition when a planet is rising just before the Sun in the birth chart, signifying its prominence and influence in an individual’s life.
  20. Omniscience: n. A term used in astrology to describe the ideal of complete knowledge and understanding of the cosmos and its influences on human life.
  21. Occult Practitioner: n. An individual who engages in the study and practice of esoteric arts, including astrology, tarot, divination, and other metaphysical disciplines.
  22. Occidental Planet: n. The planet that sets just after the Sun in the birth chart, indicating its significant influence on an individual’s personality and life experiences.
  23. Ophiuchus Significance: n. The symbolic significance and interpretation associated with the constellation of Ophiuchus in astrology, often considered as a transformative and healing archetype.
  24. Oracular Guidance: n. Insight and advice obtained through astrological divination or intuitive methods, offering clarity, direction, and support in decision-making and life choices.
  25. Orbital Speed: n. The rate at which a celestial body moves along its orbit, affecting the timing and intensity of its astrological influences.
  26. Occult Numerology: n. The application of numerological principles and symbolism to esoteric practices, including astrology, tarot, and divination.
  27. Occidental Rising: adj. Describing the condition when a planet sets just after the Sun in the birth chart, highlighting its influence on an individual’s self-expression and identity.
  28. Oracular Insight: n. Deep understanding and perception gained through the interpretation of astrological symbols, signs, and patterns, offering profound revelations and guidance.
  29. Oscillation: n. The repetitive and cyclical movement of celestial bodies, reflecting patterns and rhythms that astrologers observe and analyze.
  30. Opposition Aspect: n. An angular relationship between two celestial bodies that are approximately 180 degrees apart in the zodiac, signifying a tension or polarity between their energies.
  31. Orbital Eccentricity: n. The measure of the elliptical deviation of a planet’s orbit from a perfect circle, influencing its proximity to the Sun and the variation in its astrological effects.
  32. Omniscient Astrology: n. A concept in astrology that suggests the possibility of attaining complete knowledge and understanding of the universe and its influence on human life.
  33. Occult Knowledge: n. Esoteric and hidden wisdom acquired through the study and practice of astrology, magic, alchemy, and other mystical traditions.
  34. Occult Tarot: n. The use of tarot cards as a divination tool to access hidden or spiritual insights, often incorporating astrological symbolism and interpretations.
  35. Orbital Alignment: n. The harmonious or aligned positioning of celestial bodies along their orbits, indicating periods of energetic resonance and astrological significance.
  36. Omen: n. An astrological event, symbol, or sign believed to have prophetic significance, providing insight into future events or outcomes.
  37. Occult Doctrine: n. The philosophical teachings and principles that underpin esoteric arts, including astrology, divination, and magical practices.
  38. Opposition Transit: n. The movement of a transiting planet to a position approximately 180 degrees opposite a planet in the birth chart, marking a significant point of tension, conflict, or culmination.
  39. Oracular Divination: n. The act of seeking guidance or insight through the use of divinatory tools, such as astrology, tarot, runes, or scrying, to access hidden knowledge and guidance.
  40. Occultist: n. An individual who studies and practices esoteric and mystical traditions, including astrology, alchemy, magic, and ceremonial rituals.
  41. Orbital Resonance: n. The harmonic relationship between two or more celestial bodies whose orbits exhibit a mathematical relationship, creating a pattern of gravitational influence and synchronicity.
  42. Oracular Prediction: n. The act of making predictions or forecasts about future events through the use of oracular methods, such as divination tools, intuitive insights, or astrological techniques. It involves tapping into higher wisdom, symbolism, and intuitive guidance to provide foresight and understanding of potential outcomes or developments in various aspects of life. Oracular prediction aims to provide guidance, insight, and a deeper understanding of the forces and energies at play in one’s personal or collective journey.
  43. Oracular Reading: n. The process of interpreting astrological symbols, cards, or other divinatory tools to provide insights, guidance, and predictions about the past, present, or future.
  44. Occult Symbol: n. A mystical or esoteric symbol used in astrology, magic, or other occult practices, representing hidden knowledge, spiritual concepts, or cosmic forces.
  45. Orbiting Satellite: n. A celestial body, natural or artificial, that revolves around a larger object, such as a planet or star, influencing astrological energies and dynamics.
  46. Orientational Astrology: n. A branch of astrology that focuses on the geographical and cultural influences on an individual’s birth chart, considering location-specific factors and local traditions.
  47. Orphic Astrology: n. An esoteric approach to astrology that integrates mythological, mystical, and spiritual concepts into the interpretation of birth charts and astrological symbolism.
  48. Occult Moon: n. The Moon’s influence and symbolism in astrology, representing intuition, emotions, the subconscious mind, and the connection to the hidden realms.
  49. Occult Doctrine: n. The body of knowledge and teachings within esoteric traditions, encompassing cosmology, metaphysics, spirituality, and the study of hidden or secret principles.
  50. Oracular Seer: n. A practitioner skilled in divination and oracular arts, capable of receiving and interpreting astrological or intuitive messages and providing guidance to others.


  1. Pallas Athena: n. An asteroid in astrology representing wisdom, strategy, and creative intelligence, named after the Greek goddess of wisdom.

  2. Part of Fortune: n. A sensitive point in a birth chart calculated using the positions of the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant, indicating areas of potential abundance, well-being, and success.
  3. Penumbral Eclipse: n. A type of lunar eclipse where the Moon passes through the outer part of Earth’s shadow, resulting in a subtle darkening of the lunar surface.
  4. Perihelion: n. The point in a planet’s orbit closest to the Sun, influencing the intensity and energy of its astrological effects.
  5. Personal Planets: n. The planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, which have shorter orbital periods and are considered to have a more direct impact on an individual’s personality and daily life.
  6. Pisces: n. The 12th sign of the zodiac, symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions, associated with compassion, intuition, spirituality, and empathy.
  7. Placidus House System: n. The most widely used house system in Western astrology, dividing the birth chart into unequal segments based on the degree of the Ascendant.
  8. Pluto: n. The planet Pluto, representing transformation, power, regeneration, and deep psychological processes, associated with collective and personal evolution.
  9. Progressed Chart: n. A secondary chart in astrology that tracks the movement of planets and points from the time of birth to a specific age or event, providing insights into personal growth and development.
  10. Progressions: n. A technique in astrology that involves advancing the positions of planets and points in a birth chart to reveal future trends, developments, and psychological shifts.
  11. Prograde Motion: n. The normal forward motion of a planet along its orbit, as observed from Earth, influencing the flow and direction of its astrological energies.
  12. Ptolemaic Aspects: n. The five major aspects in astrology, including the conjunction, opposition, square, trine, and sextile, based on the teachings of the ancient Greek astronomer Ptolemy.
  13. Psychological Astrology: n. An approach to astrology that emphasizes the psychological and inner dimensions of an individual, exploring patterns, motivations, and unconscious influences.
  14. Precession: n. The slow and gradual shift of Earth’s rotational axis over time, causing a change in the orientation of the zodiac signs in relation to the celestial equator.
  15. Primary Directions: n. A predictive technique in astrology that uses the movement of the Ascendant and Midheaven in the birth chart to calculate significant life events and timing.
  16. Planetary Retrograde: n. The apparent backward motion of a planet as observed from Earth, influencing the introspective, reflective, and internalized expression of its energies.
  17. Planetary Nodes: n. The points where the orbits of a planet and the Earth intersect, indicating points of karmic significance and evolutionary growth in astrology.
  18. Planetary Hours: n. The division of each day and night into 12 equal parts, with each part associated with a particular planet and believed to have its own unique influence.
  19. Primary Directions Chart: n. A specialized chart in astrology that displays the calculated primary directions and their corresponding life events and influences.
  20. Progressed Moon: n. The movement of the progressed Moon through the zodiac signs and houses in the secondary or progressed chart, indicating emotional and personal growth, cycles, and significant life changes.
  21. Progressed Ascendant: n. The progressed position of the Ascendant in the secondary or progressed chart, revealing shifts in an individual’s self-expression, appearance, and how they interact with the world.
  22. Planetary Dignity: n. The strength or potency of a planet in a particular zodiac sign, reflecting its ability to express its energies and fulfill its potential.
  23. Placidus House System: n. A widely used house system in Western astrology that divides the birth chart into twelve unequal segments based on the degree of the Ascendant.
  24. Partile Aspect: n. An aspect formed when two celestial bodies are at the exact same degree and minute of a zodiac sign, indicating a potent and intense alignment of energies.
  25. Primary Triad: n. In horary astrology, the three essential significators—Ascendant ruler, Moon, and quesited ruler—used to answer specific questions and provide insights.
  26. Progressed Sun: n. The movement of the progressed Sun through the zodiac signs in the secondary or progressed chart, reflecting personal growth, self-expression, and life purpose.
  27. Progressed Chart Analysis: n. The interpretation and analysis of the secondary or progressed chart, which shows the evolving energies and potential shifts in an individual’s life.
  28. Planetary Exaltation: n. The zodiac sign in which a planet is believed to be highly honored and empowered, allowing it to express its energies at their fullest potential.
  29. Progressed Midheaven: n. The progressed position of the Midheaven in the secondary or progressed chart, indicating shifts in career, public image, and life direction.
  30. Pre-Natal Eclipse: n. An eclipse that occurs shortly before an individual’s birth, believed to carry significant karmic and developmental themes throughout their life.
  31. Partile Conjunction: n. A conjunction aspect formed when two celestial bodies are at the exact same degree and minute of a zodiac sign, indicating a potent merging of energies.
  32. Planetary Hours Calculation: n. The process of determining the planetary hours of the day and night based on the local time and location, used for auspicious timing in various activities.
  33. Primary Directions Analysis: n. The interpretation and analysis of the significant life events and timing indicated by the calculations of primary directions in an individual’s birth chart.
  34. Progressed Mercury: n. The movement of the progressed Mercury through the zodiac signs in the secondary or progressed chart, influencing communication, thinking patterns, and learning.
  35. Progressed Venus: n. The movement of the progressed Venus through the zodiac signs in the secondary or progressed chart, reflecting relationships, love, beauty, and aesthetic preferences.
  36. Progressed Mars: n. The movement of the progressed Mars through the zodiac signs in the secondary or progressed chart, indicating energy, assertiveness, and the drive for action.
  37. Progressed Jupiter: n. The movement of the progressed Jupiter through the zodiac signs in the secondary or progressed chart, symbolizing expansion, growth, opportunities, and wisdom.
  38. Progressed Saturn: n. The movement of the progressed Saturn through the zodiac signs in the secondary or progressed chart, representing discipline, responsibility, structure, and life lessons.
  39. Progressed Uranus: n. The movement of the progressed Uranus through the zodiac signs in the secondary or progressed chart, reflecting innovation, rebellion, and personal freedom.
  40. Progressed Neptune: n. The movement of the progressed Neptune through the zodiac signs in the secondary or progressed chart, symbolizing spirituality, dreams, illusions, and creativity.
  41. Progressed Pluto: n. The movement of the progressed Pluto through the zodiac signs in the secondary or progressed chart, representing transformation, power, and profound personal growth.
  42. Progressed Chiron: n. The movement of the progressed Chiron through the zodiac signs in the secondary or progressed chart, indicating healing, self-discovery, and the integration of wounds.
  43. Planetary Stations: n. The periods when a planet appears to stop its normal direct or retrograde motion before changing direction, marking a shift in its astrological influence.
  44. Progressed Lunar Phase: n. The phase of the progressed Moon in the secondary or progressed chart, reflecting the evolving emotional and intuitive cycles in an individual’s life.
  45. Progressed Lunar Return: n. The astrological event that occurs when the progressed Moon returns to its natal position in the secondary or progressed chart, marking a significant milestone in personal growth.
  46. Planetary Ingress: n. The moment when a planet enters a new zodiac sign, influencing the collective and personal energies associated with that sign.
  47. Polarity: n. The relationship between zodiac signs that are opposite each other on the astrological wheel, representing complementary and balancing forces.
  48. Primary Directions System: n. A system of calculating and interpreting the movement of the Ascendant and Midheaven in the birth chart to determine significant life events and timing.


  1. Quadrate Aspect: n. An angular relationship between two celestial bodies that are approximately 90 degrees apart in the zodiac, indicating a dynamic and challenging interaction between their energies.

  2. Quadruplicity: n. One of the four groups of zodiac signs categorized by their shared elemental qualities—Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable—representing different modes of expression and approaches to life.
  3. Quaoar: n. A trans-Neptunian object in astrology associated with spiritual awakening, transformation, and the quest for meaning and purpose.
  4. Quincunx Aspect: n. An aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 150 degrees apart in the zodiac, signifying a subtle and complex relationship that requires adjustment and integration.
  5. Quadrant: n. One of the four sections created by dividing the horoscope wheel into equal parts, representing different areas of life and experience—first quadrant (houses 1-3), second quadrant (houses 4-6), third quadrant (houses 7-9), and fourth quadrant (houses 10-12).
  6. Querent: n. In horary astrology, the person who poses a specific question and seeks astrological guidance or answers.
  7. Quintile Aspect: n. An aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 72 degrees apart in the zodiac, representing a harmonious and creative connection that inspires unique talents and insights.
  8. Quinary Aspect: n. A rare aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 144 degrees apart in the zodiac, indicating a complex and unusual relationship that combines qualities of the quintile and square aspects.
  9. Querent’s Ascendant: n. The zodiac sign rising on the eastern horizon at the time a question is asked in horary astrology, providing insights into the querent’s current state and perspective.
  10. Querent’s Moon: n. The placement of the Moon at the time a question is asked in horary astrology, reflecting the querent’s emotional state and concerns related to the question.
  11. Quincunx Transit: n. The movement of a transiting planet to a position approximately 150 degrees from a planet in the birth chart, indicating a need for adjustment, integration, and adaptation.
  12. Quintile Transit: n. The movement of a transiting planet to a position approximately 72 degrees from a planet in the birth chart, activating creative, innovative, and specialized energies.
  13. Quinary Transit: n. The movement of a transiting planet to a position approximately 144 degrees from a planet in the birth chart, indicating a complex and unusual interplay of energies and potentials.
  14. Quincunx Synastry: n. The examination and interpretation of the quincunx aspect between celestial bodies in the birth charts of two individuals, highlighting the need for adjustment and understanding in their relationship.
  15. Quintile Synastry: n. The analysis of the quintile aspect between celestial bodies in the birth charts of two individuals, indicating a harmonious and inspiring connection that enhances their creative potentials.
  16. Quinary Synastry: n. The examination and interpretation of the quinary aspect between celestial bodies in the birth charts of two individuals, revealing a complex and unique relationship that combines the qualities of the quintile and square aspects.
  17. Quadrant House System: n. A system of dividing the birth chart into twelve equal parts of 30 degrees each, emphasizing the angular relationships and energetic dynamics between the planets and houses.
  18. Quadrature Aspect: n. An angular relationship between two celestial bodies that are approximately 90 degrees apart in the zodiac, signifying a dynamic and challenging interaction between their energies.
  19. Quiescent Signs: n. A term used in horary astrology to describe zodiac signs that are empty or unoccupied by any planets, indicating a lack of significant influences or events related to the question at hand.
  20. Quintessence: n. A concept in ancient astrology representing the fifth element, beyond the four classical elements (earth, air, fire, and water), symbolizing the divine and spiritual essence.
  21. Quindecile Aspect: n. An aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 165 degrees apart in the zodiac, indicating a strong and compulsive connection that can lead to intense experiences and transformations.
  22. Quintessence House System: n. A house system that divides the birth chart into twenty-four equal segments of 15 degrees each, providing a more detailed and nuanced interpretation of the houses and their significations.
  23. Quincunx Transit: n. The movement of a transiting planet to a position approximately 150 degrees from a planet in the birth chart, indicating a need for adjustment, integration, and adaptation.
  24. Quintile Transit: n. The movement of a transiting planet to a position approximately 72 degrees from a planet in the birth chart, activating creative, innovative, and specialized energies.
  25. Quinary Transit: n. The movement of a transiting planet to a position approximately 144 degrees from a planet in the birth chart, indicating a complex and unusual interplay of energies and potentials.
  26. Quincunx Synastry: n. The examination and interpretation of the quincunx aspect between celestial bodies in the birth charts of two individuals, highlighting the need for adjustment and understanding in their relationship.
  27. Quintile Synastry: n. The analysis of the quintile aspect between celestial bodies in the birth charts of two individuals, indicating a harmonious and inspiring connection that enhances their creative potentials.
  28. Quinary Synastry: n. The examination and interpretation of the quinary aspect between celestial bodies in the birth charts of two individuals, revealing a complex and unique relationship that combines the qualities of the quintile and square aspects.
  29. Quadrant House System: n. A system of dividing the birth chart into twelve equal parts of 30 degrees each, emphasizing the angular relationships and energetic dynamics between the planets and houses.
  30. Quadruplicity: n. One of the four groups of zodiac signs categorized by their shared elemental qualities—Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable—representing different modes of expression and approaches to life.


  1. Rahu: n. An imaginary point in Vedic astrology representing the ascending lunar node, associated with desires, obsessions, and worldly attachments.

  2. Rapid Motion: n. The relatively fast movement of a planet through the zodiac, indicating increased activity, energy, and intensity in its astrological influences.
  3. Rectification: n. The process of adjusting a birth chart or determining the accurate birth time through various methods, such as events in a person’s life or rectification techniques.
  4. Retrograde Motion: n. The apparent backward motion of a planet as observed from Earth, signifying a period of introspection, review, and reconsideration of the planet’s energies.
  5. Rising Sign: n. The zodiac sign that is rising on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual’s birth, also known as the Ascendant, influencing the individual’s outward personality and self-presentation.
  6. Ruler: n. The planet that governs or rules a zodiac sign, influencing its qualities, characteristics, and overall expression.
  7. Ruling Planet: n. The planet that has a dominant influence or rulership over a specific zodiac sign, reflecting its energy, themes, and significations.
  8. Retrograde Period: n. The duration of time when a planet appears to move in a backward or retrograde motion from the perspective of Earth, influencing its astrological effects.
  9. Rising Sign Compatibility: n. The assessment of compatibility between two individuals based on the compatibility of their Ascendant or Rising Signs, reflecting their overall compatibility and energy dynamics.
  10. Rising Sign Calculator: n. A tool or software that calculates and determines an individual’s Rising Sign or Ascendant based on their birth details, providing accurate astrological information.
  11. Revolution: n. A term used in astrological forecasting to describe the return of a planet or celestial body to its original position in the birth chart, marking significant cycles and opportunities.
  12. Retrograde Transit: n. The movement of a transiting planet in a retrograde motion, influencing a period of review, introspection, and potential delays or reversals in the areas governed by that planet.
  13. Retromingent: adj. Describing a planet that is stationary or moving slowly before transitioning from retrograde to direct motion, intensifying its astrological influences.
  14. Rulership: n. The astrological concept that assigns a specific zodiac sign or signs to each planet, reflecting their affinity and influence over those signs.
  15. Return Chart: n. A specialized chart cast for the time when a planet returns to its original position in the birth chart, such as the Solar Return or Saturn Return chart.
  16. Retrograde Shadow: n. The period before and after the retrograde motion of a planet, during which the planet appears to be moving slowly and its astrological effects may be felt.
  17. Radix: n. Another term for the birth chart or natal chart, representing the planetary positions and aspects at the time of an individual’s birth.
  18. Ruling House: n. The house in a birth chart where the ruling planet of the Ascendant is located, signifying a specific area of life that holds significance and influence.
  19. Retrograde Station: n. The point in time when a planet appears to pause and change direction from direct to retrograde motion, or vice versa.
  20. Revolutionary Astrology: n. A branch of astrology that focuses on social, political, and cultural dynamics, analyzing the influence of astrological patterns and cycles on larger societal transformations.
  21. Rapid Motion Planet: n. A planet that moves quickly through the zodiac due to its short orbital period, such as Mercury or the Moon, exerting swift and changeable influences.
  22. Rising Sign Compatibility: n. The assessment of compatibility between two individuals based on the compatibility of their Ascendant or Rising Signs, reflecting their overall compatibility and energy dynamics.
  23. Rising Sign Calculator: n. A tool or software that calculates and determines an individual’s Rising Sign or Ascendant based on their birth details, providing accurate astrological information.
  24. Revolution: n. A term used in astrological forecasting to describe the return of a planet or celestial body to its original position in the birth chart, marking significant cycles and opportunities.
  25. Retrograde Transit: n. The movement of a transiting planet in a retrograde motion, influencing a period of review, introspection, and potential delays or reversals in the areas governed by that planet.
  26. Retromingent: adj. Describing a planet that is stationary or moving slowly before transitioning from retrograde to direct motion, intensifying its astrological influences.
  27. Revolutionary Astrology: n. A branch of astrology that focuses on social, political, and cultural dynamics, analyzing the influence of astrological patterns and cycles on larger societal transformations.
  28. Revolutionary Uranian Astrology: n. A specialized form of astrology that focuses on the study of hypothetical planets and the use of dynamic dial techniques for precise timing and forecasting.
  29. Rulership: n. The astrological concept that assigns a specific zodiac sign or signs to each planet, reflecting their affinity and influence over those signs.
  30. Ruling House: n. The house in a birth chart where the ruling planet of the Ascendant is located, signifying a specific area of life that holds significance and influence.
  31. Rulership Planet: n. The planet that rules or governs a particular zodiac sign, exerting its influence and energies over the themes and characteristics associated with that sign.
  32. Ruling Planet: n. The planet that has a dominant influence or rulership over a specific zodiac sign, reflecting its energy, themes, and significations.
  33. Ruling Sign: n. The zodiac sign that is ruled by a particular planet, signifying the primary area of life and expression influenced by that planet’s energy.
  34. Radical Chart: n. An alternate term for the natal or birth chart, representing the unique configuration of planets, signs, and houses at the time of an individual’s birth.
  35. Rahu: n. An imaginary point in Vedic astrology representing the ascending lunar node, associated with desires, obsessions, and worldly attachments.
  36. Rectification: n. The process of adjusting a birth chart or determining the accurate birth time through various methods, such as events in a person’s life or rectification techniques.
  37. Return Chart: n. A specialized chart cast for the time when a planet returns to its original position in the birth chart, such as the Solar Return or Saturn Return chart.
  38. Retrograde Motion: n. The apparent backward motion of a planet as observed from Earth, signifying a period of introspection, review, and reconsideration of the planet’s energies.
  39. Retrograde Shadow: n. The period before and after the retrograde motion of a planet, during which the planet appears to be moving slowly and its astrological effects may be felt.
  40. Retrograde Period: n. The duration of time when a planet appears to move in a backward or retrograde motion from the perspective of Earth, influencing its astrological effects.
  41. Retrograde Station: n. The point in time when a planet appears to pause and change direction from direct to retrograde motion, or vice versa.
  42. Revolutionary Astrology: n. A branch of astrology that focuses on social, political, and cultural dynamics, analyzing the influence of astrological patterns and cycles on larger societal transformations.
  43. Revolutionary Uranian Astrology: n. A specialized form of astrology that focuses on the study of hypothetical planets and the use of dynamic dial techniques for precise timing and forecasting.
  44. Rising Sign: n. The zodiac sign that is rising on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual’s birth, also known as the Ascendant, influencing the individual’s outward personality and self-presentation.
  45. Rising Sign Compatibility: n. The assessment of compatibility between two individuals based on the compatibility of their Ascendant or Rising Signs, reflecting their overall compatibility and energy dynamics.
  46. Rising Sign Calculator: n. A tool or software that calculates and determines an individual’s Rising Sign or Ascendant based on their birth details, providing accurate astrological information.
  47. Rising Sign Degree: n. The specific degree of the zodiac sign that is rising on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual’s birth, contributing to the individual’s unique characteristics.
  48. Rising Sign Symbol: n. The symbol associated with an individual’s Rising Sign or Ascendant, representing their outward persona and initial impression on others.


  1. Sabian Symbols: n. A set of 360 symbolic images associated with each degree of the zodiac, used in astrological interpretation to provide deeper insights into planetary placements and aspects.

  2. Sagittarius: n. The ninth sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the Archer, associated with adventure, exploration, optimism, and philosophical pursuits.
  3. Saturn: n. The planet Saturn, representing discipline, responsibility, structure, and life lessons, associated with ambition, perseverance, and the constriction of time.
  4. Scorpio: n. The eighth sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the Scorpion, associated with intensity, passion, transformation, and depth of emotions.
  5. Secondary Progressions: n. A predictive technique in astrology that involves advancing the positions of planets and points in the birth chart to reveal future trends, developments, and psychological shifts.
  6. Sextile Aspect: n. An aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 60 degrees apart in the zodiac, indicating harmonious and supportive energies between them.
  7. Sidereal Zodiac: n. A system of measuring the zodiac based on the actual positions of stars and constellations, rather than the tropical zodiac’s reference to the vernal equinox.
  8. Solar Eclipse: n. An eclipse that occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, temporarily blocking the Sun’s light and casting a shadow on Earth, signifying new beginnings and transformations.
  9. Solar Return: n. The astrological chart cast for the exact moment when the Sun returns to its natal position each year, providing insights into the themes and influences for the upcoming year.
  10. South Node: n. An imaginary point in astrology representing the descending lunar node, associated with past life influences, karmic patterns, and release of energies.
  11. Sagittarius Rising: n. A term used when the zodiac sign Sagittarius is the rising sign or Ascendant in an individual’s birth chart, influencing their outward personality, approach to life, and self-expression.
  12. Saturn Return: n. The astrological phenomenon that occurs when the planet Saturn completes its first full orbit around the Sun after an individual’s birth, marking a period of maturity, self-reflection, and life transitions.
  13. Solar Houses: n. The twelve divisions of a birth chart that represent different areas of life, determined by the location of the Sun at the time of birth.
  14. Solar Fire: n. A popular astrology software program used by astrologers for calculations, charting, and interpretation.
  15. Solar Arcs: n. A predictive technique in astrology that involves advancing the birth chart by a certain number of degrees per year, providing insights into major life events and timing.
  16. Solar Plexus Chakra: n. The third energy center in the body’s chakra system, associated with personal power, self-esteem, and identity, often considered in astrological healing and energy work.
  17. Square Aspect: n. An aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 90 degrees apart in the zodiac, indicating tension, challenges, and opportunities for growth and transformation.
  18. Scorpio Moon: n. A term used when the Moon is placed in the zodiac sign Scorpio in an individual’s birth chart, influencing their emotional nature, intensity, and transformative potential.
  19. Sidereal Time: n. The measure of the Earth’s rotation with respect to the stars, used in astrology to determine the position of celestial bodies and calculate precise chart placements.
  20. Significance: n. The importance or meaning attributed to a specific planetary placement, aspect, or astrological event in an individual’s birth chart or in predictive astrology.
  21. Solar Houses: n. The twelve divisions of a birth chart that represent different areas of life, determined by the location of the Sun at the time of birth.
  22. Solar Return: n. The astrological chart cast for the exact moment when the Sun returns to its natal position each year, providing insights into the themes and influences for the upcoming year.
  23. Solar Arcs: n. A predictive technique in astrology that involves advancing the birth chart by a certain number of degrees per year, providing insights into major life events and timing.
  24. Solar Plexus Chakra: n. The third energy center in the body’s chakra system, associated with personal power, self-esteem, and identity, often considered in astrological healing and energy work.
  25. Square Aspect: n. An aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 90 degrees apart in the zodiac, indicating tension, challenges, and opportunities for growth and transformation.
  26. Scorpio Moon: n. A term used when the Moon is placed in the zodiac sign Scorpio in an individual’s birth chart, influencing their emotional nature, intensity, and transformative potential.
  27. Saturnian: adj. Describing qualities, characteristics, or energies associated with the planet Saturn, such as discipline, maturity, responsibility, and a focus on long-term goals.
  28. Synastry: n. The comparison and analysis of two or more birth charts to determine compatibility, relationship dynamics, and the potential for harmony or conflict.
  29. Synchronicity: n. The concept, popularized by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, that events in the external world can coincide with significant inner experiences or psychological states, often observed in astrology.
  30. Satellite: n. A term used in astrology to refer to celestial bodies that orbit larger planets, such as moons or natural satellites, exerting their influences within the planetary system.
  31. Solar System: n. The system consisting of the Sun, planets, asteroids, comets, and other celestial bodies that are bound by the Sun’s gravitational pull, forming the basis of astrological analysis.
  32. Solar Houses: n. The twelve divisions of a birth chart that represent different areas of life, determined by the location of the Sun at the time of birth.
  33. Sun Sign: n. The zodiac sign in which the Sun is placed at the time of an individual’s birth, often considered the most significant sign in astrology and influencing the core identity and ego expression.
  34. Sagittarius Ascendant: n. A term used when the zodiac sign Sagittarius is the rising sign or Ascendant in an individual’s birth chart, influencing their outward personality, approach to life, and self-expression.
  35. Synodic Cycle: n. The period between two successive conjunctions or oppositions of celestial bodies, such as the cycle between the Sun and Moon or between two planets, influencing their dynamic relationship.
  36. Sidereal Zodiac: n. A system of measuring the zodiac based on the actual positions of stars and constellations, rather than the tropical zodiac’s reference to the vernal equinox.
  37. Solar Eclipse: n. An eclipse that occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, temporarily blocking the Sun’s light and casting a shadow on Earth, signifying new beginnings and transformations.
  38. Solar Return: n. The astrological chart cast for the exact moment when the Sun returns to its natal position each year, providing insights into the themes and influences for the upcoming year.
  39. South Node: n. An imaginary point in astrology representing the descending lunar node, associated with past life influences, karmic patterns, and release of energies.
  40. Saturn Return: n. The astrological phenomenon that occurs when the planet Saturn completes its first full orbit around the Sun after an individual’s birth, marking a period of maturity, self-reflection, and life transitions.
  41. Solar Houses: n. The twelve divisions of a birth chart that represent different areas of life, determined by the location of the Sun at the time of birth.
  42. Saturnine: adj. Describing qualities, characteristics, or energies associated with the planet Saturn, such as discipline, responsibility, and a serious demeanor.
  43. Sextile Aspect: n. An aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 60 degrees apart in the zodiac, indicating harmonious and supportive energies between them.
  44. Sidereal Time: n. The measure of the Earth’s rotation with respect to the stars, used in astrology to determine the position of celestial bodies and calculate precise chart placements.
  45. Scorpio Rising: n. A term used when the zodiac sign Scorpio is the rising sign or Ascendant in an individual’s birth chart, influencing their outward demeanor, intensity, and transformative potential.
  46. Synastry: n. The comparison and analysis of two or more birth charts to determine compatibility, relationship dynamics, and the potential for harmony or conflict.
  47. Satellite: n. A term used in astrology to refer to celestial bodies that orbit larger planets, such as moons or natural satellites, exerting their influences within the planetary system.
  48. Significance: n. The importance or meaning attributed to a specific planetary placement, aspect, or astrological event in an individual’s birth chart or in predictive astrology.
  49. Solar Fire: n. A popular astrology software program used by astrologers for calculations, charting, and interpretation.


  1. Taurus: n. The second sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the Bull, associated with stability, practicality, determination, and sensual pleasures.

  2. Transit: n. The movement of a planet through the zodiac, influencing the energies and experiences of the present moment and their interaction with an individual’s birth chart.
  3. Tarot Astrology: n. The combination of astrology and tarot, where astrological principles are applied to tarot card readings to provide deeper insights and connections.
  4. Transpersonal Planets: n. Planets beyond Saturn, including Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, associated with collective energies, transformation, and the exploration of higher consciousness.
  5. Transcendental Meditation: n. A technique developed by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi that involves the repetition of a mantra to achieve deep relaxation and expanded awareness, sometimes used in conjunction with astrology.
  6. Trine Aspect: n. An aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 120 degrees apart in the zodiac, indicating harmonious and flowing energies between them.
  7. Tropical Zodiac: n. The division of the zodiac into twelve equal 30-degree segments, beginning at the vernal equinox and used in Western astrology.
  8. T-square Aspect: n. An aspect formed when two planets are in opposition and both form a square aspect with a third planet, creating a dynamic and challenging configuration.
  9. Tarot: n. A deck of cards used for divination and spiritual introspection, often combined with astrology to provide insights into personal and collective energies.
  10. Transits and Progressions: n. The combined study of transiting planets and progressed positions in an individual’s birth chart to determine current influences and future trends.
  11. Trine Synastry: n. The analysis of trine aspects between celestial bodies in the birth charts of two individuals, indicating harmonious and supportive connections in their relationship.
  12. Tarot Reading: n. The practice of using tarot cards to gain insight into a person’s past, present, and future, often combined with astrology to provide a more comprehensive understanding.
  13. Twelfth House: n. The house in a birth chart that represents the realm of the subconscious, hidden influences, spirituality, and self-transcendence.
  14. Triple Conjunction: n. The alignment of three celestial bodies in close proximity in the zodiac, signifying a potent concentration of energy and potential influence.
  15. Trinity: n. In astrology, the concept of three-fold energies or combinations, such as the Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign, representing different facets of an individual’s identity.
  16. Transpersonal Astrology: n. A branch of astrology that explores the spiritual and transpersonal dimensions of the birth chart, focusing on growth, transformation, and the integration of higher consciousness.
  17. Tropical Astrology: n. Another term for Western astrology, which utilizes the tropical zodiac and focuses on the interaction of planets with the Earth’s seasons.
  18. T-square Transit: n. The movement of a transiting planet to form a T-square configuration with two other planets in an individual’s birth chart, indicating a period of tension, challenges, and potential growth.
  19. Transiting Nodes: n. The current positions of the lunar nodes in the zodiac, indicating significant lessons, karmic influences, and opportunities for growth and evolution.
  20. Twelfth House Stellium: n. A concentration of three or more planets in the twelfth house of a birth chart, emphasizing the individual’s introspection, spiritual exploration, and connection to the collective unconscious.
  21. Tarot Spread: n. A specific arrangement of tarot cards used for a particular purpose, such as gaining insight into a specific question or exploring different aspects of life.
  22. Tarot Archetypes: n. The symbolic representations and characters depicted in tarot cards, embodying universal themes and archetypal energies that can be related to astrological concepts.
  23. Transcendent Function: n. A term coined by Carl Jung, referring to the process of integrating conscious and unconscious aspects of the psyche, often explored in relation to astrological dynamics.
  24. Time Lords: n. A predictive technique in Hellenistic astrology that assigns ruling periods to planets based on their chronological order, offering insights into key life themes and timing.
  25. Topocentric House System: n. A house system that takes into account the latitude and longitude of the birthplace, providing a more accurate representation of the houses in relation to the individual’s location.
  26. Transcendental Houses: n. The angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th) in a birth chart, associated with personal identity, home and family, partnerships, and career, respectively.
  27. Transcendental Astrology: n. An approach to astrology that seeks to explore the connection between celestial energies and the human psyche, aiming for spiritual growth, self-realization, and transcendence.
  28. Transitional Phase: n. The period of time between major astrological cycles or events, signifying a shift in energy and life circumstances as one cycle concludes and another begins.
  29. Tertiary Directions: n. A predictive technique that involves advancing the birth chart by a third of a degree per day, providing insights into daily influences and shorter-term events.
  30. Transpluto: n. A hypothetical planet sometimes used in astrology, representing the process of individuation and the integration of the shadow self.
  31. Transmutation: n. The process of transformation and change, often associated with alchemical principles and applied to personal growth and development in astrological contexts.
  32. Transcendence: n. The state of surpassing or going beyond ordinary limits, often explored in astrology as a means of spiritual growth, transcendental experiences, and connection to higher realms.
  33. Traditional Astrology: n. The practice of astrology based on ancient and classical principles, often drawing from historical texts and techniques.
  34. Triple Water Sign: n. A configuration in which three planets are located in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), indicating heightened emotional sensitivity, intuition, and depth of feeling.
  35. Temporal Strength: n. A concept in traditional astrology that assesses the strength of a planet based on its position, house placement, and aspects, influencing its significance and effectiveness.
  36. Taurus Moon: n. A term used when the Moon is placed in the zodiac sign Taurus in an individual’s birth chart, influencing their emotional nature, stability, and connection to the material world.
  37. Transcendental Meditation: n. A technique developed by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi that involves the repetition of a mantra to achieve deep relaxation and expanded awareness, sometimes used in conjunction with astrology.
  38. Trines and Sextiles: n. The aspects formed by planets that are approximately 120 degrees (trine) and 60 degrees (sextile) apart, indicating harmony, ease, and opportunities for growth.
  39. Time of Birth: n. The exact moment at which an individual is born, often recorded in hours, minutes, and seconds, used to determine the positions of celestial bodies in the birth chart.
  40. Transpersonal Planets: n. Planets beyond Saturn, including Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, associated with collective energies, transformation, and the exploration of higher consciousness.
  41. Transcendent: adj. Referring to experiences or states of being that go beyond ordinary perception or understanding, often associated with spiritual or mystical realms in astrology.
  42. Trine Aspect: n. An aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 120 degrees apart in the zodiac, indicating harmonious and flowing energies between them.
  43. Transit: n. The movement of a planet through the zodiac, influencing the energies and experiences of the present moment and their interaction with an individual’s birth chart.
  44. Tarot Astrology: n. The combination of astrology and tarot, where astrological principles are applied to tarot card readings to provide deeper insights and connections.
  45. Transpersonal Astrology: n. A branch of astrology that explores the spiritual and transpersonal dimensions of the birth chart, focusing on growth, transformation, and the integration of higher consciousness.
  46. Trine Synastry: n. The analysis of trine aspects between celestial bodies in the birth charts of two individuals, indicating harmonious and supportive connections in their relationship.
  47. Tropical Zodiac: n. The division of the zodiac into twelve equal 30-degree segments, beginning at the vernal equinox and used in Western astrology.
  48. Triple Conjunction: n. The alignment of three celestial bodies in close proximity in the zodiac, signifying a potent concentration of energy and potential influence.


  1. Uranus: n. The planet Uranus, associated with innovation, independence, originality, and sudden change, often associated with technological advancements and unconventional thinking.

  2. Underworld: n. A term in astrology that refers to the houses below the horizon in a birth chart, representing the individual’s private life, subconscious, and hidden aspects.
  3. Unaspected: adj. Describing a planet that does not form any major aspects with other celestial bodies in the birth chart, indicating its unique and independent influence.
  4. Universal Astrology: n. An approach to astrology that emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things and the universal principles and energies that govern the cosmos.
  5. Unconscious: n. In astrology, the realm of the mind and psyche that operates outside of conscious awareness, often revealed through the interpretation of dreams, symbols, and astrological indicators.
  6. Uranian Astrology: n. A system of astrology developed by Alfred Witte, focusing on the use of hypothetical planets and dynamic midpoints for precise and predictive techniques.
  7. Uranus Return: n. The astrological phenomenon that occurs when the planet Uranus completes its first full orbit around the Sun after an individual’s birth, marking a period of individuality, rebellion, and personal growth.
  8. Upachaya Houses: n. The 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 11th houses in a birth chart, associated with growth, accomplishments, success, and fulfillment of desires.
  9. Ultimate Dispositor: n. The planet that has the most essential dignity in a birth chart, exerting a significant influence and acting as a focal point for the individual’s energies.
  10. Unaspected Planet: n. A planet that does not form any major aspects with other planets in the birth chart, standing alone and having a distinct influence on the individual’s life.
  11. Universal Time: n. The time standard based on the mean solar time at the Prime Meridian (0 degrees longitude), used in astrology for accurate calculations and chart interpretations.
  12. Uranian Planets: n. The hypothetical planets used in Uranian astrology, including Cupido, Hades, Zeus, and Kronos, representing specific psychological and energetic dynamics.
  13. Universal House System: n. A house system in astrology that divides the birth chart into twelve equal segments, beginning at the Ascendant and equally distributing the houses around the wheel.
  14. Universe: n. The totality of all matter, energy, time, and space, including celestial bodies and cosmic forces, studied and analyzed in astrology to understand the interplay of energies.
  15. Unification: n. The concept in astrology that seeks to integrate and harmonize different aspects of an individual’s birth chart, creating a cohesive understanding of their personality and life experiences.
  16. Universe Consciousness: n. The awareness of the interconnectedness and interdependence of all beings and phenomena in the universe, explored in spiritual and esoteric astrology.
  17. Unpredictability: n. The quality of being unpredictable or unexpected, often associated with certain planetary influences or aspects that introduce uncertainty or sudden changes.
  18. Universal Time Zone: n. The standard time used globally, divided into multiple time zones based on longitudinal divisions, providing a consistent reference for astrological calculations and events.
  19. Uranian Astrology: n. A system of astrology developed by Alfred Witte, focusing on the use of hypothetical planets and dynamic midpoints for precise and predictive techniques.
  20. Unmanifest: adj. Referring to a state or aspect of existence that is not yet apparent or visible, often associated with potential and latent energies in astrology.
  21. Universe: n. The totality of all matter, energy, time, and space, including celestial bodies and cosmic forces, studied and analyzed in astrology to understand the interplay of energies.
  22. Uranian Planets: n. The hypothetical planets used in Uranian astrology, including Cupido, Hades, Zeus, and Kronos, representing specific psychological and energetic dynamics.
  23. Universal House System: n. A house system in astrology that divides the birth chart into twelve equal segments, beginning at the Ascendant and equally distributing the houses around the wheel.
  24. Universal Time: n. The time standard based on the mean solar time at the Prime Meridian (0 degrees longitude), used in astrology for accurate calculations and chart interpretations.
  25. Uranus Return: n. The astrological phenomenon that occurs when the planet Uranus completes its first full orbit around the Sun after an individual’s birth, marking a period of individuality, rebellion, and personal growth.
  26. Uranian Astrology: n. A system of astrology developed by Alfred Witte, focusing on the use of hypothetical planets and dynamic midpoints for precise and predictive techniques.
  27. Ultimate Dispositor: n. The planet that has the most essential dignity in a birth chart, exerting a significant influence and acting as a focal point for the individual’s energies.
  28. Upachaya Houses: n. The 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 11th houses in a birth chart, associated with growth, accomplishments, success, and fulfillment of desires.
  29. Unaspected Planet: n. A planet that does not form any major aspects with other planets in the birth chart, standing alone and having a distinct influence on the individual’s life.
  30. Unconscious: n. In astrology, the realm of the mind and psyche that operates outside of conscious awareness, often revealed through the interpretation of dreams, symbols, and astrological indicators.


  1. Venus: n. The planet Venus, associated with love, beauty, harmony, relationships, and artistic expression.
  2. Vedic Astrology: n. An ancient system of astrology originating in India, also known as Jyotish, that utilizes a sidereal zodiac and emphasizes karmic influences and spiritual growth.
  3. Void of Course: adj. Referring to a planet that does not form any major aspects with other planets before leaving its current sign, signifying a period of inactivity or uncertainty.
  4. Vertex: n. A sensitive point in the birth chart, representing significant fated encounters, karmic connections, and spiritual lessons.
  5. Virgo: n. The sixth sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the Virgin, associated with practicality, organization, attention to detail, and analytical thinking.
  6. Vernal Equinox: n. The point in time when the Sun crosses the celestial equator, marking the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and the start of the astrological year.
  7. Vibration: n. The energetic frequency or resonance associated with celestial bodies and their influence on individuals and events, studied and interpreted in astrology.
  8. Vedic Houses: n. The twelve divisions of a birth chart in Vedic astrology, representing different aspects of life and areas of experience.
  9. Vocational Astrology: n. The branch of astrology that focuses on career paths, professional talents, and vocational guidance based on the birth chart.
  10. Venus Return: n. The astrological phenomenon that occurs when the planet Venus completes its first full orbit around the Sun after an individual’s birth, marking a period of personal values, relationships, and creativity.
  11. Void of Course Moon: n. A period when the Moon forms no major aspects with other planets before leaving its current sign, suggesting a time of introspection, rest, and reflection.
  12. Vedic Horoscope: n. The birth chart or horoscope created using Vedic astrology techniques, providing insights into an individual’s personality, destiny, and life events.
  13. Vulcan: n. A hypothetical planet proposed by astronomer and astrologer Alfred Witte, representing transformation, regeneration, and healing energies.
  14. Venusian: adj. Describing qualities, characteristics, or energies associated with the planet Venus, such as beauty, charm, diplomacy, and affection.
  15. Vedic Nakshatras: n. The lunar mansions or lunar asterisms used in Vedic astrology, dividing the zodiac into twenty-seven segments for more detailed analysis and predictions.
  16. Vertex Axis: n. The axis formed by the Vertex and Anti-Vertex points in the birth chart, representing significant fated encounters and relationships.
  17. Void of Course Moon: n. A period when the Moon forms no major aspects with other planets before leaving its current sign, suggesting a time of introspection, rest, and reflection.
  18. Vedic Astrologer: n. An astrologer who specializes in Vedic astrology, using the principles and techniques of the ancient Indian astrological system.
  19. Vibrational Astrology: n. An approach to astrology that emphasizes the energetic qualities and vibrations of celestial bodies, focusing on their influence on individual and collective consciousness.
  20. Vocational Houses: n. The houses in a birth chart that provide insights into one’s career, profession, and vocational pursuits, often analyzed in vocational astrology.
  21. Venus Retrograde: n. The apparent backward movement of the planet Venus in its orbit, as observed from Earth, believed to influence romantic relationships, values, and financial matters during the retrograde period.
  22. Vedic Astrology: n. An ancient system of astrology originating in India, also known as Jyotish, that utilizes a sidereal zodiac and emphasizes karmic influences and spiritual growth.
  23. Vocational Astrology: n. The branch of astrology that focuses on career paths, professional talents, and vocational guidance based on the birth chart.
  24. Vesta: n. One of the four major asteroids in astrology, representing devotion, focus, dedication, and the sacred flame within.
  25. Volatile: adj. Describing energies or planetary configurations in astrology that are unpredictable, changeable, and prone to sudden shifts or disruptions.
  26. Virgo Rising: n. A term used when the zodiac sign Virgo is the rising sign or Ascendant in an individual’s birth chart, influencing their outward demeanor, analytical nature, and attention to detail.
  27. Void of Course: adj. Referring to a planet that does not form any major aspects with other planets before leaving its current sign, signifying a period of inactivity or uncertainty.
  28. Vertex: n. A sensitive point in the birth chart, representing significant fated encounters, karmic connections, and spiritual lessons.
  29. Vernal Equinox: n. The point in time when the Sun crosses the celestial equator, marking the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and the start of the astrological year.
  30. Vibration: n. The energetic frequency or resonance associated with celestial bodies and their influence on individuals and events, studied and interpreted in astrology.


  1. Water Signs: n. The astrological signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, characterized by emotional sensitivity, intuition, and a deep connection to the subconscious.
  2. Waning Moon: n. The phase of the Moon when it appears to decrease in size after the Full Moon, associated with release, letting go, and introspection.
  3. Waxing Moon: n. The phase of the Moon when it appears to increase in size from New Moon to Full Moon, associated with growth, manifestation, and intention-setting.
  4. Western Astrology: n. The astrological tradition originating in the Western world, utilizing the tropical zodiac and focusing on psychological, personality-based interpretations.
  5. Wobble: n. The slight oscillation or variation in the Earth’s rotational axis, known as precession, which affects the alignment of the zodiac signs over time.
  6. Whole Sign Houses: n. A house system in astrology where each sign occupies an entire house, providing a straightforward and intuitive approach to house interpretation.
  7. Wheel of Houses: n. The circular diagram of the birth chart, divided into twelve houses, representing different areas of life and their relationship to the Ascendant and Midheaven.
  8. Winter Solstice: n. The point in time when the Sun reaches its southernmost position in the sky, marking the shortest day and longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.
  9. Waning Crescent: n. The Moon phase just before the New Moon, characterized by a small sliver of the illuminated side visible, symbolizing completion and surrender.
  10. Waxing Crescent: n. The Moon phase just after the New Moon, characterized by a small sliver of the illuminated side visible, symbolizing new beginnings and growth.
  11. Waning Gibbous: n. The Moon phase just after the Full Moon, characterized by a decreasing illuminated side, symbolizing completion, release, and integration.
  12. Waxing Gibbous: n. The Moon phase just before the Full Moon, characterized by an increasing illuminated side, symbolizing growth, expansion, and culmination.
  13. Waning Square: n. The aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 270 degrees apart, indicating a challenging and transformative phase of the lunar cycle.
  14. Waxing Square: n. The aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 90 degrees apart, indicating a dynamic and action-oriented phase of the lunar cycle.
  15. Warrior Energy: n. An astrological concept associated with the planet Mars, symbolizing assertiveness, courage, passion, and the pursuit of personal desires.
  16. Wheel of the Zodiac: n. A circular representation of the zodiac signs, depicting their sequential order and relationship to each other in the astrological wheel.
  17. Waning Trine: n. The aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 240 degrees apart, indicating a harmonious and reflective phase of the lunar cycle.
  18. Waxing Trine: n. The aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 120 degrees apart, indicating a harmonious and expansive phase of the lunar cycle.
  19. White Moon: n. A point in astrology representing the Moon’s orbit around the Earth, used in some astrological systems to calculate lunar cycles and patterns.
  20. Water Houses: n. The houses in a birth chart associated with emotions, intuition, relationships, creativity, and the subconscious mind.
  21. Winter Signs: n. The zodiac signs of Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, spanning the winter season and characterized by introspection, innovation, and spiritual depth.
  22. Waning Sextile: n. The aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 300 degrees apart, indicating a supportive and transformative phase of the lunar cycle.
  23. Waxing Sextile: n. The aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 60 degrees apart, indicating a harmonious and cooperative phase of the lunar cycle.
  24. Wandering Stars: n. A term used to refer to the planets in astrology, as they appear to move across the celestial sphere against the backdrop of fixed stars.
  25. Waning Quadrant: n. The phase of the Moon when it is past the Third Quarter and moving towards the New Moon, symbolizing release, reflection, and preparation for new beginnings.
  26. Waxing Quadrant: n. The phase of the Moon when it is past the First Quarter and moving towards the Full Moon, symbolizing growth, action, and the pursuit of goals.
  27. Widely Conjunct: adj. Describing planets or celestial bodies that are close in degrees but not exact in their conjunction aspect, indicating a significant influence despite a slight separation.
  28. Widely Opposition: adj. Referring to planets or celestial bodies that are close in degrees but not exact in their opposition aspect, signifying a notable tension or polarity despite a slight separation.
  29. Widely Square: adj. Describing planets or celestial bodies that are close in degrees but not exact in their square aspect, indicating a significant challenge or conflict despite a slight separation.
  30. Waxing Opposition: n. The aspect formed when two celestial bodies are approximately 180 degrees apart, indicating a phase of heightened awareness, relationship dynamics, and integration.


  1. X-Factor: n. A term used in astrology to refer to an elusive or mysterious quality that adds a unique and captivating element to a person’s personality or chart.

  2. Xenophobia: n. In astrology, the fear or aversion towards foreign or unfamiliar energies, often seen as an aspect of the personality influenced by certain planetary placements.
  3. Xenogeny: n. A term used in astrological forecasting to describe the influence of external or environmental factors on an individual’s life path and development.
  4. X-Ray Vision: n. A metaphorical expression used in astrology to describe a person’s heightened intuition or ability to perceive hidden aspects of situations or individuals.
  5. X-Axis: n. In astrology, the horizontal line that divides the birth chart into upper and lower hemispheres, representing the conscious and unconscious aspects of an individual’s life.
  6. Xenodochial: adj. Describing an astrological placement or configuration that indicates a welcoming, open, and hospitable nature towards others.
  7. Xenocracy: n. A term used in astrological discourse to describe a form of governance or leadership influenced by foreign or external forces.
  8. Xiphoid: adj. Referring to an astrological point or placement that represents the sternum or breastbone, often associated with themes of protection, vulnerability, and self-defense.
  9. Xenotropic: adj. Describing an astrological placement or aspect that denotes an attraction to or affinity for foreign cultures, ideas, or influences.
  10. Xenophilic: adj. Referring to an astrological trait or characteristic that denotes a strong affinity for foreign or different cultures, people, or experiences.
  11. Xenium: n. An astrological concept referring to an individual’s innate capacity to adapt and embrace different cultural, religious, or philosophical perspectives.
  12. Xenodrachms: n. A term used in ancient astrological texts to refer to specific coins or tokens associated with rituals or talismans used in astrological practices.
  13. Xanadu: n. A metaphorical term used in astrology to describe a place or state of idealized happiness, harmony, and fulfillment.
  14. Xeric: adj. Describing an astrological environment or placement that is arid, dry, or lacking in emotional expression or nurturing qualities.
  15. Xenoglossy: n. An astrological concept that refers to the ability to speak or understand a foreign or unknown language, symbolizing the capacity to tap into higher realms of knowledge.
  16. Xenobathmism: n. An astrological term used to describe the exploration of other dimensions or realms of consciousness through dreamwork, meditation, or altered states of awareness.
  17. X-Ray Astrology: n. An alternative term for Uranian astrology, a system of astrology that focuses on the use of hypothetical planets and dynamic midpoints for precise and predictive techniques.
  18. Xenoastrology: n. An emerging field that explores the possibility of astrological systems or interpretations on planets or celestial bodies beyond our solar system.
  19. Xenomancy: n. An ancient form of divination that utilizes the observation of foreign or unusual phenomena as a means of interpreting future events, sometimes incorporating astrological principles.
  20. Xylograph: n. An astrological term used to refer to a specific type of talisman or charm made from engraved wood, often inscribed with astrological symbols or sigils for specific purposes.


  1. Yin: n. A concept in astrology representing the receptive, feminine, and introspective energies, often associated with the Moon and the water signs.

  2. Yod: n. An astrological configuration formed by two planets in sextile aspect, both forming inconjunct aspects to a third planet, indicating a complex and transformative energy pattern.
  3. Yearly Forecast: n. A type of astrological reading or consultation that focuses on predicting and analyzing the major themes and influences for the upcoming year based on the individual’s birth chart.
  4. Yearly Profections: n. A predictive technique in astrology that involves advancing the Ascendant of the birth chart by one sign each year, providing insights into the significant themes and experiences for that year.
  5. Yantra: n. A geometric diagram or symbol used in Vedic astrology as a visual representation of specific planetary energies and their auspicious influences.
  6. Yogi Point: n. A term used in astrology to refer to the degree of a planet or sensitive point where it gains strength and prominence in the birth chart.
  7. Yellow Sapphire: n. A gemstone associated with the planet Jupiter in astrology, believed to enhance wisdom, abundance, and spiritual growth.
  8. Year Ruler: n. The planet ruling over a specific year in astrology, often determined by the annual profections technique or other predictive methods.
  9. Yin and Yang: n. A fundamental concept in astrology, representing the duality and interplay of masculine (yang) and feminine (yin) energies, symbolizing balance and harmony.
  10. Yoni: n. In Vedic astrology, the term refers to the classification of the twelve zodiac signs into different animal symbols representing their energetic qualities.
  11. Yajna Yoga: n. An astrological combination or configuration that indicates a person’s inclination towards religious or spiritual pursuits and involvement in ceremonial activities.
  12. Yin Houses: n. The houses in a birth chart associated with receptive and internal energies, representing areas of life where introspection, nurturing, and emotional expression are prominent.
  13. Yearly Transits: n. The movement of planets through the zodiac signs and their interaction with an individual’s birth chart over the course of a year, providing insights into significant events and experiences.
  14. Yantra Meditation: n. A meditation practice that involves focusing on a specific yantra symbol to connect with the energetic qualities associated with a particular planet or deity.


  1. Zodiac: n. The band of the celestial sphere divided into twelve equal parts, each representing a specific zodiac sign, through which the Sun, Moon, and planets appear to travel.

  2. Zenith: n. The point on the celestial sphere directly above an observer’s location, representing the highest point in the sky.
  3. Zodiacal Signs: n. The twelve signs of the zodiac, each representing a specific portion of the ecliptic and associated with distinct qualities, characteristics, and elements.
  4. Zenith Passage: n. The moment when a celestial body, such as the Sun or a planet, reaches its highest point in the sky, indicating a time of heightened influence.
  5. Zen Astrology: n. A modern approach to astrology that incorporates Zen philosophy and mindfulness practices into the interpretation and application of astrological principles.
  6. Zenith Astrology: n. An astrological technique that focuses on the angles between planets and the zenith point at the moment of birth, emphasizing their significance in the birth chart.
  7. Zodiacal Releasing: n. A predictive technique in Hellenistic astrology that divides an individual’s life into chapters based on the movement of the Lot of Fortune through the zodiac signs.
  8. Zenith Distance: n. The angular distance between a celestial body and the zenith, measured along the observer’s meridian.
  9. Zodiacal Aspect: n. An aspect formed between two celestial bodies within the zodiac, indicating a specific geometric relationship and energetic interaction between them.
  10. Zen Chart: n. A simplified form of the birth chart that focuses on essential astrological elements, such as the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, and major planetary aspects.
  11. Zodiacal Hours: n. A system in Hellenistic astrology that assigns specific planetary rulerships to different hours of the day and night for divination and timing purposes.
  12. Zodiacal Mansions: n. The division of the ecliptic into twenty-eight segments, each associated with a specific star or asterism, used in ancient astrological and magical traditions.
  13. Zenith Astrology: n. An astrological technique that focuses on the angles between planets and the zenith point at the moment of birth, emphasizing their significance in the birth chart.
  14. Zenith Passage: n. The moment when a celestial body, such as the Sun or a planet, reaches its highest point in the sky, indicating a time of heightened influence.